
I had a conversation with one of my friends over the telephone and he said very profound and fundamental truths in relation to leadership. Amongst the things he said was “if in our generation we fail to raise the standard of leadership, we fail to uphold the moral fire of the church and community at large, and we fail to set the platform the next generation to have financial freedom, if we fail to do all these things we would have failed the next generation”.

It is with this in mind that I want us to talk about leadership. In every generation there is always a leadership vacuum that must be filled. God raised the likes of baba Ungidi, o Bengu, Elias Letwaba and many more to fill up the vacuum of their generation. The University of Pretoria had done a research on these sons of the soil who are credited for the birth and growth of the Pentecostal movement in southern Africa. The following was said about them:

• Elias Letwaba – he is one of the fathers of the African Pentecostals in South Africa, his role in the history of Pentecostalism dates as far back as 1909, he is considered to the most outstanding black leaders in the history of the Apostolic Faith Mission in his generation.

• Richard Ngidi – the following was said of him in 2001 by one of the equally influential leaders of our time who is known as “sex pastor” in the media, Pastor Agrippa Khathide in 2001, “undoubtedly Rev Ngidi was one of the giants that helped to carry the torch of the gospel light in Southern Africa, his influence will continue to have rippling effects in the church on the Southern tip of Africa”. He is also accredited for his role in the AFM in the areas of Church planting, Mass evangelism, Prayer movement, healing ministry and the encouragement of women participation in the ministry.

• The great Nicholas Bengu – who was influential within the Assemblies of God which was known as the Back to God movement back then. It is said that his daughter died while conducting evangelism mass meeting in the Rustenburg area, he took his clothing trunk and put the tiny body in it and went to bury him on a farm. This is how this man of God was sold out to the ministry.

• Job Chiliza – who played his role in Full Gospel Church of God, he also founded the African Gospel Church in 1920.

After this generation Jehovah God was not found wanting as to who is supposed to take over the role of leadership in the next generation of Pentecostal Charismatic Movement. As he did with the children of Israel when Moses died, the bible records that God raised Joshua to take them into the Promised Land. Elijah did not worry about who will continue with his prophetic ministry as God had already prepared Elisha to keep the prophetic alive in Judah and Israel.

After the above said generation God then raised the like of Evangelist Ralekgolela, the Founder of the Gospel Fire Ministries International. Apostle Ncizela, the father of the Deeper Life Ministris. The late Evangelist Tshukudu, Bishop Tlhapi the father of Christ for Africa Ministries, Pastor Kolisang in Lesotho, Bishop Gladstone Botwane of Zoe Ministries. David Oyedepo in Nigeria, Mensah Otabil in Accra, Ghana, Prophet Wutawunashe in Zimbabwe, Dr Myles Monroe in Bahamas, Bishop T.D Jakes to mention just a few. And these are leaders who lifted up the flag of leadership in their generation; their testimonies are there for everybody to see.

We had influential women leaders such Mother Teresa, the ancient Basotho Prophetess Mme Mantsopa, Kathryn Kuhlman who influenced the ministry of the legendary Benny Hinn. Pastor Mannete Chaba, we have today the likes of Dr. Eva Seobi, Basetsana Khumalo are taking the leadership torch in this generation and influencing others to do likewise.

Even in the political world it was God who raised the likes of Dr koffi Annan, Dr Nelson Mandela, Former President Thabo Mbeki, Robert Mugabe, General Obasanjo, Mahadma Ghandi, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and recently the ever popular, son of Africa President Barack Obama. These are the people who saw the need of leadership and decided to stand up be counted in their own generation. History will always pay tribute to these great leaders; the world will never forget that these giants offered their lives to humanity by standing up and feeling the leadership vacuum.

The bible says “in those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” Judges 21:25.

God is calling forth a generation of leaders in this season who will surely rise up and build the walls of protection for those they lead, this is the generation of those who seek the solution to the plight of HIV/aids, poverty, moral decay, economic imbalances, unemployment, religious and political intolerance.

That generation is the one the one that will uphold the following:

• The word of truth, the infallible, inerrant word of Jehovah God.

• Those who seek the Lord for Direction.

• Those who recognize the presence of the Apostolic Fathers in their midst.

• Those who have an ear to hear the voice of God like Prophet Samuel when God called him.

• Those who cannot settle for anything less than Excellence

• Those who are not motivated by the love of money to take position of

Leadership, but are motivated by the need of leadership and the plight of their people, the plight of the society comes first to them not self enrichment.

Following are seven ingredients of a great leader, quoted from Dr. Rob Thompson when attending one of his leadership seminars in Durban.


1. Unflinching Courage.

• Courage is willingness to stand for what is right in the face of all those that are wrong, Daniel 3:9-18, Dan 6:9-13, 19-2

2. An Unstoppable Attitude.

• It is not what has been done to you that seals your fate, but how you Respond that Determines your Destiny. Genesis 37:23-28, Genesis 45:1-5, Mark 5:35-42

3. Deep Seated Integrity.

• Great leaders always prefer the rejection of Man to the Disappointment of GOD. Matthew 16:21-26, 1Sam 26:5-10, Acts 7:51-60, Matthew 26:69-70.

4. Unswevering Self Control.

• In order to succeed in Life we must refuse to Romance the Forbidden. Gen 3:1-7. Matthew 26:41, 2Cor 6:17-18.

5. Admirable Humility.

• Greatness becomes ours the moment we become small in our own eyes. 2Samuel 15:12-17, James 4:6,10

6. Willingness to make hard Decision.

• Confusion is the Result of Refusing to make the hard decisions. 1Kings 3:16-28, Acts 15:1-20, Gal 2:11-15, 1Cor 8:13.

7. Uncompromising Relationships.

• You will suffer both the Consequences and Rewards of those that are closest to you. Proverbs 13:20, 1Cor 15:33, Psalm 1:1

God is still in the business of preparing leaders to raise the standard of leadership in our generation. We should be ready to step up and raise the standard of leadership in our generation. The bible says “when the enemy comes, like the flood the spirit of God will raise the standard”. God is looking for leaders in our generation who will not lower the standard but raise the standard of Morality in our societies.



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