PDF Crusades Thematic Essay - mrcaseyhistory

[Pages:4]Name ________________________________________ Date ____________ Period _____ Class ________

Thematic Essay

For this assignment, you will write a thematic essay on the topic of the Crusades. The essay will follow the style of a Regents thematic essay, and will incorporate a great deal of content from your Global History lessons, so I encourage you to use your class notes to help you with this assignment. On the following page you will find the actual essay task, just like you would see it on your Regents exam. Although the essay task gives you the option of choosing from a few different topics, for this essay, you must write on the Crusades. Carefully examine the three bullet points of the task. If you need help figuring out how to start or how to understand the Regents style essay task, check out my PowerPoint on writing Regents thematic essays at my website, or through this shortened link:

Also, in an effort to guide you in the planning and execution of your essays, I have included an outline you must fill out BEFORE writing your essay, as well as a copy of the rubric I will use when I grade your essay, which you must fill out AFTER your essay is complete (although it would be a good idea to look it over before you start writing). Both must be handed in along with your essay. If you have any questions about this essay or need any help, feel free to email me at pcasey@ or come to my office hours on Thursday 3:15-4:15.

This essay assignment is due on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH!!!

Thematic Essay Question

Directions: Write a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs addressing the task below, and a conclusion.

Theme: Conflict

Conflicts between groups of people have threatened peace in many nations and regions.


Identify one conflict that has threatened peace in a nation or region and: ? Discuss one major cause of that conflict ? Identify two opposing groups involved in the conflict and discuss one viewpoint of each group ? Discuss one way the conflict affected a society or societies

You may use any major conflict from your study of global history. Some suggestions you might wish to consider include the Crusades, the French Revolution, World War I, the Russian Revolution, the Chinese civil war, the partition of India, the policy of apartheid in South Africa, the Rwandan civil war, and the Bosnian War.

You are not limited to these suggestions.

Do not use conflicts that occurred in the United States in your answer.

Guidelines: In your essay, be sure to ? Address all aspects of the task ? Support the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details ? Use a logical and clear plan of organization, including an introduction and a conclusion that are beyond a simple restatement of the theme

In developing your answers to the essay, be sure to keep these general definitions in mind: discuss: to make observations about something using facts, reasoning, and argument; to present in some detail

Name ________________________________________ Date ____________ Period _____ Class ________

Thematic Essay Outline: The Crusades

1. Intro

a. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

2. Major Causes of the Crusades (at least one, but more is great!)

a. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

3. Viewpoints of Two Opposing Groups (at least one viewpoint for each group)

a. Group # 1: ___________________________________________ b. Viewpoint: ____________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ c. Group # 2: ___________________________________________ d. Viewpoint: ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

4. Examples of the impact of the Crusades (at least one, but more is great!)

a. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

5. Conclusion

a. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Grading Rubric

Directions: After completing your essay, assess your writing by circling one box for each category based on how well you think you did. Do not fill in this rubric until your essay is totally done and you have read it over a few times. It would be a great idea to examine this rubric before writing your essay and make the 5 column your goal as you write.

Essay Grade Conversion

25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 100 98 96 93 91 89 87 85 82 80 78 76 74 71 69 67 65 63 60 58 56 54 52 49 47


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