Malala NotesWhat was her inspiration?“ We don’t learn the importance of anything until it is snatched from our hands”“They do not want women to get an education because women would become more powerful”How did this start?-The Taliban came to Swat Valley in 2004-They started real terrorism in 2007-They blasted schools-January 2009 the Taliban would slaughter 2/3 people per night-They were cruel-Harsh days-“Darkest days of our life”“It was a really hard time for us.”-They closed down schools- made it so girls could not get an education“My father was great encouragement for me.”-He spoke up for girls’ right to education-He inspired her to speak up-She raised her voice on every platform- “I need to tell the people that the people of Swat Valley are suffering” In 2012, she heard that the Taliban had threatened her-She didn’t think the Taliban would be that cruel to threaten a child, she was 14- When asked what she would do if she came face-to-face with a Talib (member of the Taliban) She said that in her mind she had planned out her response and would hit them with a shoe. But then, she changed her mind because if she did that , there’s no difference between them. “You must not treat others with cruelty. You must fight others but through peace, dialogue, and education. “She decided that if she came face-to-face with a Talib, she would tell him the importance of education. How did the Taliban gain power in Malala’s country and community?The Taliban got power because they convinced people by misusing the name of Islam, the religion people in the area practice-They (Taliban) made the courts better and earned people’s supportWhat did the Taliban do once they gained power?-They were cruel, blasted the electricity during Ramadan so they could not have water-Her father bought a generator for the school and for the community.-Freedom was taken- they were not allowed to go to market or to school-Women were imprisoned, had no rights, that’s why she spoke out- she believes in equality-They were really cruel- they had guns and fear was all around-They were misusing the name of Islam, they were using religion for their personal benefit.-The girls in her school spoke up for their rights-The girls didn’t know what impact they would have by speaking out-they were speaking for peaceHow does she think we can achieve peace?-She thinks the people of the U.S.A. want peace, she thinks dialogue (talking, conversation) is the best way-The solution is educationThe best way to fight is through education-Children are suffering, education is the best way to solve the problem-education teaches a lot of really important things- justice, respect, communication, history-The best way to fight terrorism is through education-Malala foundation is trying to help children in Syria and India ................

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