THE BOOK OF DANIELNARRATIVE VERSIONCHAPTER 7In the first year of [the reign of] King Belshazzar of Babylon, while Daniel [was] in bed, he had a dream and visions [entered] his mind. Afterwards, he wrote down the main points revealed by the dream.Daniel is talking [now], and he is saying: At night I was staring, and suddenly I saw four spirits from Heaven stirring a mighty sea. And four enormous beasts, all different from each other, rose from the sea. The first was a lion, with wings resembling an eagle’s. I kept watching until its wings fell off, and it rose from the ground. And it stood on two feet like a man, Man’s heart given to it.And suddenly another beast, a second one partly resembling a bear, appeared with three ribs between the teeth of its mouth. And it was told, ‘Establish yourself! Devour much flesh!’I kept being shown this place. Then suddenly there was another beast, a leopard with four bird wings on its back. This beast also had four heads, and power had been granted to it. I kept seeing this place in visions throughout the night.Then behold: a fourth beast, horrendous and extremely powerful, that had terrifying iron teeth. [It was] devouring and tearing apart everything, its feet trampling anything that remained. But it differed from all the beasts [that came] before it, and it had ten horns. As I pondered the appearance of the horns, another small horn suddenly appeared, uprooting the previous three horns. This horn had eyes like human eyes, and a mouth that loudly blustered. I kept watching until its throne was thrown down.Then the Ancient of Days [i.e., God] sat down. His robe was white as snow, and the hair on his head resembled the purest wool. His [Chariot] Throne was a blazing fire, and the wheels were like searing flames. There was a river of fire that streamed and gushed forth before Him. Thousands upon thousands were serving Him, and tens of thousands upon tens of thousands stood before Him. Then court convened, and the Book [i.e., of Life] was opened. Then I kept watching because of the blustering words coming from the voice of the horn. I kept watching until that beast was killed and annihilated, its body given to the scorching flames [of Hell]. Then the remaining beasts had their authority taken away, but their lives were given an extension until the [new] Age and Time [of the End].I kept seeing visions throughout the night. Then suddenly with the clouds of Heaven, there was the arrival of the Son of Man [i.e., Jesus Christ], and he approached the Ancient of Days [i.e., God] to be presented to Him. Then he was granted authority, glory, and a kingdom, so all people, nations, and races could serve under his rule. His supremacy is an everlasting one, which no one can remove, and which nothing can destroy.I, Daniel, was distressed to the very depth of my spirit, and the images in my mind shocked me. I approached one of the appointed [spirits] and asked for the truth about all of it.He told me the meaning of everything, enlightening me: “Those four enormous beasts—those are the four [demon] kings that will appear from the Earth, who will [each] receive a kingdom. But the saints of the Almighty will take over governance [of the Earth from them] forever, and ever, and ever.”Then I wanted to know the meaning of the Fourth Beast—which was different from the others and extremely awful, with iron teeth and bronze talons that devoured and eviscerated, its feet trampling anything that remained. And [I wanted to know] about the ten horns that were on its head, and about the other [horn] that had appeared, before which the three horns prostrated themselves—[the horn that] had eyes, and a mouth that loudly blustered, and which appeared to be mightier than its predecessors.As I was watching, that same horn waged war against the saints, overpowering them until the Ancient of Days [i.e., God] came to pass judgment [in favor of] the saints of the Almighty. Then the moment arrived for the saints to assume rule.And [the spirit] said, “The Fourth Beast is a fourth kingdom that will exist on Earth, which will differ from all [previous] kingdoms. It will devour the whole Earth, smashing and annihilating. The ten horns from this kingdom [represent] ten kings who will emerge. Then another will come after [them], and he will differ from the first three kings, and will be deemed superior to them. He will say things against Our Lord, and will harm the saints of the Almighty in an attempt to change the [End] Time and [God’s] Law. They will be put under his control for a time, times, and half a time. But court will convene, and his power will be wrested away, quashed, and destroyed forever. And the authority and rule and might of all the kingdoms under Heaven will be given to the loyal followers of the saints of the Almighty. And their dominion will be an everlasting dominion, and all rulers will serve and obey it.”This was the end of the message. As for me, Daniel, my thoughts greatly upset me and my heart was aggrieved, so I kept the message to myself.CHAPTER 8In the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar, I, Daniel, saw [another] vision after the one I had previously seen. Then, when I was staring at the vision, I saw myself in the palace in Shushan, in Elam Province. And in the vision I saw that I was by the Ulai River.I looked up, and suddenly I saw a ram [i.e., ancient Persia] with two horns standing before the river. One of the horns was higher [i.e., more powerful] than the other, and the higher one had come later. I saw the ram waging war against lands in the westward, north, and in the south, with nothing alive able to oppose it. Nor could anyone be rescued from its power—it did whatever it wanted, and became mighty.As I was pondering this, suddenly there was a goat. It swept from the West across the face of the entire earth, never touching the ground. This goat had a prominent horn between its eyes. And it approached the ram with the [two] horns that I had seen standing before the river, and charged it in a mighty rage.Then I saw it attacking the ram, striking it violently and breaking its two horns. The ram had no ability to protect itself and was hurled to the ground, and trampled. There was no one saving the ram from the goat’s might. The male-female goat [i.e., the Cult of Lucifer] grew in strength. But when it became extremely powerful, its large horn broke—and four prominent ones emerged from the four spirits of Heaven. From one of them, a small horn appeared and became extremely powerful in the southern lands and in the eastern lands, and in the beautiful [land] [i.e., in the Holy Land].And it became mighty before the army of Heaven, and attacked the celestial warriors on Earth, trampling them. It even boasted that [it was] as powerful as the Commander of the [heavenly] army [i.e., as powerful as the Archangel Michael]—by whom the [small horn’s] constant [sacrificial crimes] will be abolished, and the [goat’s] holy places destroyed. It formed an army around the daily [sacrificial crimes]. . And it slammed truth to the ground, advancing and succeeding.Then I heard one holy person talking, who was responding to a particular holy person who had asked, “How long [are] the devastating daily [sacrificial crimes] of the prophecy [going to continue]? And [when will] their holy [places] be given to the [Messiah’s] army to be trampled?”And the holy person replied, “Until then, [there will be] 2,300 sunsets and sunrises [i.e., ~6 ? years] for justice to be restored to the Holy [Place].”As I was watching the vision and trying to comprehend it, a man suddenly appeared and was standing before me. Then I heard someone’s voice calling from the Ulai River, saying, “Gabriel, explain the vision to this [man].”So he came and stood next to me. I was terrified as he approached, and fell facedown, but he said to me, “Understand, Son of Man: the vision is about the Time of the End.”And as he spoke to me, I fell into a deep trance with my face to the ground. But he touched me, and I rose to my feet.Then he said, “Listen, I am giving you knowledge about what will be the final outrage, as it relates to the preordained Time of the End. The ram that you saw, the ruler with the [two] horns, [represents] the kings of Media and Persia. And the goat demon [i.e., Lucifer] is the King of Greece [i.e., of the West, of Western Civilization], and the large horn between its eyes—it is their main ruler, whose authority was destroyed. The four [horns] that took its place are four kingdoms that will emerge from the nations, but without its power.“In the later part of their reign, when their sinning [against God] has reached its height end, a king [i.e., the little horn] will arise with a savage face, who comprehends occult magic. His vast power is not his own, and he will cause extraordinary ruin, successfully accomplishing the defilement of the great holy people. Going against all rationality, he will promote treachery. Controlling minds, he will become mighty in [a time of] prosperity, and will destroy many—even rising against the Prince of Princes [i.e., against Jesus Christ]. But in the end, his authority will be crushed.“The prophecy that you were given about the sunsets and sunrises is true. But keep the vision secret because it will occur a long time from now.”I, Daniel, became sick for days, [then finally] rose to perform the duties of the king. I was horrified by the vision, unable to make sense of it.LINE VERSIONCHAPTER 77:1 In the first year of [the reign of] King Belshazzar of Babylon, while Daniel [was] in bed, he had a dream and visions [entered] his mind. Afterwards, he wrote down the main points revealed by the dream.7:2 Daniel is talking [now], and he is saying: At night I was staring, and suddenly I saw four spirits from Heaven stirring a mighty sea.7:3 And four enormous beasts, all different from each other, rose from the sea.7:4 The first was a lion, with wings resembling an eagle’s. I kept watching until its wings fell off, and it rose from the ground. And it stood on two feet like a man, Man’s heart given to it.7:5 And suddenly another beast, a second one partly resembling a bear, appeared with three ribs between the teeth of its mouth. And it was told, ‘Establish yourself! Devour much flesh!’7:6 I kept being shown this place. Then suddenly there was another beast, a leopard with four bird wings on its back. This beast also had four heads, and power had been granted to it.7:7 I kept seeing this place in my visions throughout the night. Then behold: a fourth beast, horrendous and extremely powerful, that had terrifying iron teeth. [It was] devouring and tearing apart everything, its feet trampling anything that remained. But it differed from all the beasts [that came] before it, and it had ten horns.7:8 As I pondered the appearance of the horns, another small horn suddenly appeared, uprooting the previous three horns. This horn had eyes like human eyes, and a mouth that loudly blustered.7:9 I kept watching until its throne was thrown down. Then the Ancient of Days [i.e., God] sat down. His robe was white as snow, and the hair on his head resembled the purest wool. His [Chariot] Throne was a blazing fire, and the wheels were like searing flames.7:10 There was a river of fire that streamed and gushed forth before Him. Thousands upon thousands were serving Him, and tens of thousands upon tens of thousands stood before Him. Then court convened, and the Book [i.e., of Life] was opened.7:11 Then I kept watching because of the blustering words coming from the voice of the horn. I kept watching until that beast was killed and annihilated, its body given to the scorching flames [of Hell].7:12 Then the remaining beasts had their authority taken away, but their lives were given an extension until the [new] Age and Time [of the End].7:13 I kept seeing visions throughout the night. Then suddenly with the clouds of Heaven, there was the arrival of the Son of Man [i.e., Jesus Christ], and he approached the Ancient of Days [i.e., God] to be presented to Him.7:14 Then he was granted authority, glory, and a kingdom, so all people, nations, and races could serve under his rule. His supremacy is an everlasting one, which no one can remove, and which nothing can destroy.7:15 I, Daniel, was distressed to the very depth of my spirit, and the images in my mind shocked me.7:16 I approached one of the appointed [spirits] and asked for the truth about all of it. He told me the meaning of everything, enlightening me:7:17 “Those four enormous beasts—those are the four [demon] kings that will appear from the Earth,7:18 “who will [each] receive a kingdom. But the saints of the Almighty will take over governance [of the Earth from them] forever, and ever, and ever.”7:19 Then I wanted to know the meaning of the Fourth Beast—which was different from the others and extremely awful, with iron teeth and bronze talons that devoured and eviscerated, its feet trampling anything that remained.7:20 And [I wanted to know] about the ten horns that were on its head, and about the other [horn] that had appeared, before which the three horns prostrated themselves—[the horn that] had eyes, and a mouth that loudly blustered, and which appeared to be mightier than its predecessors.7:21 As I was watching, that same horn waged war against the saints, overpowering them7:22 until the Ancient of Days [i.e., God] came to pass judgment [in favor of] the saints of the Almighty. Then the moment arrived for the saints to assume rule.7:23 And [the spirit] said, “The Fourth Beast is a fourth kingdom that will exist on Earth, which will differ from all [previous] kingdoms. It will devour the whole Earth, smashing and annihilating.7:24 “The ten horns from this kingdom [represent] ten kings who will emerge. Then another will come after [them], and he will differ from the first three kings, and will be deemed superior to them.7:25 “He will say things against Our Lord, and will harm the saints of the Almighty in an attempt to change the [End] Time and [God’s] Law. They will be put under his control for a time, times, and half a time.7:26 “But court will convene, and his power will be wrested away, quashed, and destroyed forever.7:27 “And the kingdom and rule and might of all the kingdoms under Heaven will be given to the loyal followers of the saints of the Almighty. And their authority will be an everlasting authority, and all rulers will serve and obey it.”7:28 This was the end of the message. As for me, Daniel, my thoughts greatly upset me and my heart was aggrieved, so I kept the message to myself.CHAPTER 88:1 In the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar, I, Daniel, saw [another] vision after the one I had previously seen.8:2 Then, when I was looking in the vision, I saw myself in the palace in Shushan, in Elam Province. And in the vision I saw that I was by the Ulai River.8:3 I looked up, and suddenly I saw a ram [i.e., ancient Persia] with two horns standing before the river. One of the horns was higher [i.e., more powerful] than the other, and the higher one had come later.8:4 I saw the ram waging war against lands in the westward, north, and in the south, with nothing alive able to oppose it. Nor could anyone be rescued from its power—it did whatever it wanted, and became mighty.8:5 As I was pondering this, suddenly there was a goat. It swept from the West across the face of the entire earth, never touching the ground. This goat had a prominent horn between its eyes.8:6 And it approached the ram with the [two] horns that I had seen standing before the river, and charged it in a mighty rage.8:7 Then I saw it attacking the ram, striking it violently and breaking its two horns. The ram had no ability to protect itself and was hurled to the ground, and trampled. There was no one saving the ram from the goat’s might.8:8 The male-female goat [i.e., the Cult of Lucifer] grew in strength. But when it became extremely powerful, its large horn broke—and four prominent ones emerged from the four spirits of Heaven.8:9 From one of them, a small horn appeared and became extremely powerful in the southern lands and in the eastern lands, and in the beautiful [land] [i.e., in the Holy Land].8:10 And it became mighty before the armies of Heaven, and attacked the celestial warriors on Earth, trampling them.8:11 It even boasted that [it was] as powerful as the Commander of the [heavenly] army [i.e., as powerful as the Archangel Michael]—by whom the [small horn’s] constant [sacrificial crimes] will be abolished, and the [goat’s] holy places destroyed. 8:12 It formed an army around the daily [sacrificial crimes]. . And it slammed truth to the ground, advancing and succeeding.8:13 Then I heard one holy person talking, who was responding to a particular holy person who had asked, “How long [are] the devastating daily [sacrificial crimes] of the prophecy [going to continue]? And [when will] their holy [places] be given to the [Messiah’s] army to be trampled?”8:14 And the holy person replied, “Until then, [there will be] 2,300 sunsets and sunrises [i.e., ~6 ? years] for justice to be restored to the Holy [Place].”8:15 As I was watching the vision and trying to comprehend it, a man suddenly appeared and was standing before me.8:16 Then I heard someone’s voice calling from the Ulai River, saying, “Gabriel, explain the vision to this [man].”8:17 So he came and stood next to me. I was terrified as he approached, and fell facedown, but he said to me, “Understand, Son of Man: the vision is about the Time of the End.”8:18 And as he spoke to me, I fell into a deep trance with my face to the ground. But he touched me, and I rose to my feet.8:19 Then he said, “Listen, I am giving you knowledge about what will be the final outrage, as it relates to the preordained Time of the End.8:20 “The ram that you saw, the ruler with the [two] horns, [represents] the kings of Media and Persia.8:21 “And the goat demon [i.e., Lucifer] is the King of Greece [i.e., of the West, of Western Civilization], and the large horn between its eyes—it is their main ruler,8:22 “whose authority was destroyed. The four [horns] that took its place are four kingdoms that will emerge from the nations, but without its power.8:23 “In the later part of their reign, when their sinning [against God] has reached its height end, a king [i.e., the little horn] will arise with a savage face, who comprehends occult magic.8:24 “His vast power is not his own, and he will cause extraordinary ruin, successfully accomplishing the defilement of the great holy people.8:25 “Going against all rationality, he will promote treachery. Controlling minds, he will become mighty in [a time of] prosperity, and will destroy many—even rising against the Prince of Princes [i.e., against Jesus Christ]. But in the end, his authority will be crushed.8:26 “The prophecy that you were given about the sunsets and sunrises is true. But keep the vision secret because it will occur a long time from now.”8:27 I, Daniel, became sick for days, [then finally] rose to perform the duties of the king. I was horrified by the vision, unable to make sense of it. ................

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