
Words-in-Sentences CompanyFunctional Structure??In this exercise you will form a “mini-organization” with several other people.??Your organization will have a?functional?structure?The success of your company will depend on: (1) your objectives, (2) planning, (3) coordination, and (4) quality control.??It is important, therefore, that you spend some time thinking about the best organization design given your organizational structure.??Raw Materials????????????For each production run you will be given a “raw material phrase”.??The letters found in the word or phrase serve as the raw materials available to produce new words in sentences.??For example, if the raw material is?“I work in an?organization” you could produce the words and sentences: “Nat ran to a zoo.”?Production Standards (aka: “Rules”)?The same letter may appear only as often in a manufactured word as it appears in the raw material word or phrase???????For example, “I work in an organization” has three?o’s?and no s’s.??Thus “zoo” is legitimate but “orangutan” is not (it contains the letter u).???????Raw material letters can be used again in different manufactured words.???????A new word may not be made by adding “s” to form the plural of an already-used manufactured word.???????All words must be in English.???????Names and places are acceptable.???????Slang is not acceptable.?A manufactured word may be used only once in a sentence and in only one sentence during a production run???????For example. If the word “a” is used once in any sentence, it is out of stock and cannot be used again during that production run.???????Sentences must have a minimum of three words and a maximum of six words?Nonsense words or sentences are unacceptable.?Measuring Performance????????????The?output of your WIS company is measured by the total number of acceptable words that are packaged in sentences.??The sentences must be legible, listed on no more than two sheets of paper, and handed to the Quality Control Review Board at the completion of each production run.?Delivery????????????Delivery must be made to the Quality Control Review Board 30 seconds after the end of each production run.???You must deliver your sentences AND the “raw material” envelope to the Quality Control Review Board.?Quality Control????????????If any word in a sentence does not meet the standards set forth above, all the words in the sentence will be rejected.??The Quality Control Review Board is the final arbiter of acceptability.??In the event of a tie vote on the Review Board, a coin toss will determine the outcome.?Agenda?Step 1:??15 Minutes????????????Design your organization to produce your “words-in-sentences.”??Your organization will have a?FUNCTIONAL?STRUCTURE with a minimum of two functions: word manufacturing and packaging (i.e. sentence creation)/distribution.?Given that edict, there are several potential ways of organizing.??Since some of them are more efficient than others, you may want to consider the following:?1.?????What is your company’s objective?2.?????How will you achieve your objective???How should you plan your work, given the time allowed?3.?????What division of labor, authority, and responsibility is most appropriate, given your objective, your task, and the technology?4.?????Which group members are most qualified to perform certain tasks??Step 2:??10 Minutes?–?Production Run #11.?????Each WIS company will be handed multiple copies of a single raw material phrase.2.?????You have 10 minutes to manufacture as many words as possible and package them in sentences for delivery to the Quality Control Review Board.?3.?????When the instructor announces “Stop production”, you will have 30 seconds to deliver your output to the Quality Control Review Board.??Output received after 30 seconds does not meet the delivery schedule and will not be counted.?Step 3:??10 Minutes1.?????The members of the Quality Control Review Board will review the output from each company.??The total output will be recorded (after quality control approval) on the board.?2.?????While the Board is completing its task, each WIS company should discuss what happened during production run #1.??Each company should evaluate its performance and organization.??Companies may reorganize for production run #2.??However, you must maintain?a?FUNCTIONAL?STRUCTURE with a minimum of two functions: word manufacturing and packaging (i.e. sentence creation)/distribution.?Step 4:??10 Minutes?–?Production Run #21.?????Proceed as in Step 2 (Production Run #1).??Step 5:??10 Minutes1.?????The Quality Control Review Board will review each company’s output and record it on the board.??The total for runs #1 and #2 will be tallied.?2.?????While the Board is completing its task, each WIS company should prepare a slide depicting its workflow for both production runs.??The chart should show all tasks that were performed, the order in which they were performed, and the coordination mechanism.??Please put the names of all team members on the slide. ................

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