Maryland Classic

May 2, 1999

Questions by Julie Singer

1..He first gained fame at age 16 with his poem _Le dormeur du val_ . This sonnet about the Franco-Prussian war attracted the attention of an older poet who brought him to Paris, became his lover, and shot him. At age 19 he stopped writing poetry and became an adventurer in Africa. FTP name this poet of _Le bateau ivre_, the lover of Paul Verlaine.

Answer: Arthur _Rimbaud_

2. Each unit is 2.52 times stronger than the next. Developed by Hipparcus, the numbers on the scale are lower than 6; apparently, the brightest objects are rated 1 and the dimmest are 6. The absolute value is the value which the object wouls have at a distance of 10 parsecs. FTP what is this measure of the brightness of a star?

Answer: _Magnitude_

3. Described in the _Visuddhimagga_ its components are Samma Samadhi, Samma Sati, Samma Vayama, Samma Ajiva, Samma Kammanta, Samma Vaca, Samma Sankappa, and Samma Ditthi. These translate as: Right Meditation, Right Mindfulness, Right Effort, Right Livelihood, Right Action, Right Speech, Right Thoughts, Right Understanding - that is, understanding of the Four Noble Truths. FTP what is this set of Buddhist guidelines?

Answer: The Noble _Eight-Fold Path_

4. Exiled in 1834, he moved to Uruguay, returned to his homeland in 1848, then emigrated again and became a candlemaker on Staten Island. He was elected to his newly-unified country's parliament in 1874, but settled down as a farmer in Caprera. FTP who is this patriot who expelled Francis II from Naples, proclaimed Victor Emmanuel II king of Italy, and conquered Sicily with his 10,000 redshirts?

Answer: Giuseppe _Garibaldi_

5. A student at the Off-Broadway Dance Center and at the Professional Performing Arts School, she appeared in the 1991 Off-Broadway comedy "Ruthless." At age 11 she earned a spot on the Mickey Mouse Club, spent one year at Kentwood High School, then released an album containing such songs as _From the Bottom of my broken heart_ and _Soda Pop_. FTP name this 17-year-old Louisiana native whose new breast implants might encourage people to listen to her song _One More Time_.

Answer: Britney _Spears_

6. His essay on legal education earned him a position at the court of the Elector of Mainz; he was sent on diplomatic missions to Paris and London, and visited Spinoza in The Hague. His _Monadology_ proposes that everything is composed of indivisible units called Monads, while _Theodicy_, a work expressing optimism and faith in enlightenment and reason, was mocked by Voltaire in Candide. FTP name this rationalist German philosopher and mathematician, who claimed to have invented calculus before Newton.

Answer: Gottfried Wilhelm _Leibniz_

7. Its exterior is characterized by full-length strip windows and contrasting concrete, metal, and stone. The architect planned not only the house, but also the furniture and its arrangement. Designed as a weekend retreat, its blocky masses are cantilevered over the Bear Run creek near Pittsburgh.

FTP name this house designed for the Kaufman family in 1936 by Frank Lloyd Wright.

Answer: _Fallingwater_

8. In his autobiography _Up to Now_, written in 1929, he described his carrer as president of Empire State Inc. and manager of the Empire State Building. Having moved into the political arena, he then served as governor of New York from 1919-1920 and from 1923-1928. FTP who is this democrat, the first Catholic candidate for the U.S. presidency, who was defeated by Hoover in 1928?

Answer: Alfred Emmanuel _Smith_

9. Declared by Sir Robert Walpole, this conflict was absorbed into the War of the Austrian Succession. In the struggle for sea power between England and Spain, Spaniards repeatedly boarded English vessels and reportedly mistreated the sailors. One such incident, which occurred in 1739, set off this war. FTP identify this conflict, named after the English mariner's body part that was supposedly cut off by a Spanish captain.

Answer: The _War of Jenkins Ear_

10. Unlike the Mollweide, which depicts lines of longitude as curves, it is made with parallel straight lines representing latitude and longitude. In any small area the shape of regions is the same as on the globe, but the areas near the poles are disproportionately large. FTP name this map projection named after the sixteenth century Flemish cartographer who developed it.

Answer: __Mercator_

11. Leptons and Baryons fall into this category, while pions, k-mesons, and photons do not. They have the property that their wave function changes sign if any two particles are interchanged; and they have a spin of one half. FTP what is this class of elementary particles which includes protons, neutrons, and electrons, named after an Italian physicist?

Answer: _Fermions_

12. As a young man he devotes himself to his old mother, then after her death allows his wife to dominate him. This resident of Starkfield tries to hide the broken red pickle dish, but in the end his wife asks her young cousin, with whom he is smitten, to leave the house. He and the cousin, Mattie, end up as cripples after their last sled ride. FTP who is this title character of an Edith Wharton novel, the husband of the hypochondriac Zeena?

Answer: _Ethan Frome_

13. Her home, Eliudnir, is located in the ninth level of Niflheim; Her watchdog, Garm, slays Tyr at Ragnarok. One half of her face is pale and beautiful, the other side is black and hideous. Like her siblings

Fenriswolf and the Midgard serpent, she is the offspring of Angerboda and Loki. FTP who is this Norse goddess of the underworld?

Answer: _Hel_ or _Hela_

14. The flayed skin of Saint Bartholomew may be the artist's self-portrait. At the top, flying figures carry away Samson's pillar and Christ's cross; At the bottom, Charon hits people with his oar; souls rise towards heaven, and at the center, saints and Biblical figures flank Christ and Mary. Located on the altar wall, it was painted 20 years after the rest of the chapel. FTP name this Michelangelo fresco depicting the Apocalypse which occupies the entire east wall of the Sistine Chapel.

Answer: the _Last Judgment_

15. The word's the same: the relationship between an acid and a base by the difference of one proton. Mathematical quantities which are reciprocally related and interchangeable in terms of certain properties. A compound joined with another. And a one-celled organism which has joined with another in order to exchange genetic material. FTP give this word, which also sounds like something you'd do to a verb in a foreign language class.

Answer: _Conjugate

16. In honor of his victory over Picrochole he founds the Abbey of Theleme (Tay-lem). He uses a 900-foot-long comb, rides a mare as big as six elephants, drinks the milk of 17,913 cows, and extols the virtues of drunkenness as soon as he is born. Possibly a parody of Francis I, this son of Grangousier and Gargamelle was made famous by Rabelais. FTP name this giant-king, the father of Pantagruel, whose name now refers to anything huge.

Answer: _Gargantua_

17. The ruins at Koumbisalah are thought to be the remains of its capital. According to tradition, the kingdom arose from the Soninke people's Iron Age farming villages in the 4th century. Because of its location along the upper Senegal River, it was able to barter with Arabs and Berbers and became the primary trading center for gold and salt between the 7th and 13th centuries. FTP name this African kingdom absorbed into the Mali around 1240, which shares its name with the modern African nation whose capital is Accra.

Answer: _Ghana_

18. The name is shared by two women. One of them, the _lily maid of Astolat_, dies of lovesickness; her body is placed on a barge with a lily in her right hand and a letter in her left, and a servant rows her to camelot. The other is the daughter of king Pelles, who magically assumes the form of Guinevere in order to conceive her son Galahad. FTP give this name shared by two women who love Sir Lancelot.

Answer: _Elaine_

19. While it has strengthened the US dollar and the British pound, the crisis in Kosovo has greatly weakened this currency. The banknotes depict buildings on one side and bridges on the other. One face of the coin was designed by Luc Loycz using CorelDRAW, while each country is allowed to pick the image on the coin's flip side. FTP name this unit of currency divided into 100 cents, which is now being adopted by members of the european Community.

Answer: _Euro_

20. Called by its composer “the contest between harmony and invention”, it includes a detailed program consisting of _sonetti dimostrativi_, poems describing each section. Published in 1725 as a part of its composer's opus 8, its musical images include a barking sheep-dog, the twittering of birds, and ice skating. FTP name this popular set of four concertos by Vivaldi.

Answer: The _Four Seasons_

21. Its publishers have tried to shut down a Webpage established by Dispatch

Book Critic George Myers Jr. for copyright infringement. Its first issue

sold out its 500,000 copies, and that issue contained an interview with

George Wallace and a column by Rush Limbaugh; other guest authors have

included Dr. Spock and Madonna. FTP what is this magazine which had Cindy

Crawford cross-dressed on its first cover, a political publication founded

and edited by John F. Kennedy Jr.?

Answer: _George_

22. It is probably of American origin, though a similar Old English word meaning _to mistreat_ also exists. It may be derived from Charles, a justice of the peace who imprisoned his personal enemies; James, an Irish warden who sentenced his own son to death; James, a farmer chosen by his neighbors to administer justice; or a creek in South Carolina where suspected criminals were hanged. FTP what is this word, which means to kill someone by mob action, often by hanging, without due process?

Answer: _Lynch_

23. Fed by the Zhem and Ural rivers, its chief ports are Krasnovodsk and Baku, and it is normally 28 meters below sea level. This body of water's rapid rise, more than two meters since 1978, has caused great problems, damaging buildings, roads and other structures along the coasts of Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakstan, and Iran. FTP name this source of caviar, the world's largest inland body of water.

Answer: _Caspian_ Sea

Maryland Classic

May 2, 1999

Questions by Julie Singer


1. Identify these cellular organelles FTP each.

1. Filled with digestive enzymes, these organelles break down food. The Golgi Body may play a role in their formation.

Answer: _Lysozome_

2. They usually carry food molecules in solution or regulate the water content of one-celled animals. Amoebas contain the _contractile_ variety.

Answer: _Vacuole_

3. Some Endoplasmic Reticulum is rough because of the presence of these protein-synthesizing organelles.

Answer: _Ribosome_

2. FTP each identify these South American patriots, none of whom is Simon Bolivar.

1. This man, Bolivar's secretary, now has one of Bolivia's capitals named after him.

Answer: Antonio Jose de _Sucre_

2. The illegitimate son of the Irish-born viceroy of Chile, he became known as the _Liberator of Chile_ and was the new republic's first president.

Answer: Bernardo _O'Higgins_

3. This national hero of Argentina fought alongside Bernardo O'Higgins; He declared Peru's independence but died in exile.

Answer: Jose de _San Martin_

3. Name the American authors of these stories on a 10-5 basis.

1. 10. The Monster, The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky

5. The Blue Hotel, The Open Boat

Answer: Stephen _Crane_

2. 10. My Kinsman Major Molyneux, The Minister's Black Veil

5. Rappacini's Daughter, Young Goodman Brown

Answer: Nathaniel _Hawthorne_

3. 10. A Circle in the Fire, Good Country Folk

5. All that Rises Must Converge, A Good Man is Hard to Find

Answer: Mary Flannery _O'Connor_

4. Identify these statues by Rodin FTP each.

1. This group depicts a scene from the Hundred Years' War in which the elders of a town sacrificed themselves in order to save the townspeople.

Answer: The _Burghers of Calais_

2. This marble statue represents Paolo and Francesca, two souls in the second circle of Dante's Inferno.

Answer: The _Kiss_

3. Like _The Kiss_, this statue was originally meant to be a part of the monumental _Gates of Hell_. It is an idealized portrait of Dante.

Answer: The _Thinker_

5. Answer these questions about galaxies for the stated number of points.

1. This American astronomer divided galaxies into four categories: elliptical, spiral, barred spiral, or irregular.

Answer: Edwin _Hubble_

2. The Milky Way is a member of this creatively-named group of about 35 nearby galaxies.

Answer: _Local_ Group

3. This galaxy, properly called M31, is the largest galaxy in the local group.

Answer: _Andromeda_

6. FTP each identify these classical philosophers.

1. He postulated the music of the spheres and the transmigration of souls, but is most important to geometry students for a certain theorem.

Answer: _Pythagoras_

2. This Eleatic philosopher attempted to show that motion and change are impossible with his 40 paradoxes, including Achilles and the Tortoise.

Answer: _Zeno_ of Elea

3. In his school at _The Garden_ he taught his students to seek moderate pleasure and avoid pain, but now his name conjures up images of hedonism.

Answer: _Epicurus_

7. FTP each identify these psychologists who worked primarily with children.

1. This Swiss psychologist proposed stages of cognitive development in children, such as the preoperational and concrete operational.

Answer: Jean _Piaget_

2. She emigrated to London with her father in 1938, where she organized a wartime nursery for homeless children.

Answer: _A_nna _Freud_

3. Born in Nice, he and Theodore Simon developed the first intelligence tests for children. His name is still associated with an IQ test used today.

Answer: Alfred _Binet_

8. Given a list of operas, name the composer FTP each.

1. La Cenerentola, La Gazza Ladra, Guglielmo Tell

Answer: Gioacchino _Rossini_

2. Don Pasquale, Anna Bolena, Lucia di Lammermoor

Answer: Gaetano _Donizetti_

3. Schwanda the Bagpiper

Answer: Jaromir _Weinberger_

9. Identify these Shakespearean title characters for the stated number of points.

1. For 5: This man is the _Moor of Venice_.

Answer: _Othello_

2. For 5 each: name the _Two Gentlemen of Verona_

Answer: _Valentine_ and _Proteus_

3. For 10: This character is the _Merchant of Venice_.

Answer: _Antonio_

4. For 5: This king offers his kingdom for a horse before being killed at

Bosworth Field.

Answer: _Richard III_

10. For the stated number of points, name these concepts introduced by FDR in 1941.

1. On January 6th, in an address to Congress, FDR described the four freedoms to which all people are entitled. For 5 points each, name the four freedoms.

Answer: Freedom of _speech_ and expression, freedom of _religion_, freedom from _fear_, freedom from _want_

2. For fifteen pts, in his State of the Union address, FDR proposed this plan, stating that "We shall send you in ever-increasing numbers, ships, planes, tanks, guns."

Answer: _Lend-lease_

11. FTP each identify these Chinese dynasties.

1. In power from 202 BC to 220 AD, its capital was Xi'an.

Answer: _Han_

2. Pu Yi, the last Chinese emperor, belonged to this dynasty which ruled from 1644 to 1911.

Answer: _Ching_ or _Manchu_

3. This dynasty, during which the Portuguese arrived in China, immediately preceded the Ching; it is remembered today for its vases.

Answer: _Ming_

12. 30-20-10 identify the mathematician.

30. Born in Edinburgh, he was also a religious scholar, and he designed war machines for defense against Philip II of Spain.

20. His so-called _Bones_, introduced in 1617, are a calculating device.

10. He is best known for his 1614 treatise in which he introduced logarithms.

Answer: John _Napier_

13. FTP each name these movies featuring John Cusack.

1. Cusack plays Lloyd Dobler, a loser who woos Ione Skye with Peter Gabriel's _In Your Eyes_, in this 1989 hit.

Answer: _Say Anything_

2. Cusack plays Martin, a professional assassin who goes to his high school reunion and gets back together with his weird ex-girlfriend, Minnie Driver.

Answer: _Grosse Point Blank_

3. Cusack co-stars with Billy Bob Thornton in this suck-ass movie about air traffic controllers' wacky shenanigans.

Answer: _Pushing Tin_

14. Given two battles, name the war during which they took place FTP each; if

you need the dates of the war, you'll receive 5 points.

1. 10. Sluys, siege of Orleans

5. 1337-1453

Answer: _Hundred Years'_ War

2. 10. Port Arthur, Tsushima Strait

5. 1904-1905

Answer: _Russo-Japanese_ War

3. 10. White Mountain, Lutzen

5. 1618-1648

Answer: _Thirty Years'_ War

15. Given works, name these writers of the Harlem Renaissance FTP each.

1. _John Brown_, _The Souls of Black Folk_

Answer: W.E.B. _Du Bois_

2. _Copper Sun_, _The Ballad of the Brown Girl_

Answer: Countee _Cullen_

3. _Jonah's Gourd Vine_, _Their Eyes were Watching God_

Answer: Zora Neale _Hurston_

16. Identify these kings from Greek mythology FTP each.

1. His wife Pasiphae fell in love with a bull. His son Androgeus was killed in battle with the Athenians, so this king of Crete demanded the sacrifice of 16 Athenian youths.

Answer: _Minos_

2. The brother of Jocasta and uncle of Antigone, this Theban king's sons Menoeceus and Haemon both committed suicide.

Answer: _Creon_

3. This king of Colchis was the keeper of the golden fleece and the father of Medea.

Answer: _Aeetes

17. FTP each identify these artistically talented families.

1. Charles Willson was a painter from Maryland who studied under Benjamin West; his children named after other famous painters include Raphaelle, Rembrandt, Rubens, and Titian.

Answer: _Peale_

2. Jan the Elder was called _Velvet_ and was famous for his still lives. Pieter the Younger painted devils, while the most famous, Pieter the Elder, painted _Peasant wedding_.

Answer: _Brueghel_

3. Jacopo was a popular Venetian portrait painter; his son Gentile painted processions, while the more famous son, Giovanni, was the teacher of Giorgione and Titian.

Answer: _Bellini_

18. Answer these questions about a Catholic doctrine FTP each.

1. St. Augustine referred to this as "the visible sign of an invisible grace". The Church currently recognizes seven of them.

Answer: _Sacrament_

2. In this sacrament, the faithful ingest the body and blood of Jesus in the form of bread and wine.

Answer: _Eucharist_

3. The Eucharist is kept in this after it has been transubstanciated into the body and blood of Christ.

Answer: _Tabernackle_


19. FTP each name the performers of these songs in the top 10 of Billboard's Hot 100 for May 1st, 1999.

1. Livin' La Vida Loca

Answer: Ricky _Martin_

2. Every Morning

Answer: _Sugar Ray_

3. Angel of Mine

Answer: _Monica_

20. 30-20-10, Identify the 20th century author.

30. He wrote his doctoral thesis in linguistics at the University of Bonn;bhis topic was the Sicilian dialect.

20. Some of his writings include _The Late Mattia Pascal_, _The Old and the Young_, and _As You Desire Me_

10. This 1934 Nobel laureate is most famous for _Enrico Quarto_ and _Six Characters in Search of an author_.

Answer: Luigi _Pirandello

21. Name these common organic compounds FTP each.

1. This disinfectant and embalming fluid's chemical formula is HCHO.

Answer: _Formaldehyde_

2. This solvent has the formula CH3COCH3.

Answer: _Acetone_

3. This acid with formula CH3COOH is the acid in vinegar.

Answer: _Acetic_ Acid

22. FTP each name these islands situated in the Tuscan archipelago.

1. Used by the Etruscans as a mining center, this island sank into obscurity until it served as Napoleon's home in 1814 and 1815.

Answer: _Elba_

2. This tiny unpopulated island provided great riches to the fictional character Edmond Dantes in a Dumas novel.

Answer: _Monte Cristo_

3. Joseph Heller's novel _Catch-22_ takes place on this island.

Answer: _Pianosa_


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