Individual assessment ELG breakdown

right4332464This is an individual assessment grid to plot the ELGs for each area of learning. This can be used for a summary report at the end of Reception. The ELG are broken down further into target, working and secure.020000This is an individual assessment grid to plot the ELGs for each area of learning. This can be used for a summary report at the end of Reception. The ELG are broken down further into target, working and secure. 77001596390540004082415Individual assessment ELG breakdown7900035000Individual assessment ELG breakdownChild name:EmergingTargetEmergingWorkingEmergingSecureExpectedTargetExpectedWorkingExpectedSecureExceedingTargetExceedingWorkingExceedingSecurePersonal, social and emotional DevelopmentMaking relationships Self-confidence and self-awarenessManaging feelings and behaviourCommunication and LanguageListening and AttentionUnderstandingSpeakingPhysical DevelopmentMoving and handling Health and self-careLiteracy Reading WritingMathematicsNumbersShape, space and measureUnderstanding the World People and communitiesThe WorldTechnologyExpressive arts and designExploring and using media and materials Being imaginative ................

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