Fabrizio Altieri scrittore - Sito ufficiale con tutte le ...

IDENTIFICATION FILELISTEN AND TICK THE RIGHT INFORMATIONSNAMEBill Mary SamSandra AGE24311330EYESBlueBlackBrownGreenHAIRBlondeBlackBrowngingerPETSRabbitFishFrogHamsterFAMILYGrandmotherGrandfather SisterBrother DAILY ROUTINEGet up at 07:15Get up at 06:45Get up at 06:15 Get up 07:00FAVOURITE DAYSunday SaturdayTuesdayThursdayFAVOURITE SUBJECTSHistoryScienceP.E.Maths SPORTSVolleyballFootballTennisBasketballIDENTIFICATION FILENAMEBill Maryx SamSandra AGE24 3113 x30 EYESBlueBlackBrown x GreenHAIRBlonde xBlackBrowngingerPETSRabbitFish xFrogHamsterFAMILYGrandmotherx Grandfather SisterBrotherDAILY ROUTINEGet up at 07:15Get up at 06:45 Get up at 06:15 xGet up 07:00FAVOURITE DAYSunday Saturday xTuesday ThursdayFAVOURITE SUBJECTSHistoryScience xP.E.MathsSPORTSVolleyballFootballTennisBasketball x Testo (lettura non lenta)Hi, I’m Sam. I’m 13 years old. I’m short and slim, I’ve got brown eyes and blonde hair. I’ve got a pet, a yellow lovely fish. My family is small: I’ve got a mum, a dad and a nice grandfather.From Monday to Friday I get up at 06: 15, so my favourite day of the week is Saturday.I like school: my favourite subject is Science. Every Saturday afternoon I play basketball, this is my favourite sport. ................

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