Math 227 – Elementary Statistics (section# 3431)

Math 15 – Elementary Statistics

Spring 2012, section 31737

M-W 7:30-9:45 am, Fountain Hall Bldg 1-FH, Room 111

Professor: Melody Rashidian Koohpareh

|Email:, |

|Website: |

|Course ID: rashidian5244 |

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|Course Requirements: Graphics Calculator (TI-83, TI-83 plus, or TI-83silver). |

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|Textbook: Elementary Statistics, 11th edition by Mario F. Triola, Addison-Wesley |

|Publishing. The text book is enhanced with an access code to My Math Lab. |

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Course Description: This course covers data analysis, sampling and sampling distributions, measures of central tendency, measures of variation, probability, hypothesis testing, correlation, prediction, linear regression, statistical inference for means and proportions, and non-parametric methods to analyze appropriate data.

Math M15

Students completing Math M15 or M15H will be able to:

(1) Construct a histogram for a given set of data. This can be done by hand or with a graphing calculator.

(2) Construct a single-sample confidence interval, and draw an appropriate conclusion. This can be done by hand or with a graphing calculator.

(3) Construct a single-sample hypothesis test based on a given claim, and draw an appropriate conclusion. This can be done by hand or with a graphing calculator.

70% of students enrolled in Math M15 and M15Hwill correctly answer 70% of these problems during or after the 13-16th week of class. A stratified sample of the student responses will be selected from each section and graded.

|All lecture notes are available in the website. |

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My teaching philosophy focuses on meeting your needs during this course by providing a stimulating environment, building self-steam, open communication, and practicing a blend of independent and cooperative learning style.

How to do WELL in this class: This course will cover a great deal of material at a rapid pace, but you can do well if you honestly make effort to do so. You have to take this class seriously and study in a serious fashion. The expectation is that students spend 2 hours outside of class studying for each unit in order to keep up with and get the most out of the course. That means you will probably need to spend about 10 hours per week outside of class, so you should plan accordingly.

Read the appropriate sections after each class carefully and then do all the homework assignments before next class. This is an important step to successfully learn the material. Actively participate in class by asking questions when you need more explanation, provide answers to questions asked during class. Always remain clam, and keep a positive mental attitude toward the course.

Grade Components:

• Assignments: This general category includes: Online homework, group problems solving, participation, and possible extra credit. Online Homework will be assigned for each section. (No make-up assignment). Assignments are 15% of your final grade.

Attendance and participation are required for success and we will have some group work assignments done in class.

My Math Lab: Our textbook for this course comes enhanced with an access code to My Math Lab. Go to , and use the code to register yourself. Complete the homework assignments by due date.

• On-line quizzes: You will have quizzes regularly on-line. You can take each online quiz only twice. Quizzes are 15% of your final grade. NO Make-Up Quizzes. Your lowest quiz score will be dropped.

• Exams: There will be 6 in-class exams, and a comprehensive final exam. All exams are closed book and notes; however you can use your calculator. No phone-calculators will be allowed. The best five of the six tests is 50% of your final grade, and the Final Exam (comprehensive) is worth 20 % of your final grade. No Make-Up Exams.

Base on the percentage of your total score, a letter grade will be assigned using the following scale: 90-100% A; 80-90% B; 70-80 C; 60-70 D and below 60% will receive F.

Technical Violations: The use of any devices, other than your TI-calculator, is strictly off-limits. This includes cell phones, pagers, internet devices, ipods, laptop computers, texters of any kind. Any use at all will result in a “technical violation” against the assignment grade.

Academic Dishonesty: Any instances of academic dishonesty will result in an automatic “zero” on the test, with the immediate possibility of the issue being taken to the division dean, and being place on the student’s academic record.

Non-Attendance Drops:

Ordinarily, it is the student’s responsibility to drop a course at the Administration Building if the student wishes to discontinue. However, a student who has missed more than two full week’s worth of class can be dropped for non-attendance.

ACCESS Students:

Students who have a classifiable physical or learning disability should be registered with the ACCESS office so that appropriate adjustments can be made in the classroom and for test. If you have not already done so, please contact ACCESS at 378-1461 for coordination of disability verification and accommodation assistance. Their office is just to the right of the Campus Center.


• In case of an emergency make sure to contact me as soon as possible.

• I expect you to be on time to class, and to not leave early.

• Electronic devices: Please have consideration for others and remember to turn off your cell phone, pager, etc. during every class period!

Drop Days:

Last day to drop a course with full credit: Jan 20.

Last day to drop a course without a W: Feb 3.

Last day to drop a course with a W: April 20.

Tentative test and quiz schedule:

Jan 23 Ch 1, 2 and section 3.2 test Jan 30 Quiz#1

Feb 6 Ch 3 and 4 test Feb 13th Quiz #2

Feb 27 Quiz#3 March 5 Ch 5 and 6 test

March 19 Quiz#4 March 26 Quiz #5

April 9 Ch 7 and 8 test April 16 Quiz #6

April 23 Ch 9 and 10 test May 2 Ch 11 - 13 Test

May 14, Final Exam (7:30-9:30am)

Good Luck and have a fruitful semester.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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