
PlantessenceCreated by NatureBased in Science42652956223000Plantessence? essential oils bring the therapeutic power of “nature’s pharmacy” into your life to enhance the well-being of you and your family. Plantessence offers 100% pure therapeutic-quality oils sourced from suppliers who feature the finest oils. They are harvested responsibly and sustainably from plants from their native countries, and then carefully processed to retain the highest quality of their volatile oils. Choose from individual oils or custom blends. Our blends have been specially formulated based on research data from clinical studies so you can be sure they work. The targeted beneficial effects include: Concentration and focusStress reductionHormonal balanceNervous system balanceFree radical scavenging/anti-oxidant effectBetter sleepElevated moodReduced depression and anxietyBelow are brief overviews of both the Plantessence blends and individual oils. These descriptions are not meant to be exhaustive—most essential oils have an amazingly broad array of therapeutic effects. Nature is impressively creative!Just because essential oils are all natural doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be used wisely and safely. Please read the Safety Notes at the end.Plantessence Essential Oil Blends and Their Targeted Effects(All effects are based on research studies and clinical trials.)952512192000Alive & Thrive: The oils in this blend help to decrease cortisol levels and significantly increase free radical scavenging (related to stress, inflammation, and disease). Think of this as an anti-aging, health-enhancing blend that also helps the nervous system handle stress. (Rosemary, Rosemarinus officinalis, Spain; Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, France)Calm & Balance: This trio of oils woks synergistically to bring greater equilibrium to the endocrine glands (hypothalamus and pituitary) for hormonal balance while reducing anxiety, relieving stress, and elevating mood. Overall, this blend is both calming and balancing to the nervous and hormonal systems. (Frankincense, Boswellia Serrata, India; Bergamot, Citrus bergamia—bergaptene-free, Italy; Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, France)Clear Mind: If your goal is to help enhance concentration and focus, especially for those with ADD/ADHD, this is the blend for you! It’s an effective antidote to “monkey mind” and scattered thought processes. (Bergamot, Citrus bergamia—bergaptene-free, Italy; Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus radiata, Australia)41643305524500Feelin’ Good: This combination of oils provides robust elevation of mood and helps to increase alertness and relieve the effects of stress. It is especially good for those suffering from depression and anxiety. (Sweet Orange, Citrus sinensis, Brazil; Lemon, Citrus limonum, Italy)Carefree: If you are seeking a super stress-buster and “nerve tonic” that also increases balance in the autonomic nervous system, this is the blend to use. It is a potent, focused stress-relief aid that helps put the “happy” back in your personality. (Bergamot, Citrus bergamia—bergaptene-free, Italy; Rosemary Rosemarinus officinalis, Spain)-476259144000Perfect Balance: Studies show this blend helps to quiet the sympathetic nervous system while enhancing the parasympathetic system, so it’s “just what the doctor ordered” for those suffering from chronic stress or who are on constant overdrive. There’s no better blend for the typical type A personality. (Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, France; Lemongrass, Cymbopogon flexuosus, India)Unwind: Two powerful oils team up to give a major boost to the parasympathetic, inducing a deeper level of relaxation and reducing the harmful effects of stress. This blend is also stimulating to the lymph system and can act as a general anti-inflammatory, so it “relaxes” both the mind and the body. (Cedarwood, Juniperus virginiana, Canada; Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, France)384111549212500So Serene: This lusciously-scented blend quiets the sympathetic nervous system while helping to lower systolic blood pressure. It’s a good choice for those who want to reduce stress while helping to beneficially shift blood pressure (always check with your doctor first if you are using blood pressure medications or any other medication). (Lemon, Citrus limonum, Italy; Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, France; Ylang Ylang, Cananga odorata, Madagascar)Upbeat: Say goodbye to feelings of depression, lassitude, and low energy! This oil blend activates the sympathetic nervous system for an energy boost while also bringing better balance to the entire autonomic nervous system. (Rosemary, Rosemarinus officinalis, Spain; Citronella, Cymbopogon nardus, Sri Lanka)Plantessence Individual Essential Oils and Their UsesBalsam Fir (Abies balsamea, Canada) The needles, leaves and branches of this evergreen provide an essential oil that is known for its stress-relieving effects. It can help alleviate arthritic, back, and muscular pain. It has a significant history of helping to reduce urinary tract infections and as a central nervous system tonic. It also has a long history of use in helping to relieve respiratory congestion, asthmatic conditions, bronchitis, sinusitis and coughs, and is effective for fever and flu. It calms the body while stimulating the mind. Bergamot (Citrus bergamia, bergaptene-free, Italy)This essential oil is extracted from the rind of this citrus fruit. Normally, photosensitive, the oil has had the bergaptene removed so it is safe for use on skin in sunlight. This essential oil is commonly used to help alleviate anxiety, stress, and depression. It is a significant mood elevator. It is also excellent for skin conditions, especially eczema and psoriasis. It is analgesic, antibacterial, antiparasitic, anti-infectious, and anti-inflammatory, among other qualities. (It may cause sensitivity in some individuals, and should not be used by children, pregnant women or those who are lactating. It can be deadly upon ingestion so must be kept out of the reach of children.)Cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana, Canada) The essential oil is extracted from wood chips. It is antiseptic, antispasmodic, and astringent, and is a circulatory stimulant, diuretic, and expectorant. It is especially effective for coughs, sinusitis, respiratory congestion, rheumatism, arthritis, and muscle aches. It stimulates the kidneys and bladder, and is excellent for reducing nervous tension and stress. (It can cause lung damage if ingested, so keep out of reach of children.) 09207500Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus, Sri Lanka)Extraction of this oil is from the leaves and stems of the citronella plant. Although it is widely used as an insect repellant and deodorizer, this oil has a host of other uses including as an antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and antiseptic remedy. It is effective for use to counter fatigue, clear the mind, alleviate depression, soothe digestive complaints, and reduce headaches and migraines. It may cause skin irritation in some people. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus radiata, Australia)This is the most commonly used form of eucalyptus essential oil. The oil is extracted from the woody part of the plant and leaves. It is antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory. Because it is an expectorant, it is good for coughs, bronchitis, sinusitis and chest congestion, and is also commonly used for viral infections, mucus membrane inflammation, fever, and poor circulation. It has a long tradition of use with skin ailments, including burns, blisters, wounds, lice, and insect bites. It is also effective in reducing nervous tension. (Not for use by those with epilepsy or high blood pressure, or women who are pregnant or lactating. It may be toxic if taken internally, so it must be kept out of reach of children.)Frankincense (Boswellia serrata, India)04445000This essential oil is extracted from tree resin. It is analgesic, antibacterial, antidepressive, anti-infectious, and anti-inflammatory, and is also a digestive and expectorant. Frankincense has long been revered for its restorative, uplifting and clarifying effect on the mind and relaxing, soothing effect on the body. For these reasons, and because it is said to be excellent for centering and balancing the emotions, it has a long history of use in meditation, yoga and spiritual practices. It is excellent for relieving the symptoms of asthma and generally for relieving chest congestion. It helps ease nervous tension, reduce the symptoms of stress and elevate the mood. It is used for wound healing and for relief from all kinds of skin ailments. It is also is known as an “anti-aging” oil for use in skin creams. Geranium – Bourbon (Pelargonium graveolens, China)Of the several types of geranium oil, this is the finest quality, with an exceptional rose-like scent and powerful therapeutic effects. It is analgesic, antibacterial, anti-diabetic, antidepressant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and astringent. It’s a great decongestant, stimulates the liver and pancreas, helps with digestion, stimulates wound healing, increases circulation, and helps balance the adrenals, pancreas and liver, among other uses.0317500Grapefruit – Pink (Citrus racemosa, Mexico)Made from the rind of the fruit, this oil, like most essential oils, is antiseptic and analgesic. It’s great for elevating mood and so countering depression, and for providing an overall energy boost. It is known as the “dieter’s friend” because it a digestive stimulant but suppresses cravings for sweets. It also eases muscles soreness and fatigue, helps reduce the severity of colds and flu, and combats jet lag, and eases nervous exhaustion. It is valued in the beauty industry for bringing shine to the hair and a glowing healthful look to the skin. Women love it as a cellulite reducer. It’s also a diuretic. Ho Wood (Cinnamomum camphora, Mexico)The essential oil come from the leaves and wood and helps stimulate cells and support the immune system. It helps speed wound healing, can lessen scars, and soothes dry, sensitive or inflamed skin. It calms both the mind and body. It is effective against colds and flu, helps with headaches, and eases sore throat. It is widely used in the fragrance industry. (Pregnant women should not use this oil.)476255651500Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia, France)Extracted from the flower, this oil is the most commonly used and safest of all essential oils. It’s analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, anticonvulsive, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic. Among other uses, it helps with muscle pain, nerve pain, arthritis, rheumatism, bruises, and sprains. It helps to relieve restlessness and agitation, insomnia, migraines, cystitis, and depression. It promotes menstruation, reduces the symptoms of PMS, stimulates appetite, relieves upset stomach and gas, improves the skin and helps with skin ailments such as eczema and psoriasis, encourages hair growth, and soothes the symptoms of allergies including hay fever. It may help hypertension and is known to help control pain after surgery. It is an insecticide and also helps relieve the pain and swelling of insect bites. It is a potent mood elevator and stress reducer.Lemon (Citrus limonum, Italy)The essential oil is extracted from lemon rind and has a wide range of therapeutic effects. It is anti-anemic, antibacterial, anticoagulant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, and antiviral, among other beneficial effects. Lemon is also an immune stimulant. It is effective for poor circulation, cellulite, varicosities, thrush, colds and flu, bronchitis, gout, warts, headache and many other ailments. It also stimulates the pancreas, promotes mental clarity and acuity, and is even said to help combat the negative effects of the aging process, especially in terms of reducing facial wrinkles and lines. It also helps clear acne. Many citrus oils cause photosensitivity, so they should not be used on the skin when exposed to strong sunlight for prolonged periods. -44451270000Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus, India)Extracted from the leaves, lemongrass oil is known from clinical studies to have anticancer properties. It is also analgesic, antibacterial, antidepressant, antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. It can be both sedative and invigorating in nature. It is soothing to the nervous system and mind, but stimulating to the thyroid. It is commonly used to alleviate cellulite, inflamed arteries, and excessive perspiration, and to reduce pain and soothe bruises and sprains. It is useful against skin parasites, and is used as an insecticide. It is effective for skin conditions, especially for acne and as an astringent for oily skin. It stimulates lymph flow and may improve circulation.Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin, Indonesia)This oil is made from the leaves of this plant. It is widely used to help with skin ailments, from dry or chapped skin to eczema and dermatitis. It is generally has anti-depressant and anti-anxiety properties, and studies show it promotes sleep. It is an anti-inflammatory, and helps prevent infection in wounds. It is considered effective for sexual problems, from low libido to impotence. It is a good insect repellant, particularly against mosquitos. Peppermint Supreme (Mentha piperita, India)This versatile oil is antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, antiviral, antiseptic, and analgesic. It helps reduce respiratory infections and the severity of colds and flu, soothes nausea and calms the digestive tract, including helping with irritable bowel syndrome. It is also good for liver and gallbladder complaints, and generally relaxes the colon. It can help relieve skin rashes and infections, calms toothache, improves sluggish circulation of both blood and lymph, may help with vertigo, relieves pain, and may reduce migraines and neuralgia. The list of uses for peppermint goes on and on.Ravensara – Wild (Ravensara aromatica, Madagascar)This oil is considered excellent for the adrenal glands and has a long history of use for bolstering general immunity. It is considered a general tonic for the body, especially for stimulating sluggish lymph and blood circulation. It is effective for neuromuscular pain, insomnia, headaches, muscle spasms, cramps, fever, swelling and more. It has strong anti-depressant qualities.-6353365500Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis, Spain)The oil is extracted from the leaves, flowers and flower buds to make an essential oil that is among the most commonly used. Its range of effects is enormous, from stimulating hair growth and treating dandruff to alleviating neuralgia to improving circulation. Like almost all essential oils, rosemary is antibacterial, analgesic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral. It helps relieve congestion, bronchitis and sinusitis; migraines and headaches; and burns, bruises and muscle aches. It serves as a detoxifier, reduces stomach upset, calms an inflamed gall bladder, can help regulate blood pressure, and helps alleviate adrenal exhaustion. It is a potent mood elevator, helping to relieve anxiety and depression and reduce the emotional and mental effects of stress. It is an excellent memory stimulator, and so it is useful for conditions involving memory loss. Studies have shown that it helps improve concentration and cognitive performance. Sage Dalmatian (Salvia officinalis, Ukraine)The sage oils are known to be good for sore throats, thrush, bronchitis, coughs, flu, and fever. This oil helps regulate hormones, stimulates circulation, and is a gall-bladder stimulant. It may help reduce PMS problems and menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats. It eases digestive upsets and pelvic problems, and may help reduce tremors, vertigo, agitation, and nervous anxiety. (This oil should not be used by pregnant women, and people with high blood pressure or epilepsy should use extreme caution. All sage oils should be used with caution.)Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis, Brazil)This oil comes from the rind of the fruit. It also is one of the most commonly used essential oils. It is antibacterial, antidepressant, antifungal, antiseptic, and antispasmodic. It helps strengthen the epidermis and promote collagen, reduces stomach cramps and upset, is effective against both diarrhea and constipation, relives sore throat, stimulates the lymph system, and promotes bile secretion and flow. It can also serve as a sedative and stress reducer, helping to relieve insomnia. It can improve the body’s ability to absorb vitamin C, helps relieve fluid retention, and has been studied for anticancer properties and its ability to reduce cell mutation. Tea Tree (Malaleuca alternifolia, China)Extracted from the leaves of this tree, this oil is known for everything “anti-“! Antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic. . .tea tree is the star of antiseptic oils, evening showing effectiveness against MRSA. It’s an immunostimulant that also is has benefits for neurological functioning. It’s effective for acne, athlete’s foot, eczema, yeast infections, herpes, warts and more. Among other uses, it hleps treat burns and sores, relieves sinusitis and bronchitis, helps reduce varicose veins, soothes toothache, reduces dandruff and other scalp conditions, helps remove skin tags, and is generally effective for most things skin related. 063500Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata, Madagascar)This oil, extracted from the flowers of this tree, is known as a potent aid to reducing anxiety, fear, anger, nervous irritability and depression. Because of its emotional balancing and centering effects, it has been called the “oil of the heart.” It also helps with insomnia, and is used to treat athlete’s foot, reduce fever, and relieve colds and coughs. It assists with balancing hormones and the adrenal gland, and has been shown to help lower cortisol (stress hormone) and blood pressure. It also has a long tradition of being used to promote luxurious hair and radiant skin. Plantessence Aromatherapy AccessoriesWe offer 100% pure fractionated coconut oil for blending essential oils, two-ounce glass blending bottles, and pipettes. See below for purchasing details. Purchasing Plantessence Essential Oils WholesaleIf you are a qualified healthcare practitioner, you can order Plantessence wholesale through Integrative Life Solutions, Inc., the sole authorized US distributor for all Carolina Health Options’ Plantessence products. Write info@ or call ILSI today at 336-778-1950 and ask for Mike Marshall to open an account. You can visit Integrative Life Solutions’ website here: HYPERLINK "" Important Safety NotesAlways learn the contraindications of an essential oil before using it. Some oils can be harmful if not used properly. When in doubt, consult a clinical aromatherapist.Do not take any essential oil internally—some can be deadly. If you are pregnant or may become pregnant, lactating, taking medications, have epilepsy, liver damage, high blood pressure, cancer, or any other medical condition, use essential oils only under the proper guidance of a qualified aromatherapy practitioner or other qualified health practitioner. Do not use essential oils on infants or children age eight or younger, and use caution when using even highly diluted oils on older children. When in doubt, consult a qualified aromatherapy practitioner. Also, keep essential oils out of reach of young children. The smells can be alluring, but ingesting some oils can be deadly!Always dilute oils before applying them to your skin, and conduct a skin patch test prior to using an essential oil that you have never used before. Diffusing essential oils into the air may harm cats, birds and fish, so always learn the safe use of essential oils if you have pets.Essential oils are not regulated by the FDA. This information is for educational purposes only, and it is not intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any disease or condition. Nor is it intended to prescribe in any way. In addition, this information is a brief description of the common and traditional uses of the essential oils listed and is not intended to be complete, nor can its accuracy be guaranteed. ................

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