English 9

English 9

End of the Semester Exam

Study Guide

DIRECTIONS: Completion of this study guide can be done in multiple ways.

2.0- On a lined sheet of paper, copy each part and provide the answer, definition, etc.

3.0- On , place all parts of the guide into flashcard form. You HAVE TO create a Quizlet account for this level.

4.0- Create a Weebly, complete with all aspects of this SG, which a student could use to study for this exam. Your web address needs to include your first name, last initial, and English 9.

EXAMPLE: lindseyhenglish9.

Short Story Unit

* Be able to define the following terms:

|Setting |Plot |Plot Diagram |

|Exposition |Rising Action |Climax |

|Falling Action |Resolution |Character |

|Theme |Foreshadowing |Irony |

|Symbol |Conflict (know all types) |Author’s Purpose |

|Direct Characterization |Indirect Characterization | |

|* You will read stories and be asked specific questions related to the above terms, so know how to relate them to stories. |

To Kill a Mockingbird

Provide significant traits of each character.

|Atticus Finch |Jean Louise Finch |Jeremy Atticus Finch |

|Charles Baker Harris |Calpurnia |Arthur Radley |

|Miss Maude Atkins |Robert Ewell |Mayella Ewell |

|Tom Robinson |Alexandra Underwood |Heck Tate |

|Dolphus Raymond |Mrs. Duboise |Mr. Walter Cunningham (Sr.) |

* Be sure to revisit the following aspects of the text:

✓ Setting

✓ Characterization (What is the difference between direct and indirect characterization?)

o If you were given examples of each, would you be able to categorize each as direct or indirect?

✓ Theme

* Pick out details from the text that support each theme.

|The battle between good and | |

|evil | |

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|Inequality | |

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|Prejudice | |

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|Racism | |

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✓ Plot Development (How do certain events shape the story’s plot?)

o Look at the major events, and consider how they each add to the story’s plot.

o How would taking these events out change the story?

Romeo and Juliet

* Be sure that you know where/when R and J was set.

Provide significant traits of each character.

|Romeo |Juliet |Lord Montague |

|Lady Montague |Lord Capulet |Lady Capulet |

|Mercutio |Tybalt |Benvolio |

|Balthasar |Friar Laurence |Nurse |

|Prince Escalus |Apothecary |Paris |

|* Review how each person died. |

|* Be sure that you know how each important character affects the play’s events. |

* Review the following terms:

|Sonnet |Personification |Metaphor |

|Simile |Alliteration |Oxymoron |

|Imagery |Rhyme |Iambic Pentameter |

|Couplet |Quatrain | |

* What do you know about Shakespeare’s life?


|Alliteration |Metaphor |Onomatopeia |

|Hyperbole |Imagery |Personification |

|Anaphora |Euphemism |Oxymoron |

|Paradox |Allusion |Simile |

* You will be given a non-fiction text and asked to pick out examples of literary devices. Make sure that you are comfortable doing this.


* If you are given source information, are you comfortable creating a citation? If you are not, please practice this skill.

Create an in-text and works cited citation for the following text:

Abraham Lincoln’s “Emancipation Proclomation”

* You will also be asked to correctly format a sample essay.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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