Trinity College

Department of Economics

ECON 312: Mathematical Economics

Course Syllabus, Spring 2021

Instructor Information

Professor: Dr. Mark Stater Class Location: Hallden Hall North 104

Office: Williams 313 Class Time: TUES, THURS 2:00-3:40 PM

E-mail: Mark.Stater@trincoll.edu Class Duration: 10 weeks

Office Hours: WED, THURS 12:15-1:30PM (Zoom) Mode of Instruction: in-person

Office Hours link:

Course Description. This course covers the mathematical techniques needed to analyze theoretical models in micro and macroeconomics. The focus is on how theory is made precise through careful formulation and the application of mathematical tools such as differential and integral calculus and matrix algebra. We will also learn how to use comparative static methods to derive testable predictions from theoretical models. Our goal is not just to develop a toolbox of methods, but to gain exposure to specific applications and to develop intuition for how mathematical models can provide insights on important economic behavior and phenomena.

Learning Objectives. By the time students finish this course they should be able to:

1. Understand how mathematics is used to develop, solve, and interpret economic models

2. Translate an understanding of class material into creative, independent problem-solving skills

4. Demonstrate critical thinking skills through clear written and verbal communication

Textbook. Sydsaeter, Knut; Hammond, Peter; Strom, Arne; and Andres Carvajal (2016). Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, 5th edition, Harlow, U.K.: Pearson Education Ltd.

Grading. Problem Sets 10%, Quizzes 10%, Exams 40% each. Quizzes in class. Exams take-home.

Calendar. Week 1: Set Theory, Proofs, Solving Equations, Functions, Models. (Chs 1-4)

Week 2: Limits and Continuity, Differential Calculus (Chs 5-6). PS 1 due Wed. Quiz 1 Thurs.

Week 3: Differentials, Taylor Approximations, Elasticities, Local Extreme Points (Chs. 7-8).

Week 4: Integral Calculus, Differential Equations (Ch. 9). PS 2 due Wed, Quiz 2 Thurs.

Week 5: Multivariate Functions, Partial Derivatives, Partial Elasticities (Ch. 11).

Week 6: Multivariate Comparative Static Analysis (Ch. 12). Midterm Exam due Friday night

Week 7: Matrix Algebra (Chs. 15-16)

Week 8: Multivariate Optimization, Envelope Theorem (Ch. 13). PS 3 due Wed. Quiz 3 Thurs.

Week 9: Constrained Optimization, Shepherd’s Lemma, Roy’s Identity (Ch. 14).

Week 10: Inequality Constraints, Linear Programming, Duality (Chs. 14,17). PS 4 due W. Quiz 4 TH.

Final Exam due Tuesday, May 11 at 6:00PM.

Covid-19 protocols. Social distancing and mask-wearing will be in effect this semester.

Academic Integrity. In all academic exercises, students are expected to abide by the standards of intellectual honesty set forth in the Trinity College Student Handbook (see p. 13). This assumes students do their own work and properly credit those upon whose work and thought they draw.

ADA Accommodations. Trinity College is committed to creating an inclusive and accessible learning environment consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you have approval for academic accommodations, please notify faculty a minimum of 10 days prior to needing the accommodations. Please be sure to meet with me privately to discuss implementation.


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