
Maggie Barwell Scholarship – Personal Statement of ContentBeing from an Asian household fashion was never really a career choice I thought possible, with my parent steering me down business studies and becoming a doctor. I was never really an academic student as I had more of flair in the creative arts but never knew what to do with it career wise. After failing business studies I had no idea what I was going to do and telling my parents wasn’t even the hardest bit, I had to find an area or subject that I was good at still. When my brother found out there were Fashion courses being taught at a local college he encouraged me to go there and see how that goes. I can truly say I had never felt happier than when I was learning the ins and outs about Fashion. I felt like I finally fit somewhere, as though fashion was my missing link. That feeling of happiness and acceptance motivates me to be the best at what I’m doing and makes me strive to learn more about areas that I might not know or understand as well. I believe you can never stop learning through life, once you stop attempting to learn more life just becomes boring. I have a real passion for designing and the prior research. The way that one little idea can expand so much that it could create a whole fashion collection is fascinating, I think this is why I enjoy reading up on current trends so much, seeing how magazines dissect the trends in to categories of floral, gothic etc. I’m an avid reader of Vogue, Look and Company to keep me up to date with my fashion fix. This finds its way onto my fashion blog where I can post looks that are inspired by my own personal style and also trying out new trends. I believe these particular passions strengthen my research and design and allow me to really explore themes for projects and drawing detailed designs. Blog Photo in University In the first term I had really learnt a lot about myself and what I was capable of. In the first few weeks we started off with stand work and fabric manipulation, something I had only briefly done before and had unsuccessful results. I learnt to just go with the fabric and to not have pre conceived ideas of what I was going to do but to just do what I thought went after pinning each part. The shapes and designs that I managed to create were really interesting and even things I wouldn’t have thought of it I had thought ahead. It felt freer to create this way and is definitely something I would consider to do again when designing. I also found a real love for designing shoes, I still prefer fashion as a career choice but knowing I can design to scale shoes and heels with intricate details is definitely something I can add to the CV to expand my job criteria. Though doing my designs I also learnt the importance of detail, details as small as the strap width, the seams, and the fastenings and how someone would get in and out of the article of clothing or footwear. My future at Northampton hopefully includes an internship at a fashion magazine in my second year where I can work within the wardrobe and styling department to see what their day would consist of. I would like to come back from this experience knowing what my strengths and weaknesses are in that area in the fashion industry so that I can improve with the help of my tutors and be more prepared for what would be expected of me once I had graduated and start applying for jobs. In second and third year I would like to attend London fashion week and if possible the other fashion weeks abroad so that I can build up my portfolio and trend research and document this on my blog. Going to these kinds of events are first hand research into what would be up and coming and it would also allow me to network and introduce myself to people who I would not usually get to meet. I understand the importance of networking and getting to know people in the industry, be it a big time fashion chain or a small high street store, any experience is good experience. I would also love to go on the trips that the university provides, it would be vital towards my education at Northampton as they visit shows and fairs that cater towards networking and meeting new people from across the world and visiting places in which garments and products are constructed. It would be very good to see to compare how the different cultures work, It would allow me to pick up new skills that I could use for university and beyond. Having these experiences under my belt would help me become more creative with my designs and ideas and in my final year when I can create my collection I can really go all out with the details and use my personal experiences and knowledge to contribute towards what kind of fabrics I would choose or what kind of style are up and coming. To get my designs and work to the highest standard that they can be I will be religiously practising Photoshop so that I can try and master the useful and important parts before I graduate, Photoshop is widely used in the fashion industry and would be very handy to have as an additional quality on my CV. I currently use the Mac suites to use Photoshop and when I can I take the Mac laptops out of the library, the program is very easy to work off of them and it’s a great suite to abuse while I’m learning the basics of Photoshop. Practising filling in images in Photoshop In the future I see myself working for a magazine as an assistant on shoots, my experience from my second year internship should help me secure this kind of job. If I end up at a magazine but doing something different, I will take it upon myself in my spare time to try and make connections with the styling department and style editors and ask if I can help out on any shoots and features they have coming up so that I can learn from them. I would like to move to New York after a few years as an assistant and continue to take jobs assisting on shoots and features again. Once I have built up my portfolio I will apply to agency’s like CLM or even Magnet to become a stylist in my own right. I will continue networking and working on other projects to get in contact with celebrities and their agents and hopefully pursue some clients that way. I would like to build my clientele so that I can learn the different needs of each person and be able to style each person to suit their personality and I would enjoy doing research into what would suit them best. Ideally I would like to settle in New York and only travel out when work calls for it. Once I have become older I would apply for job positions as a style editor for fashion magazines such as Elle, In style and Fashion magazine. CLM Stylist portfolio pageMannequin outfits I put together at my place of work New Look ................

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