Course Content:

What will you be learning for the next 40 weeks?

I. Unity and Diversity of Living Things

➢ What is life?

➢ Cells

➢ Nutrients

➢ Classifying Organisms

II. Human Physiology

➢ Digestive System

➢ Excretion

➢ Circulatory System

➢ Respiratory System

➢ Diseases of Each System

III. Reproduction and Development

➢ Reproduction (in humans and other organisms)

➢ Stem Cells

➢ How do babies develop from a single cell?

IV. Genetics

➢ Passing of traits from parents to offspring.

➢ Genetic engineering

➢ Cloning

V. Evolution

➢ Change of a species over time.

➢ Did we come from monkeys?

VI. Ecology (Environmental Studies)

➢ Food chains

➢ Diversity

➢ Human influence on the environment

➢ Plant Structures and Photosynthesis

The “Deal” with the Regents Exam

In recent years, New York State made it necessary for every graduating student to pass at least one Regents science course. Despite the “type” of degree you plan on getting (Local, Regents Diploma, Regents Honors, etc.), everyone needs to take and pass anywhere from one to three Regents exams. The bottom line is that everyone needs a passing science Regents and here at Whitesboro High School, that class/exam is usually Living Environment. The make-up of this exam is as follows:

1. There is a lot of writing. Multiple-choice has been limited to 35-45 questions out of 85.

2. The test tends to focus on current event type topics (AIDS, Cloning, etc.).

3. Unlike Earth Science, there is no “lab test.” However, there is a lab section (PART D) which is 15%. This section focuses on 4 labs that are required by the state.


Your Living Environment grade will be calculated as follows:




Projects, Group Work, etc.....................................10%

Tests and Quizzes (70% of quarter grade)

The number of tests and quizzes per quarter will vary as the year goes on. Tests and quizzes will consist of ALL Regents style questions. Each test is a mix of multiple choice and short answer questions and an entire class period is (usually) allowed for the exam. Most likely, you won’t have both a test and a quiz in one week. However, plan on one or the other at least every other week. If you are absent on the day of the exam, you will be expected to take it the day that you return to school.

(When it comes to making up a test or a quiz, I WILL NOT chase you down. You need to approach me as to when you can do it. Any test/quiz not made up within 2-4 days of returning to school will result in a zero! (

Homework (20%)

Most homework assignments will take no longer than 15-20 minutes and may be on paper or in a digital form. For a correct, neat, and completed assignment you will get 5 points. There are about 20 assignments per quarter (resulting in a 100 point grade). Homework counts for 20 points of your quarter average. Make sure you do it.

Projects, Group Work, Etc. (10%)

This will always be different.


The New York State Regents Board requires that each student completes 30 lab hours in the science classroom. We will be doing approximately 40-45 labs this year. Labs are always expected! Each lab not completed or turned in by the due date results in a loss of 1 point from your FINAL quarter average. Obviously, labs can seriously hurt your grade if not completed. Why so tough on labs? See below…

If the lab requirement is not met, you are not allowed to take the Regents exam and will receive a zero for your final exam grade. Students who don’t meet the lab requirement are not allowed to take Living Environment in summer school and must repeat the entire class the following year. This year’s SCHOOL-WIDE due date for labs is Friday May 29th, 2015.

Frinks (Extra-Credit)

“Frinks” work quite simply. I will give you assignments during the week (or weekend) that will count only as extra-credit. On the day that they are due, I will award “Frinks” to students who have completed the assignments. 4 Frinks = 1 point on any quiz (not your overall average). It is your job to keep track of these Frinks and I will collect them at the end of each quarter. Frinks may not be traded, bought, or begged for.

Materials Needed:

Textbook ???????

➢ Notebook

➢ Folder

➢ Pen/Pencil

Extra Help:

If you ever need extra help or have any questions, I am available most days after school Monday through Thursday. Please feel free to stop by.

Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior:

1.) After school detention/parent notified

2.) Counselor/Assistant Principal intervention

3.) Principal Intervention


➢ Tardiness (Pages 33 of Student-Parent Handbook)

➢ Cellular Telephones and iPods (Pages 29-30 and 59 of Student-Parent Handbook)

➢ How you treat others (Appendix E in the Student-Parent Handbook)

At the end of the school year, I have my students fill out an evaluation on their year in Living Environment. Part of the evaluation is to write down advice that they wish they could have given themselves on the first day of school. I did not write any of the following statements. They were written anonymously by students in my 2012-2013 classes. Hope it helps…

Do all of your labs, it’s hard at the end of the year trying to catch up!

Do the homework, it doesn’t take much time and not doing it can really hurt your grade!

Pay attention and do your labs.

Keep your binder neat and organized and bring it to class. I wouldn’t use a notebook because there are so many papers he gives. It is awesome to have everything in your binder. (

When you take notes, draw the pictures that he does.

Always hand in your homework; even if it’s late it is better than a ZERO!

Pay attention and do the work and you will pass with flying colors…and use the Frinks.

Stay awake.

Do the Labs!

Take the Frinks seriously.

Do the homework + labs. They take whole five to ten minutes.

I f you have a choice of turning in a lab or homework, choose the lab.

Doing labs sometimes STINKS but so does losing points off your average.

Keep organized.

Don’t ask to go to the bathroom too often. The pass “magically disappears.”

Use a binder…it’s easier!

He is very understanding & will do anything to help, but you need to work as well and continue doing your work.

Have a good year! (

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Hello and welcome to Living Environment! I can only imagine how overwhelming it must be to have a child return home from the first day of school with a brand new list of courses and teachers that you may not know. I can also imagine how it may become even more trying with multiple children in the district. Therefore, I just wanted to take a moment to introduce my course.

This syllabus contains information that any incoming student would need concerning this class. Also, I find it ideal for parents who are interested in knowing my grading policies and procedures. It often serves as a helpful resource for students and parents.

I hope to see you on “Back to School Night” which is Monday, September 29th, at 6:55 pm. In the event you cannot attend, I hope that we can remain in contact throughout this school year. My contact information is on the front page of this syllabus. Please feel free to call/e-mail me at any time. Also, please feel free to “follow” me on Twitter (despite your child’s pleadings). My account is NOT for personal use and you’ll notice that I do not follow anyone nor re-tweet others. It is simply a tool that will inform you of assignments, exams, and other class matters. In recent years, I have had very positive experiences using this social media to keep students AND parents informed. Below is a checklist that highlights some of my class procedures that may differ from other teachers. It’s just a quick recap that I, as a parent, would like to see at a glance.



❑ A binder with loose-leaf paper is the most ideal means of keeping organized in this course but it’s certainly up to the decision/comfort of the student as to how to take notes.

❑ Homework counts as 20 points of each quarter grade.

❑ Homework can only be submitted one day late for a grade of 4 out of 5. No excuses are needed. Once a graded assignment has been handed back to a class, I can no longer accept the assignment.

❑ There is an extra-credit system in place for the students. However, students are responsible for submitting “Frinks” at the deadline of each marking period.

❑ Each student must complete 30 lab credits in order to take the NYS Living Environment Regents.

❑ Each lab not turned in on time (or not at all) will result in a loss of one point off the student’s quarter average. This is a severe penalty but getting the 30 labs credits is crucial to passing the course.

❑ In the event that a student misses an exam (for whatever reason), the student must make appropriate arrangements with me in order to make up the exam. The exam cannot be made-up during our Living Environment class period.

❑ Test/quizzes all consist of past Regents questions. This prepares students for the exam in June.

|Student Name: |

|Parent/Guardian Name: |

|Parent/Guardian E-mail Address (Please Print): |

|Daytime Phone #: |Evening Phone # |

❑ I’m available via phone or e-mail. Grades are also available via Parent Portal.

❑ Please contact me at any time with questions (sryan@ or 266-3200).


Mr. Ryan

E-mail: sryan@

School Phone: 266-3200 ext. 6608

Twitter: @RyanLivEnv

Classes that excel in behavior, homework completion, and proper lab work ethic will get a day to review before each test. The day is usually a type of game day where the entire period is spent playing Jeopardy, Bingo, etc. Students will have the opportunity to win BONUS points towards the test/quiz that week (or other prizes).

(I feel obligated to let you know that your life will be sooooooo much easier if you just get a binder with loose-leaf. Since I give a lot of diagrams, review sheets, etc., you can literally throw things into your binder as I give them to you. Thank you for your time. (


|Progress Reports |Report Cards |

|1st = 10/10/14 |1st = 11/14/14 |

|2nd = 12/19/14 |2nd = 2/6/15 |

|3rd = 3/20/15 |3rd = 4/24/15 |

|4th = 5/21/15 |4th = Mailed Home |

|Final Due Date for Labs = May 29th, 2015!!! |

|Living Environment Regents is JUNE 16th 2015! |



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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