Alex Weaver Direct and Cross ExaminationsDirect: Alex WeaverP: Um. Alex Weaver do you know about the drug problem at Rosewood?AW: Um. Can you - Nevermind. Yeah I did.P: Do you know what Adderall is?AW: Yes I do.P: Uh, Alright. So what is your relationship with Jason?AW: He is my friend.P: Uh, what about Rae?AW: He’s an, he’s an acquaintance. P: What does that mean?AW: I don’t - I don’t really consider him my friend. P: Uh, so you don’t like Rae?AW: I never said that.P: How - how do you feel about Rae?AW: I just feel like - I was just getting a bad vibe about him. P: Alright, did you know Rae had a prescription because of he has ADHD?AW: I think I knew that. P: Have you ever seen Rae with side effects of ADHD?AW: He’s always acting weird so. P: Huh?AW: I mean - what?P: Have you ever seen Rae with side effects of ADHD?AW: Um, I feel like he just did it for attention, so.P: Alright so. Uhh, so. So uh… I don’t know what this was. Uh, one morning, you sat with Rae and Sam, right?AW: What morning?P: And…? And I don’t know what morning, Rae was trying to get - Were you there when Rae was questioning Sam if he was into Adderall?AW: I’m not aware of what morning you’re talking about. I’m sorry, sir.P: Do you want to read your…?AW: Yeah I wanna read it. P: Right there. (points at line) AW: Alright. P: Yeah. All of that.AW: That morning (unclear mumbling)... P: Louder please.AW: Oh you want me to read it out loud? Ok. I’m sorry.AW: “That morning I sat with Sam and Rae just before band practice. I told them my suspicion that Jason had a bad reaction to drugs. And then Rae said something about Jason taking ‘addy’ and asked Sam if Sam was into that stuff. I don’t remember if Rae said anything to Sam about where to get Adderall. I do remember that it was a tense moment. It seemed to me that Rae wanted Sam to be interested in Adderall.” Oh that’s it. ?P: Do you know why Rae would try to get Sam interested?AW: Because - Because I knew the bad influence Rae was on people. P: Huh? Can you say that again?AW: I knew the bad influence Rae was on people. P: Alright, so do you remember the talk you had with Jason when he returned from school?AW: Um, yes. P: Uh, can you - can you read it?AW: Uh… I don’t wanna - I don’t wanna discuss this.J: Mr. Weaver, you are under oath, you have to answer the question.AW: I don’t recall the -P: Can you please read those underlined parts right there?AW: Ok. “Later that same day, Jason told me that Rae sold him the Adderall pills.” P: Alright so. You would tell me that Rae sold Adderall to Jason?AW: Yeah, since he -P: Ok. Since Rae has done it before, do you it is possible that Rae would do it again?AW: Um, it’s a possibility.DF: Objection. It’s based on speculation. J: Counsel, please adjust that question.P: So do you think it is quite possible that Rae sold Jason drugs on the day he died because he had done it before?DF: Objection, hearsay.J: It is based on something that was already spoken and written into the witness testimony. Counsel, can you please read what lines the fact was previously stated in?AW: “Later that same day, Jason told me that Rae sold him the Adderall pills.”P: Alright, can you read lines 17 through 19?J: Counsel, where are we getting with this? (unclear words) this information?P: To go back.J: First you got to state why you’re having them read those lines. And then you can have them read it.P: Oh it’s for a different question.J: If it’s for different information, then what’s that different information?P: Is it true that Jason told you that he needs to stop drinking-DF: Objection: it’s based on gossip.J: Overruled.P: Is it true that Jason told you he needs to stop drinking and taking Adderall?AW: Yeah.P: Alright so -DF: Objection, leading question. J: Sustained. Rephrase the question or move on.P: Alright. I’ll just move on. Alright so, is it true you lost your backpack?DF: Objection, leading question.J: Sustained. Please rephrase the question.P: Uh, do you know - hold on can I get a timeout? Can I get a recess? J: Recess.J: We will continue with the last statement. Please stand in the middle and project your voice. Alright you may begin.P: Alex Weaver, when did you lose your backpack?AW: I can’t - I can’t remember, like off my head I’m sorry. P: Can you read this please?AW: “I had a blue backpack for most of the year, but the zipper broke in early March sometime, and I threw it away. I since used an old red backpack of mine for school stuff, whenever I use a backpack, that is. Anyway, I never had any backpack with me that night, and I would never sell drugs. I wouldn’t want to jeopardize my opportunity to go to college.” P: Since, since you didn’t have your backpack on the day of the concert, there’s no way you could have left it in the van, right?AW: TrueP: Alright so… So, so, so since your backpack wasn’t in the car and since you lost your backpack- Alright, we’re just done. Cross: Alex WeaverDF: Have you ever taken any Adderall pills? Can you read lines 30 to 32AW: I played the show feeling a little more ampedDF: Did you ever put effort into the band club?AW: Yeah… yeahDF: Was there a reason why you looked away when Officer Doherty talked to you about Jason’s death?P: Objection: Irrelevant evidenceJ: objection sustained.DF: I’ll skip the question I guess. On the night you went to the concert, who did you say drove you to the placeAW: Rae.DF: When did you lose your backpack?AW: DF: Would you say Rae was trying to pull Jason out of your way?AW: What do you mean by that?DF: AW: Rae was being a bad influenceDF: Can you read the line right hereAW: It was weird to me that Rae showed interestD: Why do you think Rae was showing interestAW: Bad influence on Jason. Doing D: Is that how you saw it or what was actually happening?AW:D: Back to the pills found in Rae’s AW: I personally think they weren’t prescribed.D: Please read thisAW: It’s common knowledge that Rae takes D: So you do agree that Rae takes Adderall AW: I don’tD: Well how would you know yourself if Rae was fakingAW:D: In what circumstance did you not trustAW: i didn’t trust Rae with Jason because Rae carried Adderall and they hung out often and that caused his death.D: You said Rae isn’t trustworthy but have you ever giveAW: I never personally seen Rae give a substanceD: That would be all.Redirect: Alex WeaverNo redirect. ................

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