'Worried About Your Investments

“Worried About Your Investments?

Take the Worry Away”





If you could place your money so that it was absolutely safe, be guaranteed a minimum return of 4%, yet see your money increase when the stock market increases, would such an investment be of interest?

It’s called an index annuity.

Your deposit is guaranteed. You are also guaranteed to earn no less than 4% annually. But your principal will increase as the stock market increases. So if the stock market is up, you’ll make a profit. If the stock market is down, you know that you’ll make a safe 4%. You win either way. This investment lets you have your cake and eat it too.

And all your income is tax deferred because it’s an annuity. You can use money from an existing annuity or any other funds.

If interested, please call immediately and we’ll send a complete brochure and forms. I’m happy to answer any questions about this great choice for conservative investors.


Joseph Advisor

Certified Retirement Financial Advisor™


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