Name: __________________________________class period:_______ date: ___________________________________Early Humans UnitReview SheetFill in the Blank: Define each term, showing an understanding of how it connected to early humans. You will use these terms to fill in the blanks of sentences. Anthropologist: Paleolithic Age:Neolithic Age:Hominid:Trade:Agriculture:Capability:Resource:Migrate:Domesticate:Main Content Ideas: These topics will be included in multiple choice questions. How is an anthropologist different than a geography, archaeologist or a historian?What was Lucy’s main capability? How would this help her?Homo Habilis was also known as What was the main capabilities of Homo Habilis?On what continent did the earliest hominids live? What capabilities allowed hominids to survive in colder climates?What trait make Homo erectus good at traveling long distances?Which hominid was the first to use fire?Homo sapiens neanderthalensis was smarter than previous hominids. What did they create that proves this?How can we tell that Neanderthals cared for one another?How did early humans benefit from the invention of the spear thrower?Which groups had cave paintings, carvings and musical instruments?How did Paleolilthic people get their food?What ended the Paleolithic Age and started the Neolithic Age?What ended the Neolithic Age?What was the main benefit of agriculture for early people?What allowed Neolithic people to be able to live in groups?What allowed individuals to develop a variety of skills and begin specializing?What proves that Neolithic people cared about beauty?What were some of the different jobs people of Catal Hoyuk had?Why were people able to make better tools after they began to trade?What other benefits were there to trading besides getting more resources?Social Studies Skills- part 1: You will be given the following reading passage. Be able to answer questions following the reading. Social Studies Skills- part 2: You will be given the following map. Be able to answer questions from the map. Exploring the Essential Question: How did the development of agriculture change daily life in the Neolithic Age? Using a graphic organizer you will be asked to explain how the ability to grow crops affected other parts of daily life. Choose 3 parts of daily life discuss. Shelter:Community:Jobs:Clothing:Trade: ................

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