Power Verbs:ClaimAgreementDisagreementRecommendationsargueacknowledgecomplainadvocatebelieveadmirecomplicatecall forclaimagreecontenddemandemphasizecorroboratecontradictencourageinsistdo not denydenyimploreobserveendorsequestionpleadremind peoplereaffirmrefuterecommendrepotsupportrejecturgesuggestverifyrenouncewarnTemplate SentencesTopic Sentences:Throughout book, story, poem, article, film,, author’s name power verb _____________________________________________________________________________. In name of text, author’s name conveys Reason 1/2/3 through _______________________________.In name of text, author’s name chooses Reason 1/2/3 to _____________________________. In name of text, author’s name chooses Reason 1/2/3 to reveal/convey/ portray _____________________________. Introducing Quotes:“name of article” power verb, “___________”According to “name of article”, “________________”According to “name of article” , author’s name power verb, “_________”In X’s view, “_____________”“name of article” agrees/disagrees when it power verb, “____________________”“name of article” complicates matters further it power verb, “____________”Explaining Quotes where X is the article title:Basically, X power verb __________________In other words, X believes ___________________.In making this comment, X argues that __________________.X is insisting that ___________________.X’s point is that ____________________.The essence of X’s argument is that _________________.Explaining Quotes where Y is an idea or thing:Y matters/is important because_____________.Although Y may seem trivial, it is in fact crucial in terms of today’s concern over _____________.Ultimately, what is at stake here is ________________________.There findings have important consequences for the broader domain of _________________.My discussion of X is in fact addressing the larger matter of ______________.MLA HEADER:Title: do not use “Essay” or the title of assignmentIntroduction ParagraphReword the essay prompt. Summarize Prompt Sent. 1 & 2Summarize Prompt Sent. 3 & 4Introduce the text, author, and what the story/article is about:Thesis Statement with Essay Map (Answer the essay prompt question) (Author)________________ demonstrates _______________________________ in (name of text) ________________________________________________ through ___________________________________________________________by(Reason 1)(Reason 2)(Reason 3)ESSAY BODYParagraph 2Topic of the paragraph: Use sentence templates for introducing reasonEvidence: that supports this reason (i.e quotation or paraphrase): (1-2 sentences max) *Make sure you introduce the quote with who is speaking, what text it is coming from, etc. In (name of text)____________________________, (author or character) __________ states/argues/claims, “Citation:Relevance: Use sentence template page: Mean: What does the quote mean? (1 sentence)Matter: How does this quote support your stance? (1-2 sentences)Evidence: that supports this reason (i.e quotation or paraphrase): (1-2 sentences max) *Make sure you introduce the quote with who is speaking, what text it is coming from, etc. In (author/characters) ______________’s view, “Citation:Relevance: Mean: What does the quote mean? (1 sentence)Matter: How does this quote support your stance? (1-2 sentences)Evidence: that supports this reason (i.e quotation or paraphrase): (1-2 sentences max) *Make sure you introduce the quote with who is speaking, what text it is coming from, etc. Additionally, (author/character) ____________________ states, “Citation:Relevance: Mean: What does the quote mean? (1 sentence)Matter: How does this quote support your stance? (1-2 sentences)Conclusion Sentence: (Reword topic sentence and connect to next paragraph.)Paragraph 3Topic of the paragraph; Create a complete sentence about Reason 2: (1 sentence)Evidence: that supports this reason (i.e quotation or paraphrase): (1-2 sentences max) *Make sure you introduce the quote with who is speaking, what text it is coming from, etc. In (name of text)____________________________, (author or character) __________ states/argues/claims, “Citation:Relevance: Use sentence template page: Mean: What does the quote mean? (1 sentence)Matter: How does this quote support your stance? (1-2 sentences)Evidence: that supports this reason (i.e quotation or paraphrase): (1-2 sentences max) *Make sure you introduce the quote with who is speaking, what text it is coming from, etc. In (author/characters) ______________’s view, “Citation:Relevance: Mean: What does the quote mean? (1 sentence)Matter: How does this quote support your stance? (1-2 sentences)Evidence: that supports this reason (i.e quotation or paraphrase): (1-2 sentences max) *Make sure you introduce the quote with who is speaking, what text it is coming from, etc. Additionally, (author/character) ____________________ states, “Citation:Relevance: Mean: What does the quote mean? (1 sentence)Matter: How does this quote support your stance? (1-2 sentences)Conclusion Sentence: (Reword topic sentence and connect to next paragraph.)Paragraph 4Topic of the paragraph; Create a complete sentence about Reason 3: (1 sentence)Evidence: that supports this reason (i.e quotation or paraphrase): (1-2 sentences max) *Make sure you introduce the quote with who is speaking, what text it is coming from, etc. In (name of text)____________________________, (author or character) __________ states/argues/claims, “Citation:Relevance: Use sentence template page: Mean: What does the quote mean? (1 sentence)Matter: How does this quote support your stance? (1-2 sentences)Evidence: that supports this reason (i.e quotation or paraphrase): (1-2 sentences max) *Make sure you introduce the quote with who is speaking, what text it is coming from, etc. In (author/characters) ______________’s view, “Citation:Relevance: Mean: What does the quote mean? (1 sentence)Matter: How does this quote support your stance? (1-2 sentences)Evidence: that supports this reason (i.e quotation or paraphrase): (1-2 sentences max) *Make sure you introduce the quote with who is speaking, what text it is coming from, etc. Additionally, (author/character) ____________________ states, “Citation:Relevance: Mean: What does the quote mean? (1 sentence)Matter: How does this quote support your stance? (1-2 sentences)Conclusion Sentence: (Reword topic sentence and connect to next paragraph.)CONCLUSION PARAGRAPHRephrase your thesis statement: (DO NOT just copy and paste, you need to actually reword your thesis statement.Summarize Paragraph 2:Summarize Paragraph 3:Summarize Paragraph 4:Reconnection to Prompt: explain why this topic matters to the bigger world, with a connection to the writing prompt. Works Cited ................

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