
NAME: _________________________PART 1 - HardwareResearch and answer the following questions ON THIS SHEET. Once you have completed it, place a copy in the HandIn folder for evaluation.1.Define the following computers terms: a) hardware- give 2 examplesb) computer peripherals- give 2 examples2.Either find an EXTERNAL diagram of a computer or neatly draw a sketch of a computer system. Identify as many external components as possible on your computer diagram. (Your diagram should at least have the following components: computer casing, keyboard, monitor, mouse, scanner, optical drives, and speakers). Below your diagram provide definitions and purpose of each of the components on your diagram. 3.Provide definitions and functions (what these parts do) for the following components that are found inside your computer: power supply, motherboard, CPU, expansion slots, hard drive, BUS, RAM (random access memory) and ROM (read only memory). A table-format would work best.4.What is the unit that a CPU’s performance is measured in? What does it mean? Give examples of two different types of CPU’s and in what computer system you are likely to find them in.5.What is binary code? Why do computers use binary code?6.Provide definitions for the following terms: bit, byte, kilobyte (kB), megabyte (MB), gigabyte (GB), Terabyte (TB).PART 2 – Storage Research common data storage devices and fill in the following table:Storage OptionAdvantageDisadvantageInternal Hard DriveUSB memory keys or “sticks”CD-RW and DVD-RWExternal Hard Drives CloudsOther?PART 3 - ComparisonSo far, we have focused on the traditional personal desktop computer and although they are found in nearly every home, many people are looking at replacing them with a more practical and portable device. Even here at school, the newest trend is to replace desktop computers with Chromebook (“netbook”) laptops or iPad tablets for student use. Although they are definitely more practical and portable, you may still be a bit hesitant to get rid of your old desktop as Chromebooks also have limitations.You are required to research Google Chromebooks and compare/contrast them to desktop PCs like the IBM PC’s that we have in our computer labs. Then choose 3 to 5 different criteria for your comparison analysis. Under the “Comparison Criteria” column provide an explanation for each of your criteria. Under the “Chromebook” and “Desktop” column elaborate on the advantages, disadvantages, or limitations of the computer platform for each of the corresponding criterion. Comparison CriteriaChromebookDesktop1Memory StorageNone1-3 TB2345 ................

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