
"Burial is the way to honor the dead"Akram MiknasUS president Donald Trump’s official recognition of the Golan Heights as Israel’s sovereign land is illegal and contradicts international rules governing borders of countries and relationships among neighboring countries.? On December 6, 2017, he announced the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and maybe he will terminate the Palestinian sovereignty in the Palestinian territories by the end of his presidency. Why not? What would stop him? He is a trader with no political memory. It may take him a little less time to think about making the decision than signing that decision with his odd signature.The official Arabian reply to Trump’s decision is late and shameful. Talking about the Arab League’s response that aims to nullify Trump’s Jerusalem move is quite funny. Arab governments are too busy to confront Trump even in the media. Honestly, no one expects or relies on the Arab League summits!The most shameful is the Arabs’ response! National Arab country like Algeria, Egypt or Sudan didn’t even hold a single demonstration in protest. There has been no massive demonstration even in Syria. Apparently, the Arab people are also too busy. Syrians are clearly exhausted after the war, Algerians and Sudanese are protesting for political changes, Egyptians have their stability issues, Yemenis, Iraqis and Libyans are facing wars and conflicts!Are we as Arabian people and governments really dead? For that we should be buried as the Arab saying goes, “Burial is the way to honor the dead”.No one disputes the US administration’s bias to Israel, and Israel wouldn’t have become such a force and so arrogant without the US’ infinite aid in terms of money, arms and political support over the course of the past half-century. These administrations have always maintained a grey area between Arab and Israel in one way or another, considering that the US is the only one who would guarantee any peace agreement!That was before Trump, who applied, and is still applying, all his vows for Israel listed on his election programme. The Zionist lobby in the United States knows how Trump is investing to make the biggest gains possible during his presidency.The Arabs won’t achieve victory with songs or prayers. We might achieve personal success but we lose as a nation. We must build a better future for our children and stop representing ourselves as Bedouins who carry their tents on their backs seeking food and water elsewhere.We need to gain greater political equality to maintain our dignity as Arabs. We certainly have common interests with the United States, but these interests must be built on equality. The Beijing policy towards Washington is a good example, where it is flexible in some areas and strict in others. Trump knows he can’t pass any of his decisions to harm Beijing as and when he likes.He has done nothing for the Arab Gulf or the Arab Nation. Even the economic sanctions he imposed on Iran are useless. Iran has not stopped its interference in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. Iran has not become a responsible member of the international community.We have lost a lot during the eight years of the former US president Barak Obama’s presidency, where the worst happened when Obama arrived to a noticeably low-key reception in Saudi Arabia and was greeted at the airport by the governor of Riyadh Prince Faisal bin Bandar Al Saud. This reflected the resentment of his decisions, which bet on political Islam in Turkey, Iran, Egypt and Qatar, all of which have resulted in bloody conflicts and we are still suffering from their consequences.But was his successor “Trump” any better? I doubt it. We are always offended by this man’s statements; he seems to think that the growth of the US economy is our responsibility.I believe our issue is that we still act as though we live in the era of George H. W. Bush, when he led the US forces to expel the occupying Iraqi troops of dictator Saddam Hussein. However, his son George W. Bush continued his father’s policy in a barbaric way. He virtually destroyed Iraq and handed it on a platter to Iran, weakened Pakistan - Arab’s ally and Iran’s strong neighbor - and put his country into a debt spiral for which we are now bearing the consequences and are drawn into and in part are now repaying the debt.The US is a state of interests; it doesn’t build its foreign policy based on emotions or gifts and this is clearer to us under Trump. So where are our interests as Arabs? How should we build these interests? How should we become influencers with a strong voice that is heard internationally? I believe we need to go back to our past as a respected and feared nation. However, we lack the will, instead we are left waiting for four years for a US president who will understand our rights and care for us. ................

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