Chapter 5

Chapter 5 P S Y C H O K I N E S I S


Before working the other exercises in this chapter, type definitions of each of the key terms from the chapter between the brackets.

Psychokinesis: { }

Psychokinetically: { }

Alchemists: { }

Astrologers: { }

Parapsychologists: { }

Psychologists: { }

Astrology: { }

Astronomy: { }

Esoteric Psychology: { }

Hieroglyphs: { }

Astronomical: { }

Transcendental: { }

Exoteric: { }

Transmutation: { }

Alteration: { }

Transubstantiation: { }

Mental: { }

Essence: { }

Mind: { }

Space-Time: { }

Quantum Potential: { }

Magic: { }

Masters: { }

Perfections: { }

Supra Natural Powers: { }

Psychic Phenomena: { }

Mental Influence: { }

Subliminals: { }

Affirmations: { }

Refutations: { }


This summary gives you a comprehension of the primary points of the chapter in the text. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases that complete the ideas.

1. "Mind (as well as [ ] and elements) may be altered psychokinetically, from state to state; degree to degree; proportion to [ ]; condition to condition; point to point; vibration to vibration."

2. Alchemists, [ ], parapsychologists and psychologists have always existed. From the art of ancient astrology has evolved modern [ ]; from alchemy, modern chemistry; and [ ] psychology has evolved into the modern institutes of psychology. Do not assume that the ancients were ignorant of that which modern institutions presume to be their exclusive and special property.

3. The ancients enjoyed a knowledge of [ ] astronomy, called astrology; of [ ] chemistry, called alchemy; of transcendental [ ] , called parapsychology. They enjoyed the [ ] knowledge as well as the [ ] knowledge, while modern science only subscribes to the exoteric.

4. [ ] and “alchemy” are terms normally employed to designate the ancient art of the [ ] of metals, particularly that of changing the base [ ] into gold. [ ] refers to the changing of one substance into another. The word, Psychokinesis, means the ability to [ ], alter events, or [ ] one form, [ ], condition, [ ], or substance into another via mental processes.

5. The first of the seven [ ] Principles is the Principle of Psychokinesis, the axiom of which is, "[ ] is MIND; the universe is a [ ] creation." It means that the underlying

6. [ ] of the universe is mind, and the [ ] itself is [ ] mental, that is, "existing in the [ ] of [ ]."

6. Psychokinesis must be the art of [ ] THE CONDITIONS OF THE UNIVERSES, in their fields of [ ] , matter, force and [ ], affecting the quantum potential. This Psychokinesis is really the [ ] of which the ancient writers had so much to say intheir [ ] works and about which they gave so few practical instructions. If all be mental, then the art which [ ] one to [ ] mental conditions must also render the master the "[ ] of material conditions" as well as those ordinarily called "[ ]."

7. These perfections known as [ ], powers are attained through [ ] evolution. Masters of these perfections attain a level of [ ] which allows them to [ ] the normal [ ] with which the forces of nature bind humankind. In control of the forces of nature, the masters are empowered to know the [ ] of others, break the bonds of light and thus to [ ], overcome the force of gravity and levitate, see into the [ ] of atoms, etc.

8. Not only may the mental states of one's self be changed by Psychokinesis, the states of [ ] may be and are constantly altered in the same way. Among the masses, these [ ] occur, for the most part, [ ]. But when one understands the laws and principles, the change is often a [ ] one.


Type the number of the appropriate answer in the bracket corresponding to the description. There is one correct answer for each blank.

[ ] Altering mind from state to state,

degree to degree, condition to

condition is done

[ ] From the art of ancient astrology

has grown modern science

[ ] The very design of the Pyramids

is a study in powers

[ ] Matter is formed from

[ ] Alchemy is a form of transcendental

[ ] Transcendental psychology is called

[ ] The ancient term used to define the

alteration of metals into gold

[ ] The ability to influence, alter events,

or change one form, species, condition,

nature or substance into another via

mental processes is known as

[ ] Perfections which empower the masters

to control natural forces are


Using the Systematic Law of Learning, apply the following Principles.

1. Using an event in history, examine Psychokinesis in its affect on World War II.

a. Describe the power of influence one mind had over millions.

{ }

2. Throughout recorded history different religions were born, reached maturity and then began to decline. These religions have all used the power and influence of Mind over minds. As pointed out in chapter five, the masses wish to have their minds altered and influenced to believe in the religion, and the Master fulfills the needs of the masses. With this in mind, examine the following.

a. Describe how religious leaders use Psychokinesis to influence the minds of the masses.

{ }

b. Using the premise that "all truth is just partially truth," how would masters, teachers, preachers, ministers, evangelists, and others control the minds of the masses.

{ }

3. With the ideas that the minds of the masses are controlled by those who tell of how they have the truth and "the right way," and that all truth is partially true, examine the following:

a. If you have ever believed that you were holding the truth about an important aspect of life, and you are or were under the influence of some person or book of truth, describe why or why not this truth does not come under the law of Psychokinesis.

{ }

b. Knowing that all truth is just partially true, where do you go now to find your way out of this chaos? Is there any haven of consciousness which you can reside in which will allow you to deal with this knowledge? If so describe it.

{ }


Formulate answers to these questions. Refer to both your text and your lecture notes. You need not type out the answer in full sentences, but make notes on all the details you would include in a full answer. Review your answers with someone else in the class after each of you has completed the exercise. Type your answers within the brackets.

1. Define what can be altered psychokinetically and why.

{ }

2. Explain where the sciences of astronomy, chemistry, and psychology came from.

{ }

3. Discuss the relationship between the design of the pyramid and astronomy.

{ }

4. What is esoteric and exoteric knowledge, and how does it relate to chemistry, psychology, and astronomy?

{ }

5. Explain transmutation and how its meaning is the same as alteration.

{ }

6. What is the meaning of Psychokinesis?

{ }

7. What is the art of mental chemistry?

{ }

8. What is meant by "The Universe is a Mental Creation."

{ }

9. What changes the condition of the universes?

{ }

10. Explain what a controller of material conditions is.

{ }

11. Explain what supra natural powers are and how they work.

{ }

12. How are the supra natural powers attained?

{ }

13. What is it possible to do with the supra natural powers?

{ }

14. Do human types with supra natural powers exit today as has been recorded in history, and if so why?

{ }

15. Why would the master not make public exhibitions of their powers?

{ }

16. What do the Wills of the Masters have to do with the powers?

{ }

17. Why are the majority of modern practitioners uneducated compared to the very few masters?

{ }

18. How does Psychokinesis alter the mass mind?

{ }

19. Explain how the beliefs of the masses and their religions are influenced with Psychokinesis.

{ }

20. Whose mental states are easiest to effect and why?

{ }


Place an ‘X’ next to the phrase that most correctly completes each statement.

1. What can be altered psychokinetically?

a) Mind.

b) Metals.

c) Elements.

d) All of the above.

2. Alchemists is a term used to describe

a) those who make a form of beer.

b) the ancient chemists.

c) an advanced degree of modern chemistry.

d) none of the above.

3. Esoteric psychology has been known as

a) the predecessor of modern psychology.

b) mysterious mumbo jumbo.

c) a new form of psychology that deals with animals.

d) all of the above.

4. The hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt show irrefutably that the ancients had a thorough knowledge of

a) the stock exchanges and financial independence.

b) the modern internal combustion engine.

c) psychology, chemistry, and astronomy.

d) none of the above.

5. The very design of the Pyramids is a study in

a) masonry and the art of mixing cement.

b) how to roll stones with logs.

c) astronomical science.

d) answers a. & b.

6. Modern science understands that matter is formed by

a) a God that looks like a man.

b) vibrations.

c) an understanding beyond the comprehension of humans.

d) a mysterious feeling which comes late at night.

7. The ancients were skilled in the science of psychology, especially that of

a) dividing the seas.

b) parapsychology.

c) turning walking sticks into snakes.

d) walking on water.

8. The ancients enjoyed a knowledge of transcendental astronomy, called

a) the rhythm method.

b) the pin hole viewing process.

c) astrology.

d) none of the above.

9. The ancients enjoyed the esoteric knowledge as well as the

a) secret knowledge which still is not known.

b) exoteric knowledge.

c) knowledge of preventative circumcision.

d) knowledge of the only true religion.

10. Transmutation is a term employed to designate the ancient art of the

a) alteration of metals.

b) fastest running camels.

c) exchanging of tokens for treasures in heaven.

d) changing the roads of heaven into gold.

11. The word, Psychokinesis, means the ability to

a) dream sleep.

b) understand the inner workings of the Vatican.

c) influence, alter events, or change one form, species, condition, nature or substance into another via mental processes.

d) none of the above.

12. The underlying essence of the universe is

a) a very large egg.

b) an ocean of milk.

c) mind.

d) love.

13. If CREATION is mental in its nature, then Psychokinesis must be the art of

a) changing the conditions of the universes.

b) figuring out why you need not address these issues.

c) ignoring the reality of existence.

d) anti-religion.

14. Only the advanced masters of Psychokinesis have been able to attain the degree of power necessary to control

a) physical conditions.

b) the weather.

c) earthquakes.

d) all of the above.

15. The perfection known as supranatural powers are attained through

a) palmistry.

b) crystal therapy.

c) spiritual evolution.

d) channels with profound messages.

16. Masters of these perfections attain a level of spirituality which allows them to sever the normal bonds with which the forces of nature

a) bind humankind.

b) create the flowers.

c) make new genetic mutations.

d) none of the above.

17. In control of the forces of nature, the masters are empowered to know

a) the only true church.

b) the minds of others.

c) the best stock to purchase.

d) all of the above.

18. The masters have evolved to these powers through many

a) slaves they have managed to influence to do their bidding.

b) classes of new thought they have attended.

c) donations of wealth they have given to worthy causes.

d) incarnations wherein they worked to develop this potential within their Will.

19. The student and practitioner of Psychokinesis work among

a) the sick and needy to learn how they feel.

b) the channels to bring inspirational messages through.

c) mental fields, altering mental conditions.

d) all of the above.

20. The popular and diverse "subliminals," "affirmations," and "refutations" utilized by the current and predominant discipline of mental science are but formulas, quite

a) unknown to those who have taken classes of self help

b) imperfect and unscientific

c) popular with established religions and christianity

d) all of the above

21. Most all modern practitioners of mental science refuse to put forth the

a) credentials necessary to attain the knowledge in its entirety.

b) money which is required to attend the right course to attain the knowledge in its entirety.

c) effort to attain the knowledge in its entirety.

d) none of the above.

22. Not only may the mental states of one's self be changed by Psychokinesis, the states of others may be and are constantly

a) altered in the same way.

b) examined by the examiner of real truth.

c) judged by those in control of the morals of society.

d) regulated by the community standard committee.

23. Among the masses, these changes occur, for the most part

a) on the full moon.

b) when their astrologer tells them they will.

c) unconsciously.

d) a the channels say they will.

24. The mental states of people who are not informed of the principles are extremely

a) pure and free from contamination.

b) easy to affect.

c) strong and usually reside within the heart of God.

d) none of the above.

25. The Principle of Psychokinesis has been stated so that all who read may possess

a) a confused mind about what to believe.

b) a portion of power to manipulate their friends with.

c) the Master Key that will unlock the many doors to the Principle of Opposition.

d) a magic wand, that once purchased, can be used to control the world in the way the owner feels the world should be controlled.




1. transmutation

2. parapsychology

3. vibration

4. psychokinetically

5. Psychokinesis

6. astronomical

7. supranatural

8. astronomy

9. chemistry



Proportion space-time

Astrologers mind

Astronomy magic

Esoteric mystical

Transcendental, Transcendental empowers

Transcendental alter

psychology controller

esoteric, exoteric mental

Transmutation supranatural

alteration, metals, spiritual

Transubstantiation spirituality, sever

Influence, bonds

change, species, nature minds

Summum disappear

SUMMUM heart

mental others

essence, universe changes

mental, Mind unconsciously



4, 8, 6, 3, 9, 2, 1, 5, 7


1. d 10. a 19. c

2. b 11. c 20. b

3. a 12. c 21. c

4. c 13. a 22. a

5. c 14. d 23. c

6. b 15. c 24. b

7. b 16. a 25. c

8. c 17. b

9. b 18. d


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