Are Teachers Valued by Society? - National Center on ...

[Pages:1]Are Teachers Valued by Society? An International and National Comparison Do teachers feel they are valued by society?

U.S. 34%

Finland 59%

South Korea 67%

Singapore 68%

According to TALIS 2013, only 34% of U.S. teachers feel that they are valued by society far less than in top performers Finland, Singapore and South Korea.

Does society value teachers in the U.S.?

Percent of U.S. adults who feel these professions play an important role in








Percent of U.S. adults who feel these professions are undervalued by society







Teachers Doctors Professors ProfesBsiusoinnaelsss Lawyers Teachers Professors Doctors ProfesBsiusoinnaelsss Lawyers

A new survey from Teach Strong found that 90% of adults in the U.S. feel that teachers play an important role in the well-being and success of the country overall, more than doctors, business professionals, professors and lawyers.

That same survey found that almost 3 in 4 U.S. adults feel that teachers are undervalued in society.

How are teachers percieved by society?

Teachers are regarded as similar to...

Doctors in China

Librarians in the U.S.

In 2013 the Global Teacher Status Index poll from the Varkey Foundation found that whereas in China teachers are considered of similar standing as doctors, in the U.S. they are considered to be most like librarians.

To recruit and maintain a world-class teaching force, we must treat the teaching profession like a world-class profession. For more on how to improve respect for and recruitment into the teaching

profession, see Marc Tucker's blog "Teacher Shortages: Catastrophe or Opportunity?"



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