
GRADE 7 Health Lesson #9 Page 1Diabetes and Low Blood Sugar (Page 37)Diabetes is a disease in which your blood glucose or sugar levels are too __ __ __ __.Glucose comes from the food you eat. Insulin is a hormone that helps the glucose get into your body’s cells.Where is insulin produced in the body? Insulin is produced in the P______________.What causes low blood sugar in a person with diabetes?Has not __________ or is ______________.Has not eaten enough food for the level of ____________________. The body uses up insulin. More active people like athletes, construction workers, even postal workers who walk their route all day might need to eat more food.Has injected too much __________________.Signs of Low Blood Sugar that can appear quickly can be:Irritable or ________________________________,_________________, or weak____________________________________In some cases, the person might even have a seizureWhat actions do you take for a responsive person who has low blood sugar.If the victim can sit up and swallow give them something that contains sugar. Give 5 examples of what you might give the victim experiencing symptoms of low blood sugar. 1 - 2 – 3 - 4 – 5 – Do not give the victim __ __ __ __ soda, __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __, or artificial sweetener.Have the victim __ __ __ quietly or lie down.If the person does not improve within 15 minutes you should __ __ __ __ _ _ _.If the victim cannot sit up or swallow what should you do?Have the person __ __ __ quietly or lie down.Do not give them anything to eat or drink it could cause more __ __ __ __.If the victim does not improve in 15 minutes you should __ __ __ __ __ __ __.If the victim is not responding put them in the ____________position. And be ready to perform __ __ __. READ PAGE 37GRADE 7 Health Lesson #9 Page 2STROKE (PAGE 38)Stroke occurs when blood stops flowing to a part of the ________________.A stroke can happen from bleeding in the brain. When a blood vessel leaks.A stroke can happen from a blockage of a blood vessel in the brain.SIGNS OF A STROKE – use the mnemonic F.A.S.T.What does F.A.S.T stand for? These are the three MAJOR signs of a stroke.F - ______________ ______________ Does one side of the face droop or is it numb?A - ______________ ______________ Is one arm weak or numb?S - ______________ _______________ Is the victim’s speech slurred?T - ___________ ____ __________ __ __ __ If someone shows any of these symptoms Call 911 immediately.Other signs of a stroke could be:Sudden confusionTrouble S__________Trouble W____________Severe H_______________What to do if someone is experiencing the signs of a stroke.Call __ __ __Note the time of the onset of the symptoms and remain with the victim.Br ready to perform CPR if the victim becomes UNR_____________. READ Page 38SEIZURES (Page 38) A seizure is uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain which may produce a physical convulsion, minor physical signs, thought disturbances, or a combination of the above. A medical condition called EPILEPSY often causes seizures. Not all seizures are caused by epilepsy. GRADE 7 Health Lesson #9 Page 3Other causes of a seizure could be:______________ Injury________ Blood Sugar________ - ___________ InjuryP_______________Sudden _____________ ____________Signs of a Seizure may differ. (Page39) Loose ______________ control.Have jerking motions of arms, legs, and sometimes other parts of the body. Fall to the ground.Stop responding.The most important first aid action for a person having a seizure is to protect the person from injury.Actions to help a person who is having a seizure.Protect the victim from injury by doing the following:Move furniture and other objects out of the wayPlace a small pad or rolled up towel under the victim’s headAfter the seizure has ended check to see if the victim is responsive and ______________If unconscious and breathing place the victim in the _________________ positionStay with the victim until trained help arrives.“DO NOT” Do not hold the victim down.Do not put anything in the victim’s mouth. Read bottom of page 38 and page 39SHOCK (Page 45)How does shock occur? Shock occurs when there is not enough blood flowing to the cells of the body. Shock is most present if the victim…Loses a lot of ___________Has a severe ________________ attackHas a severe ________________ reactionGRADE 7 Health Lesson #9 Page 4Signs of shock can include….The victim feels W________, F___________, or DizzyThe victim might have the feeling of nausea. (What does nausea mean?) or thirstyThe victim might have P_______ or greyish looking skin.The victim might be R_______________, Agitated, or C_________________.The victim might feel C___________ and C_____________ to the touch.What actions should you take for a victim in shock?Call __ __ __ and get the first aid kit and __ __ __ if there is one available.Help the victim _______ down on their __________.Raise the victim’s ___________ 12 inches. If there are no signs of a head, neck, or back injury. Also, if there is no sign of a broken hip or leg injury.Keep the victim _________________. Cover the victim with a blanket. Also, maybe a blanket under the victim if the victim is on cold ground so not to lose body heat. READ Page 45 HANDOUT WORKSHEET #4 TEST ON MEDICAL EMERGENCIES ................

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