LESSON 5 JUNE 30, 2024

SUBJECT: Fearless Witness Devotional Reading: Philippians 3:1-14

Background Scripture: Acts 26:1-11 LESSON SCRIPTURE: Acts 26:1-11

Memory Verse: Now it is because of my hope in what God has promised our ancestors that I am on trial today. Acts 26:6 NIV

LESSON AIM: To be encouraged to witness fearlessly for Christ in every situation.



1. This week’s lesson will show Paul as a witness for Christ. What enabled Paul and other apostles to always give a good defense and testimony for Christ? Matthew 10:16-20


2. What King was Paul brought before? Where did this take place? Locate on a New Testament map. Acts 25:23-24; 26:1a


3. Why was Paul not tried in Jerusalem as requested by the Jews? Acts 25:9-12 (Acts 22:23-29)

4. Why was Paul brought before King Agrippa? Acts 25:13-22

5. What did King Agrippa give Paul permission to do? Acts 26:1

6. How did Paul feel about the accusations brought against him as a prisoner for Christ? Acts 26:2a

7. Who had brought the charges against Paul? Acts 26:2b

8. What were some of the charges brought against Paul? Acts 21:27-28; 24:5-9

9. What did Paul say about the charges brought against him? Acts 24:12-13, 21; 25:8

10. Why did Paul think it would be easy to speak to King Agrippa? Acts 26:3

11. What roles had King Agrippa’s family played in the life of the Jewish nation and Christians. This Agrippa is known in history as King Herod Agrippa II.

|His great grandfather – Matthew 2:16 | |

|His great uncle – Matthew 14:1-12 | |

|His father – Acts 12:1-3 | |

12. Why do you think Paul complimented King Agrippa and showed respect for him as mentioned Acts 26:2-3?


13. What did Paul’s accusers know about him? Acts 26:4-5a (Galatians 1:13-14; Philippians 3:5-6)

14. What Jewish sect did Paul belong before becoming a Christian? Acts 26:5b

15. Why did Paul say he was on trial? Acts 26:6, 7b

16. Should Paul’s Jewish accusers have known about the promised hope he was speaking about? Acts 26:7a

17. What did Paul’s hope rest on? Acts 13:32-35

18. Why should this have been the hope of his Jewish accusers? Isaiah 9:6-7; 11:1-5; Jeremiah 23:5-6

19. What did Paul find hard to understand about his fellow Jews (especially the Pharisees)? Acts 26:8

20. What record did the Jews have that such had occurred? 1 Kings 17:17-22; 2 Kings 4:32-35; Job 14:14; 19:26-27

21. What prophecy was told about the Messiah’s death and resurrection? Isaiah 53:1-12

22. What are the benefits of Jesus’ death and resurrection? Romans 4:25

23. Why is the resurrection essential in proving that Jesus is the Messiah, the hope of Israel and all believers? 1 Corinthians 15:12-19


24. Whose name did Paul viciously oppose? Acts 26:9

25. What did Paul do to show his opposition against those who followed Jesus? Acts 26:10-11

|v. 10a | |

|v. 10b | |

|v. 10c | |

|v. 10d | |

|v. 11a | |

|v. 11b | |

|v. 11c | |

26. Who was the first Christian martyr to die under Paul’s persecution? Acts 7:54-8:2

IV. PAUL’S CONVERSION (ACTS 26:12-18, 30-32)

27. What did Paul share with King Agrippa about his conversion to Christianity? Acts 26:12-18

28. What was King Agrippa’s assessment of Paul? Acts 26:30-31

29. Where was Paul’s final destination after coming before King Agrippa? Locate and trace Paul’s journey on the map above. Paul was executed by the Roman emperor Nero sometime between 64 and 67 AD. Acts 26:32; (25:25; 28:16)


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