
Teacher:Subject Area: Lesson Date: William Schraer STEM – Electronics / Mechatronics Wednesday February 25th The students will: Will discuss the varying Engineers Titles in a Petroleum EngineerWill take Review what a Semi Conductor Material is topicsWhat is an ElectronStandards addressed and expectations of Students for the week: TEKReview Video sessions of topic at hand "Knowledge at Work" sections and complete worksheets/quizzes for Chapter 105Review results of semiconductors topics Anticipatory SetVocabulary: Petroleum Engineer.Ask class what they know about a Semiconductor.What is a low voltage circuits used in? Do Now How many types of Petroleum Engineers they can FindWhat is an electron, what is an electron?What is a Diode?What is a Covalent Bond Instructional Delivery: Direct TeachReview Petroleum Engineer is a Semiconductor? SemiconductorToday we will discuss Chapter 1 review intro Chapter 2 Section 5 Semiconductors and DevicesIndependent Practice: Independent Practice Students Review Video sessions Quizzes 1,2, Chapter 5 Solid-state Devices Semiconductors (CFU)Review / Reteach: Reteach Review sections for the day with class ................

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