|Reconstruction |Reconstruction |

|(1865-1877) | |

| | |

|When was Reconstruction? |1865-1877 |

|Define Reconstruction. |the federal government’s plan to rebuild and re-establish the |

| |states of the former Confederacy |

| |rebuild the South and restore the Union after the Civil War |

|What did the federal government try to do during Reconstruction? |1) Southern white resentment toward both Northerners and blacks |

|What were three results of Reconstruction? |2) Control of the South by whites |

| |3) Gains of former slaves were temporary |

| |Since secession was illegal, the southern states had never really|

| |left the Union. Therefore, Reconstruction was a matter of |

|What was President Abraham Lincoln’s belief regarding |quickly restoring state gov’ts., which were loyal to the Union. |

|Reconstruction? |No. |

| | |

| | |

|Did President Lincoln want to punish the South after the war was |Yes. |

|over? | |

|After the Civil War, did President Lincoln want to reunify the | |

|nation as quickly as possible? |Lincoln |

|Who spoke the words, “With malice towards none, with charity for | |

|all…let us bind up the nation’s wounds…? | |

|What happened to President Abraham Lincoln a few days after Lee’s| |

|surrender at Appommatox? |Assassinated |

|Who succeeded Abraham Lincoln as president? | |

|Who were the Radical Republicans? | |

| |Andrew Johnson |

| | |

|What two ideas did the Radical Republicans want included in the |Republicans who wanted to punish the former Confederate states |

|federal government’s Reconstruction policy? |for causing the Civil War. |

|What did the term military occupation mean during Reconstruction?|1) Military occupation of the South |

| |2) Civil rights for African-Americans |

|With whom did the Radical Republicans in Congress repeatedly | |

|clash? | |

|On what particular issue did the Radical Republicans completely |Southern states were under the rule of a general in the U.S. army|

|disagree with President Johnson? |and American military troops were stationed in the South to keep |

|Who were the freedmen? |order. |

|What action did the Radical Republicans take after President |President Johnson |

|Andrew Johnson tried to prevent their program on behalf of | |

|freedmen? | |

|Define impeachment. |Civil rights for the freedmen |

| | |

|Under the Constitution, does impeachment necessarily mean an | |

|official is removed from office? |Freed slaves |

|Under the Constitution, which house of Congress can impeach the |impeached Johnson |

|president? | |

|Under the Constitution, which house of Congress can remove a | |

|president from office? | |

|Did the Radical Republicans succeed in removing President Andrew | |

|Johnson from office? |The process of bringing an official to trial for misconduct in |

|What three amendments did the Radical Republicans add to the |office. |

|United States Constitution in order to help African-Americans? |No. |

|Identify the Thirteenth Amendment. | |

|Identify the Fourteenth Amendment. | |

| |The House of Representatives. |

|Identify the Fifteenth Amendment. | |

| | |

|How had the Civil War affected the Southern states? |Senate |

|What was the long-term result of the South’s devastation during | |

|the Civil War? | |

|How did the Civil War affect the North and Midwest? |No. |

|What were the long-term results of the Civil War’s | |

|industrialization of the North and Midwest? | |

| |13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments |

| | |

| | |

|What transportation achievement occurred in 1869? | |

|What was the effect of the first transcontinental railroad? |freed the slaves |

| |gave citizenship to African-Americans; guaranteed “equal |

| |protection of the laws” |

|What deal was made between Southern Democrats and Republicans to |gave African-American males the right to vote |

|end Reconstruction? |devastated them |

| | |

|What was this deal called? |South remained the poorest section of the nation for a long time |

|Define the term Electoral College. | |

| |North and Midwest had strong industrial economies. |

| |1) led to industrialization of the nation, except the South, |

|What are electoral votes? |during the second half of the 19th century |

|Under the Constitution, how many electoral votes does each state |2) U.S. became a global economic power by the beginning of the |

|receive? |20th century |

|Who gained power in the Southern states as a result of the |transcontinental railroad; transcontinental = across the |

|Compromise of 1877? |continent |

|Define the term “Jim Crow Era.” |increased westward movement of settlers into the states between |

| |the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean. |

| |Southern Democrats support the Republican candidate for president|

| |and Republicans would end military occupation of the South |

| |Compromise of 1877 |

|What happened to Southern African-Americans during the era of Jim|The group of people who cast the official votes that elect the |

|Crow? |President and Vice President. |

|During the era of Jim Crow, what specific political rights did |The official votes for president |

|most Southern blacks lose? |Electoral votes = Number of members in House of Representatives +|

|What happened to Southern blacks after Reconstruction ended? |two for U.S. Senators |

| |Former Confederates who controlled the Democratic party |

| | |

| |The period in which Southern states required racial segregation |

| |in public schools, transportation, and other public facilities. |

| |(racial segregation = separation of the races) |

| |Lost most of the political gains they had made during |

| |Reconstruction |

| | |

| |Right to vote and right to serve on juries |

| | |

| |were denied the full rights of American citizenship until the |

| |mid-1960s |


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