TRULYGREEN Solution Organic (Non-Toxic) Cleaner!

Why is everyone switching to botanical, carcinogen-free cleaners?

They know that most cleaners contain dangerous carcinogens such as dioxin, ethylene oxide, butyls, phenols or other hazardous chemicals. Many cause skin and eye irritations, fatigue, headaches, physical and mental illnesses and premature aging.

Why is everyone so excited about botanical cleaners?

They are exceptionally effective and biodegradable. They are powerful enough to clean battleships, yet so mild that mothers use them to bathe baby bottoms. They are so safe that some people use them to brush away coffee and nicotine stains from their teeth.

What makes them so much more desirable?

1. They are blended from processed extracts of natural plants and contain no carcinogens, nor do they emit toxic fumes.

2. They are "readily biodegradable." (This is the EPA’s most desirable classification.)

3. They work faster and clean deeper. They tested 105% above Federal Cleaning Efficiency Standards.

4. It cost less! Compare: One Quart of Ready-To-Use TRULYGREEN ($1.36 or less per quart!), to $3.97 plus tax for another, “green” cleaner! TRULYGREEN costs 1/3 or less to use! (And it’s so much safer!)

How can cleaners made from plants be more effective than those made from harsh toxic chemicals?

Our formulation uses the “magic” of quantum chemistry to convert plant extracts into powerful, yet surprisingly gentle solutions that dissolve grease, oil, cellular lipid proteins, soap scum, pesticides, insect stains and other hydrocarbons.

How are they created?

Using quantum chemistry, specific extracts are blended at specific time intervals, temperatures and sequences; sub-microscopic particles created are described as “colloidal micelles.”

What are the ingredients?

The proprietary blend contains extracts from plants such as coconuts, corn, grain, grass, potatoes, rice, soy, sugar cane, trees, plus minute amounts of bio-based wetting agents. The only synthetic ingredient, used only in a hard surface cleaner, is EDTA. It is so safe; chelation doctors use it to clean patient’s arteries.

Can bio-based cleaners work as well as harsh chemicals?

Yes. Because they work on the sub-molecular level, they clean deeper and better. For example, mechanics that had grease in their pores can now enjoy totally clean hands and work clothes.

How do they work?

They work on the quantum physics level. They are so small (.000.000, 001 cm) billions could be placed on the point of a needle. They are attracted to oil, grease, cellular lipid proteins and other hydrocarbon molecules. (The basis of nearly all cleaning and degreasing jobs). Billions of them surround individual oil molecules and separate them. Once separated, they can easily be wiped or rinsed away.

Is it true that it was selected as the “Cleaner of Choice” by the U.S. Naval Center for Environmental Health?


What was the competition and criteria?

They considered over 300 competitive products. The criteria were (1) Effectiveness, (2) Biodegradability, and (3) Sailor Safety.

Are the products versatile?

They are exceptionally versatile. The product that is powerful enough to clean battleships is mild and gentle enough to bathe baby kittens.

Why are restaurant managers so enthusiastic?

It is the safest and quickest way to cut grease, clean ovens, floors, carpet, tables, bar tops, etc. without irritating fumes offending their customers. It dissolves and removes grease from water drains. MSDS is available. TRULYGREEN contains no hazardous chemicals or ingredients.

Why are mothers and grandmothers so pleased?

They now have an alternative way to clean without toxic fumes that jeopardize their children’s physical and mental development. Toxic fumes are suspected as a cause of child mental instability and future brain diseases.

Why are eco-minded growers so receptive?

 It carries no EPA red flags. It is readily biodegradable. It stimulates photosynthesis and dissolves lipid cellular proteins. It emits no irritating or offensive fumes. It easily cleans barns and farm equipment. It removes dust, oil, pesticides, insect stains, etc from plants and produce. Because it is a “sodium carrier,” it is believed to stimulate nutrient absorption and increased growth and yield.  Because it is a water softener, it reduces the amount of expensive nutrients and hazardous pesticides required.

A California Orange grower credits the formulation with saving his orange trees and oranges from freezing during a recent freeze (27 degrees F.), that otherwise killed 70% of the California citrus harvest. A Florida nursery owner keeps a supply available and always drenches his ornamentals before frost warnings.

Why are corporate safety officers so enthusiastic?

They appreciate the hazard-free MSDS and the fact that these cleaners and degreasers are non-carcinogenic, non-fuming, non-irritating, non-corrosive, and cannot catch fire or explode. Also, their employees are happier. Employees prefer the fume and irritation-free comfort.

Additional benefits are (1) improved employee health, (2) the cost savings because expensive protective clothing is not needed, (3) less need for ventilation, (4) less sick leave, (5) less chance of fire, explosion and accidents, (6) less likelihood of Worker’s Compensation insurance cost increases and (7) because readily biodegradable cleaners can be poured on the ground or down sewers, there are fewer disposal costs.

Why are environmentally aware people so supportive?

This Organic Cleaner achieved the EPA's highest cleaner classification, i.e. "Readily Biodegradable," in lab tests. (84.6% in 28 days) It is one of few solvents certified as a “Clean Air Solvent” by the California Air Quality Control Board. It is the “Cleaner of Choice” per the U.S. Naval Center for Environmental Health.

Why are environmental officers so pleased with bio-based cleaners?

Botanical juices biodegrade rapidly. "Readily biodegradable" solutions require no expensive disposal. Under current regulations, this cleaner product produces no known EPA “red flags.”

Why are Anti-Aging specialists so enthused about replacing cleaners that contain Volatile Organic Compounds?

Free radicals damage brain cells and nerve synapses. They slow mental functions and accelerate the aging process. They are suspected as factors in the current epidemic of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and impotency. Replacing toxic cleaners helps reduce Volatile Organic Compounds, prolonging youthful health and vigor.

Why are professional house cleaners so thankful?

Their daily exposure to toxic chemical fumes causes continued fatigue, headaches, sinus problems, depression, forgetfulness, impaired immune systems and serious illnesses. They are elated to find our alternative, to toxic fumes.

Why are professional carpet cleaners so impressed?

Customers are now aware that toxic carpet cleaner fumes and residues are especially dangerous. Children and adults may develop mental and physical problems. “Green” cleaning professionals have more happy customers, more referrals, and earn more money. Because of their constant personal exposure to toxic cleaners, professionals tend to suffer long-term illnesses and premature aging. They seek SAFE, Non-toxic cleaners for their customers; and for their own health!

Now you can put an end to using risky, poisonous, caustic and cancer-causing cleaners!

TRULYGREEN is safer/healthier for people, pets, & (y)our environment!




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