
2-10-20 Virus Update - The Liberal News Media in the U.S. is about Two Weeks Behind in Pandemic Reporting in China

Blessings beloved followers,

I, “a soul”, want to share with you today that the liberal mass media in the United States is about two weeks behind in real news reporting about the pandemic in China. This is important to know because this gives about a two week window for preparation before we might start to see the general public becoming concerned about the virus in our country. All the genuine news reporting on the pandemic can only be found in independent news sources.

And so what are the independent news sources now reporting? I have collected a few article links for you to be informed about what is happening. Beijing, the capital of China, is now under quarantine along with Shanghai and over 80 other cities. This means that the number of people under quarantine in China is more than the number of people in the United States (over 320 million people).

China is the second largest economy in the world and also has the world's largest gold reserve and holds massive amounts of debt in the form of bonds in other countries like the United States. China's economy is coming to a halt due to the coronavirus and the government is artificially pumping cash into the markets to keep the “illusion” that its economy is not failing. But, the global supply chain is basically going to grind to a halt because China produces so much of the world's goods. And if China's economy falls, it is inevitable that the government will use its gold reserve to keep afloat and will start cashing in on bonds held in other countries. So, this does not look promising for different currency markets in the world.

Now, what is happening with the disease outbreak? Well, one of the articles below is all about the numbers. But, it looks like this coronavirus has an infection rate of over 80% and a fatality rate of between 15% to 17%. And based on trends, this virus is going to burn through the entire population of China peaking in mid-March with about 50,000 infections a day.

Meanwhile, the pandemic should peak in other Asian countries about 1-2 months after China, as it spreads outward across the globe. I have seen reporting that the virus will peak with infections in the United States sometime in July/August.

Now, I share all of this with you all NOT because I want to panic everyone, but because I want people to take advantage of this short window of time before the general public starts rushing through the door. Obviously, in my country of the United States, we are going to start feeling the economic effects way before the pandemic becomes a very serious outbreak clearly visible on our shores.

So, what can you do to prepare? Well, I have suggested before that people obtain the Medjugorje Silver Rounds (Century Silver Exchange) as an inflation-economic hedge if the dollar collapses. If you want to buy gold in small amounts, I suggest one gram purchases such as the Valcambi Gold Bars. I do not recommend the one gram PAMP Suisse Gold Bars because they are dedicated to a Roman goddess and other pagan gods.

Of course, stocking up with emergency food and water is essential, but I do not want people to panic if they do not have the money or space to store a recommended one year's supply for each person in their household. Jesus HAS promised through different chosen messengers that He will bless His people with food and water to sustain themselves, if they remain faithful to Him and pray for His provision. As emergency food supplies have basically been bought up by the government, military, and large institutions in the U.S., only My Patriot Supply has emergency food on hand to sell. You can order through their website directly or through the Infowars Store website which supports the independent reporting done by Alex Jones.

Also, I have suggested recently through different commentaries about natural medicine that can help you in fighting off this pandemic. Below are the links to the commentaries if you have not read them yet. In particular, I suggest colloidal silver as being highly effective in fighting off viruses. The colloidal silver (15ppm) in the Infowars Store is nearly sold-out, which was probably the best for the price. However, if you still want colloidal silver, Alex Jones revealed that the company that supplies the Infowars Store is American Biotech Labs and they sell a colloidal silver product (10ppm) directly to the public such as on I recommend that you go with them, because I learned that their proprietary nano-silver was actually certified by the U.S. military to kill the SARS virus—which is the coronavirus strain that was bio-engineered to create this pandemic that we are witnessing now in China.

Finally, this might seem obvious, but we need to pray for the people in China and all affected nations by this pandemic, including our own. Ultimately, the reason that this pandemic is happening is because Papa God wants to get our attention that we need to turn back to Him and repent from our sins. So, we need to get on our knees and ask that God heal our lands. As many of you know, prayer is a powerful force that changes lives and gives hope to people who encounter the Living God through prayer. So, if we pray daily and offer up our Holy Communions to Papa to mitigate this pandemic, Papa Is such a Generous God—He will hear our cries and will swiftly respond to those who love Him. God bless.

I love you,

—a soul


DO THE MATH: China holds “good news” press conference, accidentally admits the coronavirus mortality rate is closer to 17 per cent

Bodies piling up, Hubei Province funeral home workers pushed to near collapse as cremation centers burn HUNDREDS of bodies per day

BEIJING FALLS TO CORONAVIRUS… capital of China locked down under pandemic quarantine

China FLOODING the markets with liquidity to counter any loss of faith stemming from the coronavirus pandemic and a looming supply chain catastrophe


IMPORTANT MESSAGE – Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria – “Great pestilences, plagues generated by unknown viruses are advancing upon humanity” – OIL OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN

God the Father – “I will permit – as a result of all of this – new diseases, confusion in the financial world and the threat of greater wars, as the knowledge of weapons of mass destruction spreads”

COMMENTARY – How To Fight The Coming Virus Pandemic Naturally – By a soul

(Highly Recommended): Heaven’s Medicinal Plants (As Given to Luz de Maria)

Special Commentary – Messages From Our Lord Jesus Christ – How To Build Up Our Immune Systems And Fight Disease – By a soul

Commentary – Protecting Ourselves from Viral Infections – Colloidal Silver, Multi-Vitamins, and Probiotics – By a soul

Helpful Articles for Parents and Their Children: The Use of Hawthorn, Garlic, Elderberries, and Colloidal Silver for Fighting Viruses – By a soul

Video And Instructions – How To Make Colloidal Silver – MaryRefugeOfHolyLove

5-Minute Crafts Video – DIY Emergency Mask – MaryRefugeOfHolyLove


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