
KS1 Why do Jewish families say so many prayers and blessings?123063094615What should we know?Jewish people:Say prayers and blessings to God because it reminds them how great God is.Say thank you to God for all he provides.Have a day of rest each week called Shabbat.Pray at both home and the synagogue.Sometimes wear special clothes.00What should we know?Jewish people:Say prayers and blessings to God because it reminds them how great God is.Say thank you to God for all he provides.Have a day of rest each week called Shabbat.Pray at both home and the synagogue.Sometimes wear special clothes.left79375Prior learningJewish people believe good deeds are important. HELP others in need.WELCOME others.GIVE money to help other peopleCARE for the world.00Prior learningJewish people believe good deeds are important. HELP others in need.WELCOME others.GIVE money to help other peopleCARE for the world.3455670125095 00 755142094615What should we be able to do?Recognise a Jewish sukkah.Recall when a Jewish person might say a special blessing. Describe what is special about Shabbat. Describe what some Jewish people wear when they pray.00What should we be able to do?Recognise a Jewish sukkah.Recall when a Jewish person might say a special blessing. Describe what is special about Shabbat. Describe what some Jewish people wear when they pray.361188010160‘Blessed are you, Lord our GOD, King of the Universe’00‘Blessed are you, Lord our GOD, King of the Universe’4086225571500What words should we understand and be able to use?SukkahA special hut built during the festival Sukkot.SynagogueKnown as the ‘House of Prayer,’ a Jewish community house.ShabbatThe Jewish day of rest. TallitJewish prayer shawl. Kippah1854200-37465A head covering for Jews. Havdalah ceremony2571750-35750500marks the end of Shabbat. ................

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