Animal Rights and Welfare

Objective 4.01

Small Animal Science

A. Animal Rights Movement

1. Not the same as Animal ________________________

a. Should not be used as if it means the same as animal welfare.

b. _______________ may wrongly use the two terms interchangeably.

2. Modern Animal Rights Movement

a. Over _______ animal rights groups exist today

b. Came into prominence in the ________________________

c. Initially mainly made up of ________________ people, many of whom were ___________________________

3. Beliefs of most Animal Rights Movement groups

a. __________________ animals to have the same rights as humans (humans are also _____________________ or are they mammals).

b. To use animals for human purposes is morally and ethically wrong and reflects a bias that humans are superior to animals.

c. Animals should ___________ the used for food, clothing, medical research, and/or product testing.

d. Animals should or should not be used for entertainment.

e. Believe in using ______________________ to prevent people from using animals if necessary

1. What is ecoterrorism?

4. Major Animal Rights Group is PETA





a. Largest animal rights group in the world. It has over ________________ members.

b. Since 1980, it has been dedicated to establishing and protecting rights of animals. Against





Animal Welfare Movement

1. Rooted in any of several schools of thought

a. History of animal domestication dating back to _______________________.

b. Early United States use of animals for food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and horsepower to perform tasks.

c. Creation view that __________gave man dominion over animals which includes use and care (________________).

i. Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." Genesis 1:26

d. Various religions that use animal _______________ and include great detail as to how to humanely ______________ the animal.

i. What religions use animals/ or worship animals?

2. Animal welfare influenced early laws (Laws protecting animals were present BEFORE/ AFTER the animal rights movement):

3. Animal Welfare beliefs include:

a. Animals should be treated _______________ regardless of how they are used.

b. Animals should receive proper _______________ and ______________.

c. Animals should receive proper care for disease prevention and treatment for injuries.

d. _______________________or slaughter should be done in a humane way.


1- what is the difference between Animal Rights and Animal welfare?

2- What division do most animal activists fall in?

3- Do you believe these animal activist groups have helped treatment of animals?

4- Do you agree with use of animals for testing?


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