
Multiple Choice Questions (2 pts. each)

1. Which of the following terms includes all others in the list?

A. monosaccharide

B. disaccharide

C. starch

D. carbohydrate

*E. polysaccharide

2. A _______ is made up of many monomers joined together in long chains

A. salt

*B. protein

C. ethanol

D. methane

E. propane

3. Choose the pair of terms that correctly completes this sentence: “Nucleotides are to _______ as ________ are to proteins”.

*A. nucleic acids; amino acids

B. amino acids; polypeptides

C. polypeptides; carbohydrates

D. genes; enzymes

E. polymers; polypeptides

4. The number of bonds between the carbon atoms in C2H2 is ___.

A. 4

*B. 3

C. 2

D. 1

E. None of the above

5. Starch is a polymer formed by the linking of many ___________.

*A. saccharides

B. amino acids

C. triglycerides

D. peptides

E. deoxyribonucleic acid molecules

6. Carbon links with other carbon atoms to form a hydrocarbon. Which of the following is not one of the skeletons in which these links of carbon atoms can appear?

A. rings

*B. vortices

C. branched chains

D. chains

7. In the laboratory on evaporation of hydrocarbons, the relationship between polarity and the rate of evaporation (you used temperature as a surrogate) was which of the following?

A. Evaporation rate was unaffected by polarity

B. Evaporation rate increased with an increase in polarity

*C. Evaporation rate increased with a decrease in polarity

D. All of the above

E. None of the above

8. Orange juice (or a bagel) is a source of biological macromolecules. The source of the carbon atoms stored in the C – C bonds in orange juice (or the bagel) is _________.

*A. carbon dioxide

B. sunlight

C. anabolism

D. catabolism

9. The following figure is a diagrammatic representation of ________.


A. Silicon molecule

B. buckeyballs

*C. aromatic hydrocarbon

D. chain hydrocarbon

10. The following diagram is an example of a ___________.


*A. Nucleotide

B. Polysaccharide

C. Tertiary conformation of protein

D. Polypeptide

E. None of the above

11. The secondary (2nd) conformation/folding of a protein is _________.

*A. analogous to that of the DNA double helix

B. driven by the folding of the sequence of amino acids in a three dimensional space

C. based on the merger/linkage of multiple polysaccharides

D. based on the linear sequence of amino acids

12. The structure shown below is for glycine, the simplest _____.


*A. amino acid

B. simple sugar

C. fatty acid

D. starch

13. Which spectral type of star, among those listed has the highest surface temperature?

A spectral type M

*B spectral type B

C spectral type A

D spectral type G

E It cannot be determined with only the information given.

14. In which part of a main sequence star does nuclear fusion take place?

A corona

B photosphere

C convective zone

D radiative zone

*E core

15. Which of the following best represents the sequence of events in the life of a star like the Sun?

A gaseous nebula, protostar, White Dwarf , Main Sequence star, Red Giant, Planetary Nebula

B gaseous nebula, protostar, Main Sequence star, Planetary Nebula, White Dwarf, Red Giant

C gaseous nebula, protostar, Red Giant, Planetary Nebula, Main Sequence star, White Dwarf

*D gaseous nebula, protostar, Main Sequence star, Red Giant, Planetary Nebula, White Dwarf

E gaseous nebula, White Dwarf, protostar, Main Sequence star, Red Giant, Planetary Nebula

16. The following are apparent magnitudes of stars. Which represents the brightest star in our skies of those listed?

A 5.0

B 28.0

C 2.0

D 0.1

*E -1.2

17. The following are absolute magnitudes of stars. Which represents the brightest star in our skies of those listed?

A 5.0

B 28.0

C 2.0

D 0.1

*E You cannot determine this fact from absolute magnitudes.

18. Of the following, the H-R Diagram is best described as a plot of stars'

A surface temperature vs. radius

B core temperature vs. radius

*C surface temperature vs. absolute magnitude

D surface temperature vs. core temperature

E diameter vs. temperature

19. Which cosmological era represents the earliest of all listed, closest to the big bang itself?

A Cambrian Era

B Degenerate Dark Era

C Matter Era

D Radiation Era

*E Vacuum Era

20. The layers of the atmosphere that are found on Earth today, in the proper order, from closest to the surface to farthest from the surface are

A mesosphere, thermosphere, troposphere, stratosphere

B stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, troposphere

*C troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere

D troposphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, stratosphere

E thermosphere, mesosphere, troposphere, statosphere

21. The current nebular condensation theory of the formation of the planets in our solar system DOES NOT explain which of the following?

A The abundance of chemical elements in the Solar System.

B The reason that heavier elements are found mostly in the Terrestrial Planets.

C The reason that the Jovian planets are more massive.

D A, B and C are not explained.

*E All of the above are explained by the current formation theory

22. The most massive of stars (> 10 Solar masses), end their lives as

A White Dwarfs

B Neutron Stars

*C Black Holes

D Planetary nebulae

E any of the above is possible

23. Doppler-shift observations are the primary evidence of

A the existence of black holes.

*B the expansion of the universe.

C the existence of pulsars.

D the variation of the speed of light.

E the Einstein photoelectric effect.

24. In accordance with the Big Bang theory of the formation of the universe, which of the following is true?

A The Matter Era exists without radiation because it occurred later.

B The Vacuum Era occurred after the Matter Era.

C The Degenerate Dark Era occurs before the Vacuum Era.

*D There were no particles of matter in existence prior to the Radiation Era.

E All of the above are true regarding the Big Bang theory.

25. There is evidence that a very large asteroid, similar in size to Mars, impacted the Earth billions of years ago and caused the formation of

A the planet Venus

B the asteroid belt

C the planet Mars

D the planet Mercury

*E the Moon

26. What does the spectrum of a planet or moon with an atmosphere reveal?

*A the chemical composition of the planet or moon’s atmosphere

B the mass of the planet or moon

C the size of the planet or moon

D the composition of the interior of the planet or moon

E the period of the orbit of the planet or moon

27. The most common rock that dominates the Earth's crust is

A sedimentary rock

B metamorphic rock

*C igneous rock

D all of the above equally

E None of the above is correct

28. Which type of rock is formed from the other types of rock after suffering extreme conditions of heat and pressure in the Earth’s crust?

A sedimentary rock

*B metamorphic rock

C igneous rock

D mineral

E None of the above is correct

29. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the processes of compaction and

A pressurization

B melting

*C cementation

D heating, but not melting

E none of the above

30. According to the plate tectonics theory, seafloor spreading takes place at a

A convergent boundary

B subduction zone

*C divergent boundary

D transform boundary

E None of the above

31. The evidence that the Earth's core is part liquid or acts like a liquid comes from

A P-wave shadow zone

*B S-wave shadow zone

C meteorites

D volcanoes

E All of the above

32. What best describes the direct cause of most earthquakes?

A Gravitational pull on bedrock by the Moon.

B Deposition of sediment in lakes and oceans.

*C Movement of bedrock along a fault line.

D Heat exchange between the crust and the atmosphere.

E Realignment of the differential rotation of the inner and outer core.

33. The half-life of a radioactive substance is mainly controlled by the

A amount of the substance

*B composition of the substance

C pressure acting on the substance

D temperature acting on the substance

E All of the above, equally.

34. The geologic time scale identifies major blocks of time in the Earth's past largely by

*A major worldwide extinctions of life on Earth

B the beginning of radioactive decay of certain unstable elements

C measuring reversals in the Earth's magnetic field

D measuring the solar cycle

E detecting changes in the Earth’s rotation rate over time

35. The solar radiation that does reach the Earth's surface

A is eventually radiated back to space.

B shows up as an increase in temperature in the Earth’s atmosphere.

C is re-radiated at different wavelengths than it receives.

*D All of the above are correct.

E None of the above is correct.

36. Without adding or removing any water vapor, a sample of air experiencing an increase in temperature will have

A a higher relative humidity

*B a lower relative humidity

C the same relative humidity

D a changed absolute humidity

E All of the above are possible

37. The average temperature of a location is made more even by the influence of

*A a large body of water

B elevation

C nearby mountains

D dry air

E None of the above have this effect

38. The cross section below shows the distribution of earthquake waves as they travel through Earth’s interior. The arrows within Earth’s interior represent the pathways followed by some earthquake waves.

Which types of earthquake waves will most probably be detected in zones A and B?

A. Zone A: P-waves, only; zone B: S-waves, only

*B. Zone A: P-waves, only; zone B: no P- or S-waves

C. Zone A: S-waves, only; zone B: P-waves, only

D. Zone A: S-waves, only; zone B: no P- or S-waves

E. None of the above statements is true.

39. The time line below represents the geologic history of Earth. Letters A, B, C, and D represent specific times in Earth’s history.

Which letter best indicates approximately when dinosaurs became extinct?

*A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

E. None of the above approximates when dinosaurs became extinct.

40. Which cross-sectional diagram of Earth’s asthenosphere best shows the convection currents that would cause crustal plate X to drift away from crustal plate Y?

A. 1

*B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

E. None of the above.

41. Which of the following represents the outer core of the Earth? [pic]





E None of the above.

42. Given Kepler’s Third Law of Planetary Motion, if you know the orbital period of a planet, what can be calculated directly using only this information?

A The temperature of the planet.

B The diameter of the planet.

C The mass of the planet.

*D The mean distance of the planet from the Sun.

E None of the above can be calculated directly, more information is needed.

43. Which of the planets listed DO NOT have a ring system?

A Jupiter

B Saturn

C Uranus

D Neptune

*E Mars

44. Which planet of those listed is most dense?

A Jupiter

B Saturn

*C Earth

D Mercury

E Venus

45. Which planet of those listed below is least dense?

A Mars

B Earth

*C Jupiter

D Venus

E Mercury

46. Which planet of those listed is largest in size?

A Earth

B Uranus

C Neptune

*D Saturn

E Mars

47. Which planet of those listed is largest in mass?

A Mars

B Venus

C Earth

*D Neptune

E Mercury

48. What will a star like our Sun, end up as, in the final phase of its life cycle?

A a black hole

B a neutron star

C a pulsar

D a red dwarf

*E a white dwarf

49. A newspaper report indicates that a scientist has discovered a soap opera within an artificially modulated radio signal from a planet around a massive blue giant star 4500 light years away. Why should you be skeptical of this report immediately?

A Because the star is so far away, the scientist could not have the time to receive the radio signals from such a planet.

B Because the star is so close that we should have received radio signals from the planet years ago.

C Because the radio signals cannot penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere from outer space.

D Because we are able to hear radio waves, this should have been discovered long ago.

*E Because massive blue giant stars do not live long enough for life to have evolved on such a planet, let alone intelligent life to transmit radio signals.

50. Using the following, a type of an H-R diagram, at what location on this graph would you currently find our Sun?


A 1

B 2

C 3

*D 4

E 5


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