






Submitted in the partial fulfillment for the award of degree




Pt.Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G)

Session 2009-2010

Submitted by GUIDED BY






To whom may ever it may concern

This is to certify that student of B.B.A 6th semester of shri shankaracharya mahavidyalaya , bhilai has carried a research project on the topic to hero Honda under my supervision .

This report is original and data collected by the researchers him self are true authentic up to my knowledge.

We wish success in his professional career .



I ABHISHEK KUMAR student of sixth semester at

“shri shankaracharya mahavidyalaya” her by declare that these research report under the title ”CUSTOMER RELATION OF HERO HONDA” is the record of my original work under the guidance of Mr. Sandeep Jashwant (H.O.D ) B.B.A . These report has never been submitted any where for award of any degree or diploma.






This is to certify that a student of B.B.A sixth semester at our institute under my guidance and supervision she had carried out the research project under title


This research report is the original one.

Project guide PRINCIPAL

(H.O.D management)


Date :



Perhaps the most awaited moment of any endeavor in its successful competition of their project report cases study having worked on her project for the whole academic session. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who made it possible.

Firstly I am heartily thankful to my guide Mr. Sandeep Jaswant (H.O.D) of the B.B.A department under whose able guidance. I had the privilege to work and who guided at every stage.

I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to our principle for being guide of philosopher throughout B.B.A program.

At the end last but not the least, I would like to thanks the other staff and non staff member of this college.



The topic chosen by me for my project is “CUSTOMER RELATION”. In reference to hero Honda chauhan automobiles the two wheeler especially in the stylish motorcycle. At present hero Honda is market leader in the Indian market.

Today there are various companies coming in India and these certainly will exist a cutthroat competition in these field . I have chosen a hero Honda as a topic essence of my project .today two wheeler consumer due to new manufacturing entrant has started getting a wide choice while buying one these gave to considered the facility provided by the two wheeler the price mileage , maintenance and service etc. while buying a two wheeler .

A normal customer is quit puzzled and faces for an uneven some time huge problems in deciding which vehicle to buy. I realized the problem and decide to take these up as the challenge and provide answer to as the requirement of the Hero Honda.



Chapter (1) Introduction Chapter (2) Company profile

›Introduction › History

›Two wheeler in India › Company profile

›Our brand › Product profile

Chapter (3) Public relation Chapter (4) Research methodology

›Definition of buying behavior › Introduction

› Customer buying behavior › Research design

› Customer buying decision process › Source of data

›Characteristic of buying behavior › sampling plan

› Problem definition ›Data collection

›Scope & limitation of study


Chapter (5) Data analysis and interpretation

Chapter (6) Customer response

Chapter (7) Company promotional strategy techniques

Chapter (8) Findings

Chapter (9) Suggestion and conclusion

Chapter (10) Bibliography



|1) |INTRODUCTION |10-16 |

| | | |

|2) |COMPANY PROFILE |17-22 |

| | | |

|3) |PUBLIC RELATION |23-34 |

| | | |


| | | |


|5) | |42-52 |


| | |53-54 |


| | | |

|7) | |55-62 |


| | | |


|8) | | |

| |BIBLIOGRAPHY |65-66 |

|9) | | |

| | |67 |

| | | |

|10) | | |

Chapter - 1




Satisfaction is the persons feeling of pleasure (or) disappointment resulting from comparing a product perceived performance (outcome) in relation to his/her expectation. If the performance fall short of expectation the customer is dissatisfied . If the performance matches the expectation the customer is satisfied if the performance exceeds the expectation the customer is highly satisfied ( or ) delighted many companies are aiming for high satisfaction because they are much ready to switch. ]

Buyer’s expectation formed on the basis of past buying experience, friend and the associate advice and the marketers and the competitor’s information and promises. If marketers raise expectations two high , the buyer is likely to be disappointed . Even if the company sets expectation should match the performances.

≈} A customer is the most important person ever in

any company

≈} A customer never depend on company, but the

company depends on him.

≈} A customer is the person who bring company his


≈} A customer is not a interruption of marketers

Work he is the purpose of it.


Two wheelers in India

In 60 decade several vehicles were running in the Indian roads those are the sun beams, AIS, BBA and Royal Enfield. From these motor cycles only the Royal Enfield has existence in the motorcycle market.

After 60 decade some other motorcycles and scooter had been launched in Indian two wheeler market, those are the Rajdoots, Java, Vespa and Lamrata .

Indian witrossed the first spate of modernization in two wheeler industry in 1978-79 during that period Piaggio sauntered the Indian market in a joint venture with the Lohia machines and our major Japanese motor cycle manufacture set up joint venture companies to produce 50cc two wheeler for the first time.


Objectives of the study

≈} To know the customers expectations

towards hero Honda.

≈} to find out the customer opinion regarding

Various aspect of the bike.

≈} To give the appropriate suggestion to the

company regarding their performances.


Our brand

Our brand identity:

➢ Our brand is the visual expression of tho -ught and the action it conveys to everyone our intention two constantly inspire the confidence.

➢ Our customers are the primary audience for our brand.

➢ Indeed, our brand identity is shaped as much by their belief in hero Honda as the as it it’s our brand.

➢ We can do this by the living on the brand essence and by continuously seeking to enhance our customer experience.

➢ In doing so, we ensure a special pace for our self in the heart and in the mind of the customer.


Our brand essence

➢ Our brand essence is the soul of our brand

➢ Our brand essence encapsulates or mission at Hero Honda

➢ It is the singular representation of our terms of endearment with our customers.

➢ It provides the basis on which we grow profitability in the market.

➢ Our brand essence is excitement

➢ Hero Honda strives to inspire the confidence through the excitement engineering.

➢ Blending together youthfully creativity and competitive technology to exceed the spoken and the implicit expectations of our customers.

➢ By challenging the given by exploring the unknown and thereby stretching ourselves towards tomorrow and today.



➢ Learning is how we insure our proactively

➢ It is the values that embraces knowledge’s as the plat form for the building well informed.


➢ It is how we can create the future

➢ It is that which provokes us to reach beyond the obvious in per suite of that which exceeds the ordinary.


➢ It is how we convey clear convection.

➢ It is the value that keeps us sharply responsive, mirroring our commitment towards our goal and process.

Chapter -2




India has the largest number of two wheeler in the world with 41.6 million vehicles. India has a mix of 30 percent automobile and 70 % two wheeler in the country. India was the second largest two wheeler manufacture in the world starring in 1950’s with the British automobiles product of India (API) that manufactured the scooter. API manufacture the lamberts but, another company Bajaj automobiles LTD Surpassed API and remaining through the turn of the century from its association with piaggio of Italy

(Manufacturer of Vespa)

The license raj that exist between the 1940s to 1980s in India , did not allow the foreign companies to enter the market and import were tightly controlled .These regulatory maze , before the economic liberalization , made the business easier for local player to have a seller market . Customer in India was forced to wait 2 years to buy a scooter from Bajaj. The CEO of Bajaj commented that he did not make a marketing department, only in dispatch department. By the year 1990, Bajaj has a waiting list that has twenty six times of annual output for scooter.

The motorcycle segment has the same long wait time with three manufacture; Royal Enfield, ideal Java and Escorts. Royal Enfield made a 350cc bullet wit the only four – stroke engine at that time and took the higher end of the higher end of the market but , there was little competition for there costumer . Ideal Java and escorts took the middle and lower end of the market respectively.


In the mid-1980s the Indian government regulation changed and permitted companies to enter the Indian through minority joint venture. The two wheeler market with for indo Japanese joint venture: Hero Honda, TVS,Suzuki, Bajaj Kawasaki and kinetic Honda. The entry of these foreign companies changed the Indian market dynamics from the supply side to demand side with a large section of two wheelers on Indian market customer started gain over the product they bought and raise the higher customer expectation.

➢ Hero entered the joint venture for technical and financial participation with one of the largest automotive makers.

➢ Honda motors company limited of Japan, in 1984 for the manufacturing of 100cc motor cycles in India.

➢ Group companies Hero corporate service limited – Hero mind mine –munjal

In 1984-1985 HHML came in existence by collaboration of hero motor limited and Japans Company Honda motors limited for the first 100cc with four stroke motorcycle is made by Hero Honda motor limited in India.


Company profile

Hero is the brand name used by the Munjal brother in the year 1956 with the flag ship company hero cycle’s .The two wheeler manufacturing business of bicycle component had originally started in the 1940’s and turned in the world largest bicycle manufacture today. The Munjal run their own steel make free wheel and other critical bicycle component and and have diversified in to different like product design. the Hero group philosophy is;

“ To provide excellent transportation to the common man at easily available and affordable and to provide the total satisfaction in all its sphere of activity “

He hero group has a passion for setting the higher standard and engineering satisfaction is the prime motivation way of life and work culture of the group .

In year 1984 Mr. Brij mohan lal munjal , the chair man and managing director of hero Honda motors , headed an alliance between the Munjal family and Hero Honda company LTD HHM mission statement is :

” we, at hero Honda , are continuously striving for synergy between technology , system and human resources to provide product and services that meet the quality price and aspirations of the customer”.


Product profile

|Price list |


|CD-Dawn |33250 |1805 |853 |35908 |

|CD-DLX(MAC) |36420 |1932 |900 |39252 |

|PLEASURE |37600 |1979 |914 |40493 |

|SPL.NXG |40100 |2029 |950 |43079 |

|SPL.PLUS |41635 |2140 |972 |44737 |

|PASION PLUS |44550 |2257 |1012 |47819 |

|SUP.SPL.(RING) |46290 |2327 |1037 |49654 |

|SUP.SPL(MAC) |44900 |2399 |1109 |48408 |

|GLR.(MAC/SELF) |47880 |2390 |1059 |51329 |

|GLR.(DISK/SELF |48820 |2428 |1072 |52380 |

|CBZ.EXE (SELF/DISK) |59670 |2862 |1225 |63757 |

|HUNK |59390 |2851 |1221 |63462 |

|KARIZMA ZMR |94640 |4261 |1782 |100683 |

| | | | | |


Colors in Vehicle


Candy blazing red, cloud silver metallic, tornado metallic grey, impulse orange metallic, excellent blue metallic.


Candy blazing red, cloud silver, candy Tahitian blue, amaranth maroon, cool mint grey.


black candy red , blaze , boon silver, metallic, sierra metallic, granti blue metallic.


Orange , Candy blazing red, grey silver, Tahitian blue metallic.


Black, maroon, red

( CD 100SS

Candy ruby red black , amazing blue metallic, green metallic.


Moon yellow, cloud silver, amaranth maroon, Tahitian blue, Candy blazing red, black with purple strips.


Green, sky blue black metallic, yellow shade.








The main aim of marketing is meeting and satisfy target

Customers need and wants buyer behavior refers to the peoples or organization conduct activities and together with the impact of various influences on them towards making decision on purchase of product and service in a market. The field of consumer behavior studies how individuals, groups and organization select, buy, use and dispose of goods, service, ideas, or experience to satisfy their needs and desires understanding consumer behavior and knowing customer are never simple.

The wealth of products and service produced in a country make our economy strong. The behaviour of human being during the purchase is being termed as “Buyer Behaviour”. Customer says one thing but do another. They may not be in touch with their deeper motivations. They are responding to Influences that change their mind at the last minute. A buyer makes take a decision whether save or spend the money.






❖ To promote the 3 new HERO HONDA bikes, viz. KARIZMA ZMR, PASSION PRO, PLEASURE.

❖ To create awareness among the respective target audiences.

❖ To build up brand image,with different promotional strategies.

Definition of Buyer Behavior:-

Buyer behavior is “all psychological, Social and physical

Behaviors of potential customers as they become aware of evaluate, purchase, consume and tell others about product & service.


Consumer Buying Decision Process

There are following five stages in consumer buying decision


1. Problem identification:-

The buying process starts when the buyer recognizes a problem or need. The need can be triggered by internal or external stimuli.

Marketers need to identify the circumstances that trigger a Particular need. By gathering information from a number of consumers, Marketers can identify the most frequent stimuli that spark an interest in a product category. They can then develop marketing strategies that trigger consumer interest.

2. Information Search:-

The consumer tries to collect information regarding various products/service. Through gathering information, the consumer learns about completing brands and their features. Information may be collected form magazines, catalogues, retailers, friends, family members, business association, commercial, chamber of commerce, telephone directory, trade fair etc. Marketers should find out the source of information and their relative degree importance to the consumes.


3. Evaluation of alternative:-

There is no single process used by all consumers by one consumer

in all buying situations. There is several First, the consumer

processes, some basic concepts are:

First, the consumer is trying to satisfy need.

Second, the consumer is looking for certain benefits from the

product solutions.

The marketer must know which criteria the consumer will

use in the purchase decision.

4. Choice of purchasing decision:-

From among the purchase of alternatives the consumer makes the solution. It may be to buy or not to buy. If the decision is to buy. The other additional decisions are:

Which types of bike he must buy? From whom to buy a bike? How the payment to be made? And so on.

The marketer up to this stage has tried every means

to influence the purchase behavior, but the choice is properly.

In the evaluation stage the consumer forms preferences among the brands in the choice set. The consumer may also form an intention to but the most preferred brand.

5. Post Purchase Behavior:-

After purchase the product, the consumer will experience the same level of product. The Marketer’s job not end when the product is buying must monitor post-purchase satisfaction, post-purchase action, post-purchase use and disposal.


Post Purchase Satisfaction:-

The buyer, S satisfaction is a function Of closeness between the buyer, S expectation and the products Perceiver performance. The larger the gap between expectation and performance, the greater the consumer dissatisfaction.

Post purchase Action:-

The Consumer, S satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the product influence subsequent behavior. If the consumer satisfied, he or she will exhibit a higher probability of purchasing the product again. Dissatisfaction consumer may abandon and return the product.

Post-Purchase Use or Disposal:-

The marketer should also monitor new buyers use and

dispose of the product. If the consumer store the product in a close, the product is probably not very satisfying. If the consumer throws the product away, the marketer needs to know how they dispose of it; especially it can be hurt the environment.


Characteristic of Buyer Behaviors

The chief characteristics of the buyers behaviors are as


(1)It consists of mental and physical activities which consumers undertake to get goods and services and obtain satisfaction from them.

(2) It includes both observable activities such as walking through the market to examine merchandise and making a purchase and mental activities-such as forming attitudes, perceiving advertising material, and learning to prefer particular brands.

(3) Consumer behaviors are very complex and dynamic to constantly changing. And therefore, management need to adjust with the change otherwise market may be lot.

(4) The individuals specific behaviors in the market place is affected by internal factor, such as need , motives, perception, and attitudes, as well as by external of environment influences such as the family social groups, culture, economics and business influences.








To know the best consumer buying behavior and demand into the minds of consumer of Phagwara city because always consumer say something and does something. There are many companies manufacturing motorcycles into the market, at the same time as there are many companies manufacturing motorcycles, idea about thinking of customer on whether, what, how, and for whom to purchase the motorcycle.

Therefore, research is required to measure present consumer buying behavior at the purchase of Hero Honda bike. so the researcher problem is to identify what are the criteria that prospective customer takes into consideration before buying the motorcycles.


(1)The main scope of the study is limited to Phagwara city.

(2) It also analysis the benefits accruing to the company as a result of those service.

(3) This study has been made to find the level of satisfaction the Customer has regarding the service provider by bike place.


Limitations of study

1) When the buyers are busy we can’t get accurate data from them.

2) According to the time limit of our project we can cover only the some area.

3) During survey some respondents may not give answer in proper manner.


1) To know market position of Hero Honda bike in the market.

2) To know consumer behavior for purchase of two wheeler bike.













Marketing research is the function which links the

consumer, customer and public to the marketers through

information used to identify and define marketing, opportunities and problems, generates refine marketing action; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process.

Marketing research specifies the information required

to address these issues; designs the method for collection

information manages and implements the data collection process; analysis the results and communication the findings and their implication.

(B)Research definition:

“Research is careful inquiry or examination to discover

new information and relationship and to expand and to verify exiting knowledge,” Research always starts with questions or a problem. Its purpose is to find answer to questions through the application of the scientific method. It is a systematic and intensive study directed towards a more complete knowledge of the subject studies.


(B) Research design

“Research design is the plan, structure and strategy of

investigation conceived so as to obtain answer to research question and to control variance.”


From definition it is evident that research design is more or less a blue print of research. At the outset may be noted that there are several ways of Studying and tackling a problem. There is no signal perfect design.

The research design can be classified in to true broad categories:

(A) Exploratory

(B) Descriptive

(C) Casual

Exploratory research is focus on the discovery of ideas.

Exploratory research is carried out to define problems and

developed hypothesis to test later. An exploratory study is

generally based on the secondary data that are reading available. It does not have to change his focus of direction, depending on the availability of new ideas and relationship among variables.

Descriptive studies are undertaken in many circumstances. Descriptive studies can be complex, determining a high degree of scientific skill on the part of the researcher.


(D) Sources of Data

The sources of data collection methods are as follows.

a) Primary data :-

The primary data is that which details we collect first time

from the market and also used first time in the research. We also say that the information is first time in the research decision. To collect the primary data questionnaire is prepared structure non disguise questionnaire is prepared.

b) Secondary data :-

Secondary data are those data which are already collected by someone for some purpose and are available for the present study; secondary data are already collected by the company’s records and other library’s books. When the secondary data are sufficient, the researcher has to be satisfied with the primary sources of data. Secondary data can be used as bases for comparison with primary data have been collected by questionnaire.

The present study seeks to find out the consumers attitude

towards buying of bike. The study also aims at findings out the drawbacks of the marketing set up of Hero Honda PVT. LTD. So this makes the study a descriptive one.


Data Collection Method

Researcher instruments is the tool by which the researcher

can do research on specific problems or objective. The most

popular researcher instrument for collection data is

“Questionnaire” for a particular investigation. It is simple for a

moiled set of questions presented to respondents for their answers.

Due to this flexibility, it is most common instrument used to

collect the primary data. During the pre- testing of questionnaire, I seen the reaction of respondents and suggestions required to make change in research instrument.

The questionnaire contains three types of questions.

1) Open-ended question :-

It is helpful in knowing what is uppermost in the mind of the

respondents. It gives complete freedom to the respondent.

3) Dichotomous questions :-

It has only two answers in form ‘yes’ or ‘no’, ‘true’ or ‘false’,

‘use’ or ‘do not use’. So the respondent is offered two or more choice.

4) Multiple-choice question :-

In this, the respondent is offered two or more choice.


Sampling plan

Sampling is a process of obtaining. The information about

the entire population by examine a part of it .The effectiveness of the research depends on the sample size selected for the survey purpose.

(A) sample Site:-

The survey was conducted in Phagwara city.

(B)Sampling Unit:-

It means “Who is to be surveyed”. Here target population

is decided and it is who are interested to purchase “Bike” and sampling frame is developed so that everyone in the target population has known chance of being sampled. So the survey is conducted particularly in Phagwara City.

(C)Sample size:-

For the purpose of proper survey, there is need of perfect

research instruments to find out sample size for more accurate result about buying behavior of bike. The sample size is 40 respondents.

Sampling Method:-

A Stratified random sample is one where the population is

divided in to mutually exhaustive strata or sub-group and then a simple random is selected within each of strata on age groups, occupation etc. It may be noted that stratification does not means absence of randomness. I use a simple random sampling method.




Have a bike:-

| Result | No. of respondent(100) |

| Yes | 90 |

| No | 10 |



2) Company name

| Company |No of respondent |

| Hero Honda | 11 |

| Bajaj | 09 |

| TVS | 03 |

| HONDA | 07 |



3) Media

|Media |No of respondent |

|Newspaper |04 |

|Television |09 |

|Friends |14 |

|Other |03 |



4) Knowledge before buying

|Result |No of respondent |

|Yes |18 |

|No |12 |



5) Decision maker

|Decision |No of respondent |

|Father |16 |

|Mother |02 |

|Self |11 |

|Other |01 |



6) Mode of purchase

|Mode |No of respondent |

|By cash |22 |

|By loan |08 |



7) Features consider

|Features |No of respondent |

|Price |2 |

|Style |9 |

|Mileage |8 |

|Easy diving |3 |

|Color |4 |

|Brand reputation |4 |



9) Time period

|Year |No of respondent |

|0-1 |4 |

|1-2 |19 |

|2-3 |5 |

|Above 3 |2 |



10)Schemes attracts

|Schemes |No of respondent |

|Special offer |07 |

|Exchange offer |04 |

|Cash discount |13 |

|Festival gift |06 |



10) Satisfaction

|Result |No of respondent |

|Yes |27 |

|No |03 |





Customer response

|Service feedback [pic] |

|Chauhan automobile |

|Near SBI bid., station road , durg-491001 tell- (0788)4012344 |

|1 How do you rate overall service experience at the work shop. |

|Excellent very good good just ok poor |

|2 Where you attend promptly you came to the work shop. |

|Yes no |

|3 Do you think that our service supervisor could understand your problem fully? |

|Yes no not fully |

|4 Did our service supervisor provide information on exact nature of problem? |

|Yes no not fully |

|5 Was your vehicle ready at the date & time promised by the service supervisor? |

|Yes no |

|6 How do you rate explanation given by service supervisor of work done vehicle. |

|Excellent very good Good just ok poor |

|7 Are you satisfied of the work done on your vehicle? |

|Yes no not fully |

|8 How do you rate the quality of washing and polishing of your vehicle? |

|Excellent very good Good just ok poor |

|9 Were the charge of service and repair? |

|Almost as per estimate more than estimate no estimate given |

|10 Are you happy with basic amenities such as drinking water, toilet etc. |

|Yes no |

|11 Will you revisit &recommend this service center to your friend. |

|Yes no |

|We will welcome your valuable comment & suggestion |

|_________________________________________________________________________ |

|_________________________________________________________________________ |

|Customer details.______________________________________________________ |

|Vehicle registration number._____________________________________________ |

|Model._______________________________________________________________ |

|Customer name._______________________________________________________ |

|Telephone.____________________________________________________________ |






- The search for the country’s best stuntman.


To promote KARIZMA ZMR, we are orgainizing a one day event in leading Indian cities named KARIZMATIX, which is an event providing platform for every stunt man in the city. It is basically a competition where by contestants have a time slot of 10 mins to show their best stunt ability. The best man from the city then competes with other winners from their respective cities to win the title of India’s best stuntman and a brand new KARIZMA ZMR!!




To promote passion pro, we have made provisions for the bike to be displayed at the leading malls, where test drive facility will be provided. Along with that a lucky draw competition is organized, where by the shoppers just have to fill in a form and drop it at the drop box provided at the mall display. The lucky winners will win the new HERO HONDA PASSION PRO.

Our Mall Partners for the lucky draw promotions are, INORBIT MALL, ATRIA MALL, PALADIUM MALL & LIFESTYLE.


1. GIRL UP! – Stay true. Stay brave. Stay you.


GIRL UP! Is the campaign taken up to promote HERO HONDA PLEASURE. The idea promoted was that, a bike is specially launched for the fairer sex, since women today, are independent and at power with men.

The campaign is promoted by the medium of T.V, where by women are asked to send write – ups on how they have proved to be equal to men or any act of independence or bravery. The girl sending the best write up would thus get a chance to come on T.V & win the new HERO HONDA PLEASURE



Special discounts on spares and free services for your Hero Honda motorcycle along with attractive gifts at various milestones. This is our way of making sure that every time you come to us for servicing your motorcycle, you take away more than just the benefit of world class servicing in our automated workshops!




| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|From time to time we will bring for you exclusive offers with |

|the best brands in the country for products that will keep your |

|entire family happy |



To create awareness amongst the people of the country, all the channels of media were used for effective communication with the audience.



A large number of hoardings were put across the country at prime locations in association with BRIGHT MEDIA as our outdoor partner.


Print advertisements are being published in leading automobile and women magazines viz. Auto india, auto car india , overdrive, bike, femina, women’s era.


The first slot of 10,000 posters were printed and put up at prominent locations like, cafes, colleges, trains, buses, main street junctions etc.


Full page print advertisements were published in leading newspapers viz. THE TIMES OF INDIA, DNA, MID – DAY & HINDUSTAN TIMES.



A 4-5 minutes T.V. commercial, for each bike, is aired on T.V. 30 – 35 times a day in association with, M. T.V, Channel [V], SONY, STAR PLUS, ESPN as TV CHANNEL PARTNERS.


Prior to the launch of these 3 bikes, the famous hero Honda jingle was never aired on radio, which is now being aired 15 – 20 times a day in association with BIG FM & RADIO CITY as RADIO PARTNERS.


HERO HONDA KARIZMA ZMR, took over the title sponsorship of IPL, defeating DLF in price and other deliverables. The 2 main deliverables offered by IPL besides the usual, are as follows.

- 3 min advertisement of KARIZMA ZMR, in every commercial break.

- Whenever a batsman hits a ‘6’, the KARIZMA ZMR will ride through the screen, along with the line “will he continue to be the fastest cricketer and win the ZMR”.

The highest scorer of the match will be entitled to win the bike.


KARIZMA ZMR sponsored MOOD-I, which is the best college festival in the country as MAIN SPONSOR. MOOD- I is an effective platform to communicate with the immediate target audience, since it gathers a crowd of 20,000+ college students.





The study shows that 51 respondents are using Hero Honda.

➢ The current trend is that respondents give maximum no of point to price and mileage.]

➢ The study show that 48 respondents are come to know from “others” and 26 respondents are come to know from “friends” about Hero Honda bike.

➢ The study shows that 55 respondents are purchase Hero Honda bike by Loan and 45 respondents are purchase Hero Honda bike by cash.

➢ The study shows that 31 respondents are give point to mileage.

➢ The study shows that more no. of respondents gives more weight age to price. The more no. of serviceman, Students, Businessmen, and others give more weight age to the price when Professionals give more weight age to the mileage.

➢ The study shows that 46 respondents are father take a

Decision to purchase bike And 42 respondents are self take a decision to purchase bike.

➢ The study shows that 30 respondents are give rank to available in show rooms and 35 respondents are give rank to after service.

➢ The study shows that 43 respondents are giving excellent to festival offer and 41 respondents are give poor rank to the

anniversary offer.




Suggestion and conclusion



1. Hero Honda should introduce a low price moped

2. For the promotion, company should make road-show that will Increase the sales. The company should give more concentrate on the advertisement.

3.Hero Honda Company should implement a new strategy to reduce the competition and lead into the bike market.

4. As people expect more mileage per kilometer, company should increase the mileage of the hero Honda bike.

5. Hero Honda should make a sports bike like to Kawasaki Suzuki Hyabusa bikes which can run with maximum speeds.




1) Marketing research, G.C.Beri, Third Edition, Tata McGrawHill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2000

2) Marketing management, Philip Kotler, Twelth (Millennium) edition, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2003



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