
__________________ _______________________ _________

Last Name First Name MI

AKA: What are your nicknames?? List as many as you can.

Pronunciation: How do we say your name? You might need to look this up online! If your name is very unique and not found on baby name websites, you might just have to make up a pronunciation. Sound it out!

Next, etymology---Where does your name come from? What is the origin? What does it mean? Why did your parents choose this name over any others? Is there a story behind your name or were you named after a family member? Explain thoroughly! (Do the etymology and pronunciation for both first and last name. See example on back)

Noun: What common nouns describe the multifaceted elements of who you are? List them out. (MUST HAVE AT LEAST 10!)

Abstract Noun: What abstract nouns help define who you are? List them out. (MUST HAVE AT LEAST 10!)

Adjective: What adjectives describe your personality? List them out. (MUST HAVE AT LEAST 10!)

Verb: What verbs describe the things you do regularly or things that are important to you? List out ACTION WORDS! (MUST HAVE AT LEAST 10!)

Definition #1: Define yourself. Set this up like you would see a definition in a dictionary.

Definition #2: Define another aspect of yourself. Again, set this up like you would an entry in a dictionary.

Definition #3: Define one last aspect of yourself. Set this up like you would for an entry in a dictionary. Have you thought of looking your name up on a website like Urban Dictionary already? This could make for an interesting definition! (But make sure it’s appropriate…)

Synonyms: What are some words you would say are synonyms to how you define yourself? Think of words that your picture could sit next to in the dictionary. (AT LEAST 6!)

Antonyms: What are some words that are completely UNLIKE you? Perhaps they are opposites to your synonyms… (AT LEAST 6!)

Use your name in a sentence. Be sure to provide context clues so the meaning of your name and who you are is completely clear. Must have at least one sentence with context clues! (Again, you might want to check Urban Dictionary!)

Since this is your dictionary entry, go ahead and play with the fonts and colors. It can be as formal or informal as you like…remember, it defines YOU!

Helpful hints: Baby name websites are a great place to find info about your name. Look them up on your phones! If you don’t have a smartphone, you’ll have to wait till you get home. If you need help with parts of speech that define you ask the friends sitting next to you, or your parents. They know you better than anyone.

Musil, Meredith A.

AKA: Mere, Musil, Merebear, Seester, Turkey


Surname Meaning & History:

Czech; also Polish (Musil): anecdotal nickname from a lost anecdote, meaning something like ‘from the muse.’ From the past tense of Czech musit, Polish musiec ‘of or relating to music.’ Musil is fairly uncommon last name and my branch of the Musil tree is even less common. My grandfather had four daughters and two sons, one of which died at birth. My father only had one son and Marshall will be the only one to carry on Marlin Musil’s branch of the Musil family tree. I’m proud to have Musil as my last name.

Meredith (MARE-a-dith, ma-RARE-dith, MER-e-dith,, MER-dith)

Gender: Male/Female

Usage: Welsh, English

Variant: Merideth, Meridith, Meradith, Meredithe, Meredyth, Merridie, Merry, Maredud, and Meredydd

Popularity: #596 in the United States

Meaning & History:

Until the 20th century, the name Meredith was associated as a masculine name, as the meaning is "lord." Meredith comes from the old Welsh male name Mareludd, which probably means “great lord.” In recent years the name has been given to girls. My mom wanted to name me Rachel, Sarah, or Dru (which I secretly love!) But my dad overruled her and named me Meredith after Dallas Cowboy quarterback Don Meredith.

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Abstract Nouns: Friendship, Childhood, Courage, Compassion, Faith, Joy, Determination, Imagination, Passion, Tragedy, Purpose

Adjectives: Sarcastic, Catholic, Artistic, Questioning, Curious, Content, Optimistic, Realistic, Supportive, Caring

Verb Function: Love, Cheer, Learn, Imagine, Believe, Talk, Create, Explore, Guide, Illustrate

Definition #1: A tall, green-eyed girl. She’s a hard worker with small-town sensibilities.

Definition #2: A student of the world. She teaches because she loves to learn. And who better to learn from than a classroom full of different personalities and perspectives? She loves discussions on just about any topic, travel to foreign countries, and books that sweep her far away.

Definition #3: A family fanatic. This girl has been through hardships and learned that when nothing else in the world makes sense, family will always be there.

SYNONYMS: Energetic, Exuberant, Involved, Decisive, Purposeful, Devoted, Amicable, Spiritual, Athletic, Forgiving, Courageous

ANTONYMS: Cynical, Disagreeable, Unpleasant, Dismissive, Insensitive, Hostile, Hesitant, Lazy, Careless, Foolish


#1: Meredith is literally too good to be true.

#2: Man, your friend is a total Meredith. I wish I had a Meredith type girl.

#3: ---"What do you think of that Meredith girl?" 

--- "I think she's freakin’ awesome!" 


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