Performa For Universities/ Degree Awarding Institutions

Supplementary Information for Ranking

2012-13 & 2013-14

Information to be provided by Registrar of the University/DAI

i. The information which is not applicable be marked “N.A.”

ii. The information will be considered zero if any query left blank

iii. Documentary evidence is mandatory where required/specified.

| 1.|Name of the University as in the Act: | BAHRIA UNIVERSITY |

2. Postal Address

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

3. Authority Providing Information.

| Name: | Designation: | |

| | | |

| Office Phone#/Cell#: | E-mail Address: | |

| | | |

|Verify that the information being provided has been checked and is | | |

|correct. | | |

| | | |

| |Signatures | |

| | | |

4. Total Amount of External (National & International) Research Grants (Rs 0.6 million and above) other than HEC, approved for the university. Documentary evidence is mandatory. No need to provide fresh evidence in case already provided.

Attested copy of Award letter from the sponsoring organization

|Research Grants Approved |2012- 2013 |2013-2014 |

|Amount of Research Grants (other than HEC) approved by National Organization | | |

|Amount of Research Grants approved/funded by foreign organizations/ agencies | | |

*Details may kindly be provided in Annex-I along with documentary evidence mentioned above.

5. Number of National and International Awards won by Full Time Faculty Members other than scholarships/fellowships, list of awards is enclosed.* Documentary evidence is mandatory i.e. Attested copy of Award letter from the sponsoring organization

|Awards |2012- 2013 |2013-2014 |

|National Level | | |

|International Level | | |

*Details may kindly be provided in Annex-II along with documentary evidence mentioned above.

6. Number of International Academics Olympiad and equivalent Awards won (1st three positions) by students of the University. Documentary evidence is Mandatory i.e. Details to be provided in Annex-III. Attested copy of Award letter from the sponsoring organization

|Name of Awards |2012- 2013 |2013-2014 |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

7. Number of Registered Patents/Varieties/Technologies/Formula/Breeds/Creative work by the University at (National & International) level.

Attested copy of registration is mandatory.

| |2012- 2013 |2013-2014 |

|National | | |

|International | | |

*Details may kindly be provided in Annex-IV along with documentary evidence mentioned above.

8. Commercialization of Registered Patents/Varieties/Technologies/Breeds/Creative work by the University at (National & International) level.

(i)Proof of Commercialization is mandatory

| |2012- 2013 |2013-2014 |

|National | | |

|International | | |

*Details may kindly be provided in Annex-V along with documentary evidence mentioned above.

9. Number of University Industrial Linkage through (ORICs).

(i)Proof of Linkage is mandatory (Attested Copy). Detail may be provided in Annex VI.

| |2012- 2013 |2013-2014 |

|National | | |

|International | | |

10. Number of International Collaboration /exchange programs (outbound/inbound student (one month) for Faculty (15days). Proof is mandatory. Detail may be provided in Annex VII.

| |2012- 2013 |2013-2014 |

|Number of Collaborations | | |

11. Number of Community outreach programs, Civil Engagements and community services by the University. Documentary Proof is mandatory

| |2012- 2013 |2013-2014 |

|Number of outreach programs | | |

Detail to be provided in Annex-VIII

12. Number of programs offered by the University duly accredited by the respective HEC recognized accreditation Council. Attested copy of Proof is mandatory.

| |2012- 2013 |2013-2014 |

|National | | |

|International | | |

Detail to be provided in Annex-IX

13. Number of Full time faculty members recruited by the University including IPFP during

| |2010-11 |2011-12 |2012- 13 |2013-14 |

|Total Full Time faculty Members Recruited including PhD | | | | |

|Ph.D Faculty only | | | | |

14. Number of Full Time Faculty members over years. Detail to be updated and highlighted in the soft copy available with HEC focal Person.

| |2012- 2013 |2013-2014 |

|Full Time faculty Members having Terminal Degree from own Institution | | |

|Number of Foreign Full Time Faculty Member having stay of at least 6 | | |

|months. | | |

|Total Number of Full Time Faculty Members | | |

15. Number of Students receiving External Scholarships excluding HEC need based and University Own Scholarships. Proof of award of Scholarship is mandatory

|Name of Sponsor |2012- 2013 |2013-2014 |

| | | |

| | | |

16. Number of Trainings received by Full Time Faculty members (Minimum 30 Contact Hours and above Training). *Please provide copy of Training Certificate as documentary evidence (Mandatory).

|2012-13 |2013-14 |

|Number of Faculty members trained |Number of Faculty members trained |

|HEC |Other National |Intl Trainings |HEC |Other National |Intl Trainings |

| | | | | | |

17. Number of Research Papers published in HEC recognized X and Y category journals

|Number of papers published* |2013 |2014 |

| | | |

*In case paper is shared among different Faculty members /scholars it should be treated as one. Detail should be provided on the format as in Annex-X, Soft copy in excel should be emailed.

18. HEC Recognized Journals Published by the university during 2013 and 2014. Copy of title and Inner page to be provided which is mandatory.

| |Social Science |Sciences |

|HEC Recognized Journals |2012-13 |2013-14 |2012-13 |2013-14 |

|Category X  |  |  |  |  |

19. Number of Research Papers published in Impact Factor journals (Only ISI Web of Science/Knowledge):

|Number of papers published* |2013 |2014 |

| | | |

*In case paper is shared among different Faculty members /scholars it should be treated as one.

20. Availability of Internet Bandwidth and Utilization:

|Sources |2013-14 |

| |Bandwidth ( In MBs) |%age Utilization |

|HEC PERN Bandwidth | | |

|Other ISPs | | |

*Documents of average BW utilization graph of Network Management Software (MRTG, etc.) may please be provided.

21. Kindly provide the following details of Recurring budget only, Documentary evidence is mandatory.

| |2012- 2013 |2013-2014 |

|Total Budget of the University as approved by Syndicate/BOG | | |

|Amount Generated through own sources including Fee. | | |

|Amount spent on Research and Library | | |

|Amount spent on Salary of Faculty and Non Faculty Staff | | |



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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