Greetings Holy, Healthy and Happy People of God,

Pastor Stephen’s

Weekly e-Note

May 7, 2015

Greetings Holy, Healthy and Happy People of God,

As I write this eNote to our faithful, devoted and missional community of Jesus Christ, I am reminded that it is the National Day of Prayer. On April 17, 1952, President Harry Truman signed a joint resolution from Congress for this day.

For many people, the Draft Day of the National Football League received more publicity and so others may not realize this is the National Day of Prayer. So what do you do on National Day of Prayer? Besides sounding too obvious, we pray. Then the question becomes praying for what? Here’s where Scripture offers some very useful hints.

In Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus offers some insight into the importance and reclamation of prayer for God’s people. We begin prayer with ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of who GOD is. GOD is communal, so we acknowledge GOD as our Father in heaven (and beyond). Use as many superlatives for GOD as you can with the focus on who GOD is in your life.

Second and probably the most vital part of prayer is praying/asking for GOD’s KINGDOM PRESENCE to come on earth as it is in HEAVEN. It is a dangerous aspect of the prayer because it invites GOD into those places where KINGDOM PRESENCE is not or is not as obvious. And to know GOD’s KINGDOM PRESENCE is to experience GOD’s fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. So in the places of disease, division, destruction and death, we pray for GOD’s PRESENCE. So in the leadership of all the nations, we pray for GOD’s PRESENCE. So in the places where natural disaster, human trafficking, domestic violence, religious persecution, and racial unrest occur we pray for GOD’s PRESENCE. We believe that GOD’s PRESENCE equals GOD’s FRUITFULNESS!

Third, pray for GOD’s PROVISION which is known as daily bread, daily nourishment. All we have in this day is a gift from GOD. We trust GOD will provide for us today, nothing more, nothing less. So we pray where there is not enough food, clothing, clean drinking water, money to pay the bills, where there is hopelessness and despair that GOD’s LOVE would be evident.

Fourth, pray for GOD’s FORGIVENESS of our sinfulness toward GOD and each other. In forgiving there is reconciliation and where there is reconciliation, there is UNITY in the body of JESUS CHRIST. So pray for those to forgive you and for you to forgive yourself.

And finally, we pray for GOD’s INTERVENTION on our behalf against fears of each other, temptations and evils of this world. But when the temptations get the best of us and we fall short of GOD’s GLORY we pray that GOD will continue to deliver us from ALL evil and replace it with the redemptive and sanctifying love of JESUS CHRIST. We claim deliverance and protection today and expect GOD to overwhelm us with LOVE! So make a difference today by praying to the GOD of our SALVATION and STRENGTH and expect GOD to act!

Hear the W.O.W., the WORDS OF WISDOM,

“Prayer Changes Things and People!”

As always, remember, God's will for us is good, we must do the rest!

Pastor Stephen

McKendree United Methodist Church

523 Church Street Nashville TN 37219





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