
Butt, Khalid Manzoor, and Mominyar Khalid. “Rise of the Far-right Groups in Trump’s America.”?Journal of Political Studies, 2018, p. 105.?Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints,?. Accessed 20 Oct. 2019.The main argument of this article was to show the correlation between trumps election and the rise of the alt right. It covers topics such as the fact Trumps own father was arrested at a KKK rally in New York City when he was younger. How many of trumps advisors are aligned with alt-right and anti-immigrant groups. And the specific fact that since 2014 the number of hate groups operating in the united states has increase 17%. And these hate groups don’t only have the president’s ear, but they even have open contracts with the white house. Trumps silence of the rise of domestic terrorism in our country is appalling. With the Charlottesville protest hit and run, and Dylan Roof the South Carolina church shooter not being charged as domestic terrorists.?This source was useful as a general overview of some of the key points of the issue. But really didn’t dive too deep into how or what besides the election of Trump has caused this increase in white supremacy and violence. I think this should might be good for quoting some statistics, most notably about the 17% increase in hate groups over the last year. The source was very reliable as it came from a scholarly article. This source did not come off as biased or unreliable in any way. My goal for this source is to use it for the statistics it can supply to help my case.This source however not as detailed as I had hoped it would be, it does lay out some very important facts as to what is leading to the rise of white nationalist in our country. It helps me shape my argument by giving me statistics and hard facts i can use to prove my argument. It has not changed how I think about my topic, but it has added some much-needed context to the issue.?Druery, Donna M., et al. “Macroaggressions and Civil Discourse.”?Women, Gender, and Families of Color, vol. 6, no. 1, 2018, p. 73+.?Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints,?. Accessed 20 Oct. 2019.The main arguments of this piece are that the rise in violence and harassment in the United States has significantly increase since Trump took office. Trump’s presidency has provided opportunities for the on the fringe of society to take the main stage with violence and hate. In the first 10 days of his presidency there were over 900 reports of harassment and intimidation. He ran his entire campaign on racial resentment and fear.?This is a very useful source; it has many great examples of how this presidency has affected the division in this country and how that has led to the rise of the alt right. This was the most informative source I have fond on the topic so far. The information is very reliable as it from a well-researched scholarly journal. This source is very reliable because she provides examples of how the rise of nationalism and the alt-right has directly affected her. This source is very biased, and obviously is not a supporter of the current president. The goal of this source is to persuade the reader that what Trump has done with the presidency is appalling and has set us back many years.?This source was very helpful, it provided a lot of good facts and quotable statistics I will be able to use in my paper. It helped shape my argument by giving me the viewpoint of a person who is directly affected by this rise in hate on a day to day basis. It has not changed how I think about the topic, the writer has many of the views I hold. But it gave me a lot more fact-based ways to base my argument.“WHOLE LOTTA HATE.”?The Progressive, Feb.-Mar. 2019, p. 17.?Gale OneFile: CPI.Q (Canadian Periodicals),?. Accessed 22 Oct. 2019.This article notes that the number of hate crimes in the US jumped 17% in 2017. More than 7,000 hate crimes were reported to the FBI that year. And of that 7,000, 60% were prompted by race, ethnicity, or ancestry. Then 21% were based on religion, and 16% based on sexual orientation. This was the third consecutive year to see an increase in hate crimes, going back to 2015 when Donald Trump began his campaign.?This is another useful source that has easily quotable statistics on the rise of hate crime since Trumps presidency. This source doesn’t come off as biased, but it was published by The Progressive. Which is a politically progressive magazine, so it has some inherent bias. The goal of this article appears to be to make people aware of the rise of hate crimes and how it correlates to the rise of Trump.This could fit into my argument by being good statistical points to grab people’s attention and make them aware of the rise in hate crimes, and how that is directly tied to the emboldening of the alt-right by Donald Trump. It hasn’t changed my view on the topic, if anything it makes me surer of the connection. ................

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