Technology and the Criminal Justice System: Exam 1 (2012)


1. Both CCTV and street lighting were found to be more effective the UK than in the United States

A. True

B. False

2. According to Gary Marx, products that self –destruct are an example of __________

A. target removal

B. target insulation

C. target devaluation

D. All of the above

3. Static 99 is an example of ____________

A. The new generation of threat assessment instruments.

B. A sex offender risk assessment instrument

C. A mental health risk assessment instrument

D. The latest Taser technology available for the public

4. In a _____________ investors are promised high return on investments, but no investments are made.

A. Phishing scam

B. 419/Nigerian Letter scam

C. Reuniti scam

D. Ponzi scam

5. ____________ applies to email appearing to come from a legitimate business, a bank, or a credit card company-requesting “verification” of information and a warning of some dire consequence if not done. The letter usually contains a link to a fraudulent website that looks legitimate-with company logos and content-and has a form requesting everything from a home address to an ATM card’s PIN

A. Bots


C. Phishing

D. None of the Above

6. Notorious sex offender Phillip Garrido was located and captured by police in California due to the use of electronic monitoring technology

A. True

B. False

7 According to recent research by Byrne and Hummer (2012) there is both a direct and an indirect link between organized crime and internet gambling.

A. True

B. False

8. ______________ is the exploitation of Bluetooth-enabled devices in order to steal data and images. It was made famous because it happened to Paris Hilton.

A. Telemarketing fraud

B. Phishing

C. Bluesnarfing

D. All of the above

9. What is the name of the suspected gunman in the Aurora Colorado theatre massacre whose psychiatrist had informed his university’s threat assessment team about his problematic behavior?

A. Phillip Gariddo

B. Eric Harris

C. Dylan Klebold

D. James Holmes

10. Between 2006 and 2010, over 200,000 CCTV cameras were installed in the Chinese city of Schenzhen

A. True

B. False

11. Interviews with offenders involved with telemarketing scams said that they got into and persisted at telemarketing for “the money.” Only one reported earning less than $10,000 weekly, and most said their annual earnings were in the range of $100,000 to $250,000. Five said their annual earnings exceeded $1 million.

A. True

B. False

12. Which type of risk assessment is more accurate?

A. Actuarial

B. Clinical

13. On April 15, 2011, The DOJ targeted the three largest internet poker sites—Poker Stars, Full Tilt Poker, and Absolute Poker in an event that came to be known as _____________

A. Exclusion Day

B. Black Friday

C. Operation Blackout

D. Operation Shutdown

14. According to Schlegel and Cohen, the single largest category of “crime at work” was____________ with estimated yearly losses of ___________

A. Occupational fraud: 5 million

B. Internet gambling; 500 million

C. Telemarketing fraud; 1 billion

D, Occupational Fraud; 500 billion

15. What is the name of the website that sells items to anonymous buyers--including illegal drugs—using the latest identity masking software?

A. Anonymity

B. Silk Road

C. Perverted Justice

D. none of the above

16. Trojan Horse is a malicious program disguised as legitimate software that, when transmitted to an unsuspecting recipient, may impede the functioning of the target computer system

A. True

B. False

17. __________________ is a remote controlled robot used for a range of activities from sending spam to stealing data

A. Auto track XP

B. Bot

C. Radient Trust

D. Voyager remote access control unit

18. The effectiveness of crime prevention strategies deploying a combination of street lighting improvements and CCTV appears to be greatest in __________

A. Residences

B. Central Business Districts

C. Parking lots/car parks

D. Bars/Restaurants

19. 19. According to the FTC, there were over ____________victims of identity theft last

year in the United States.


B. 15 million

C. 5 million

D. 150 million

20. ________________ combine the threat of impersonation fraud with a variation of an advance fee scheme, which offers the recipient the “opportunity” to share in a percentage of millions of dollars that a self-proclaimed government official is trying to transfer illegally out of a foreign country

A. Scarlet Letter frauds

B. Ponzi Schemes

C. Nigerian Letter frauds

D. All of the above

21. Research has demonstrated that the overall likelihood of recidivism for all sex offenders (re-arrest,1 year follow-up) is between________.

A. 20-30 percent

B. 5-10 percent

C. 30-40 percent

D. 80-90 percent

22. The most commonly used risk assessment instrument in corrections today is the_____________

A. Static 99



D. Hare psychopathy checklist

23. After qualifying for one of the Entry Programs, Special Agent FBI candidates with one or more Critical Skills will be prioritized in the hiring process.

A .Accounting

B. Computer Science/Information Technology Expertise

C. Foreign Language(s) Proficiency

D. All of the above

24. Which of the following language skills are NOT seen as critical by the FBI?

A. German

B. Spanish

C. Farsi

D. Japanese

25.According to the Exceptional Case Study Project, there is no accurate "profile" of a political assassin; however, subjects exhibited a common set of "attack-related behaviors. In contrast, the Secret Service study of school shooters revealed that a very accurate profile of the likely school shooter can be developed.

A. True

B. False


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