
4657725-57150Duty of Candour – Annual Report April 2019 All health and social care services in Scotland have a duty of candour. This is a legal requirement which means that when things go wrong and mistakes happen, the people affected understand what has happened, receive an apology, and that organisations learn how to improve for the future.This is the first year of the duty of candour being in operation and it has been a learning experience for Rosemount Lifelong Learning. It has helped us to remember that people who use our childcare service have the right to know when things go badly, as well as when they go well.An important part of this duty is that we provide an annual report about the duty of candour in our services. This short report describes how Rosemount Lifelong Learning has operated the duty of candour during the time between 1 April 2018 and 31 March 2019. About Rosemount Lifelong Learning Rosemount Lifelong Learning was established in 1998.? The focus of the work within our childcare setting is to provide a high quality education and childcare experience for children aged 6months to 5 years within the Royston Community.Our setting is regulated by the Care Inspectorate. Our setting works with children on an individual and group basis whilst carrying out observations on the children attending. The childcare staff maintain records of each child to assess their developmental, educationally and their wellbeing.To what extent did Rosemount Lifelong Learning follow the duty of candour procedure? Rosemount Lifelong Learning implemented the Duty of Candour policies and procedures to come into effect within our service from the 1st of April 2018. The Childcare Manager is responsible for ensuring:That the procedure is carried outTraining required by the regulation is undertaken & support and supervision is provided to any person carrying out any part of the procedure as required by the regulatorsAnnual reports on the duty of Candour are prepared and made availableHow many incidents happened to which the duty of candour applies?In the last year, there has been no incident to which the duty of candour applied. Number of times this happenedType of unexpected or unintended incidentSomeone has died0Someone has permanently less bodily, sensory, motor, physiologic or intellectual functions0Someone’s treatment has increased because of harm0The structure of someone’s body changes because of harm0Someone’s life expectancy becomes shorter because of harm0Someone’s sensory, motor or intellectual functions is impaired for 28 days or more0Someone experienced pain or psychological harm for 28 days or more0A person needed health treatment in order to prevent them dying0A person needing health treatment in order to prevent other injuries0About our policies and proceduresWe made a change to our policies and procedures as a result of the duty of candour. We have reviewed the way in which we provide snacks to children to ensure that allergies are known to all staff and that staff are confident about how they can avoid harm arising from them.Where something has happened that triggers the duty of candour, our staff report this to the Childcare Manager who has responsibility for ensuring that the duty of candour procedure is followed. The Childcare Manager records the incident and reports as necessary to both Rosemount LL Chief Executive and The Care Inspectorate. When an incident has happened, the Childcare Manager and staff set up a learning review. This allows everyone involved to review what happened and identifies changes for the future.All new staff learn about the duty of candour at their induction. We know that serious mistakes can be distressing for staff as well as people who use care and their families. If you would like more information about Rosemount Lifelong Learning please contact us using the details: Rosemount Lifelong Learning, 221 Millburn St, Royston, Glasgow G21 2HL Telephone: 0141 552 3090 rosemount.ac.uk ................

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