Biology A

Biology A

Final Exam Review

Name:______________________________________________________________ Block:__________

Part I: Ecology

1. On a separate sheet of paper, write definitions for the following terms:

producer herbivore carnivore omnivore

detritivore ecology biodiversity

primary succession secondary succession population community

habitat ecosystem biome

carrying capacity biotic factors abiotic factors

2. Draw a food web in the space at the right based on the following food chains:

1. Plants ( Mouse ( Hawk

2. Plants ( Rabbits ( Wolf

3. Plants ( Rabbits ( Snake ( Hawk

4. Plants ( Mouse ( Snake

5. Plants ( Deer ( Wolf

6. Plants ( Hawk ( Wolf

3. Identify each organism in the food web as one of the following:

Producer Herbivore Carnivore Top Carnivore Omnivore


4. Most ecosystems only contain four trophic levels. Based on your food web above, at which trophic level(s) does the wolf feed?

5. Energy pyramids allow us to visualize three things about ecosystems. What are they?




6. How much energy moves up through trophic levels?

7. Explain the following cycles (you may sketch a diagram if it will help you):

a. Carbon Cycle

b. Nitrogen Cycle

c. Water Cycle

d. What do all three cycles have in common?

8. How does primary succession differ from secondary succession?

9. What is the greenhouse effect and why is it increasing on Earth?

10. List several ways that human activity affects the environment.

11. Use the graph to answer the questions.

|Population Growth Over Time |

|[pic] |

a. Which section shows an increase in birth rate?

b. Which section shows an increase in death rate?

c. Why does the graph level off in section C?

12. What factors cause population growth to increase?

13. What factors cause population growth to decrease?

14. There are three types of symbiotic relationships. Name them then give and EXPLAIN an example of each.




15. What biome do we live in? What are some common animals found in this biome?

16. What is acid rain? What part of the United States is most affected by it and why?

17. CFCs destroy ozone. What effects can this ozone destruction have on humans? How can we prevent further damage to the ozone layer?

Part II: Life & Scientific Method

1. On a separate sheet of paper, write definitions for the following terms:

biology hypothesis control group

experimental group independent variable dependent variable

2. What format helps us easily identify a hypothesis?

3. List the six steps of the scientific method in order.

1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

4. List the seven characteristics of life.

1. 5.

2. 6.

3. 7.


4. Read and analyze the following experiment.

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and his assistant Beaker have been working on a cure for Fozzie’s bad jokes. After trying to teach Fozzie new jokes, they gave up and decided they had to approach the problem from a different point of view, that of the audience. They have created a formula that looks like water, tastes like water, and is odorless like water. Before Fozzie’s show, Bunsen and Beaker split the audience in half. The left side of the audience (group A) was given a bottle of water and asked to drink it all before the show started. The right side of the audience (group B) was given a bottle of the formula and was also asked to drink it all before the show started. After the first few jokes, Fozzie was hit by seven tomatoes, heckled by Waldorf and Statler (as usual), and booed; all by the left side of the audience (group A). The right side of the audience (group B) didn’t notice the booing or tomatoes because they were too busy laughing at Fozzie’s jokes.

Identify the following from the experiment:

Control Group: Experimental Group:

Independent variable: Dependent variable:

Part III: Microbiology

1. On a separate sheet of paper, write definitions for the following terms:

diffusion osmosis facilitated diffusion

passive transport active transport hypertonic solution

hypotonic solution isotonic solution endocytosis

exocytosis antibiotics endospores cells

2. Explain the function of the organelles listed, and then identify the organelles listed on the cell diagrams on the next page.

|Organelle |Function |

|Mitochondria | |

|Nucleus | |

|Nuclear envelope | |

|Cell membrane | |

|Golgi Apparatus | |

|Smooth ER | |

|Rough ER | |

|Ribosomes | |

|Vesicles | |

|Central Vacuole | |

|Cell Wall | |

|Chloroplasts | |

3. Of the two diagrams, which is an animal cell and which is a plant cell? How do you know?

4. The following table gives you information relating to the different types of solutions. Fill in the missing information to identify the solution and what happens to cells in each solution.

5. Identify the descriptions below as either an example of diffusion (d) or osmosis (s).

______ Two drops of blue food coloring and two drops of yellow food coloring are added to a glass of water, later all of the water is green.

______ The honey lab we did in class.

______ A lump of sugar is added to a beaker of water, eventually the sugar is completely dissolved in the water.

______ In an isotonic solution, water molecules move into and out of cells at the same rate.

______ I spray perfume in the front right corner of the room and it can eventually be smelled in the back left corner of the room.

6. Compare and contrast passive and active transport. Give examples of each.

7. Describe the basic structure of any virus.

8. Viruses are not living organisms, so why do we study them in biology?

9. To help you better understand a virus, draw a bacteriophage and label the nucleic acid and the capsid. What type of nucleic acid does a bacteriophage contain?

10. Bacteria come in three basic shapes. Give the common and scientific name of each.




11. Use the dichotomous key below to identify the 8 bacteria in the diagram.

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


1a. If the bacterium is round, go to 2.

1b. If the bacterium is not round, go to to 5.

2a. If the bacterium is paired, go to 3.

2b. If the bacterium is not paired, go to 4.

3a. If the bacterium is without a heavy covering. It is Diploccoccus meningitis which causes spinal meningitis.

3b. If the bacterium has a heavy covering, it is Diplococcus pneumoniae which causes pneumonia.

4a. If the bacterium is in a chain, it is Streptococcus lactis which produces buttermilk

4b. If the bacterium is not in a chain but in clumps, it’s Staphylococcus aureus which causes boils.

5a. If the bacterium is rod shaped, go to 6.

5b. If the bacterium is spiral-shaped, it is Treponema pallidum which causes syphilis.

6a. If the bacterium is in pairs, it is Bacillus lactis and forms sauerkraut.

6b. If the bacterium is single, go to 7.

7a. If the bacterium has a bulge in the middle, it is Bacillus botulinum which causes botulism poisoning.

7b. If the bacterium has a bulge at the end, it is Bacillus tetani which causes tetanus.

Part IV: Biochemistry

1. On a separate sheet of paper, write definitions for the following terms:

organic compound enzyme substrate

photosynthesis respiration aerobic respiration

anaerobic respiration/fermentation

2. Identify the four types of organic compounds and answer the questions about each.

1. _________________________________________

What are they made up of?

What are they used for?

List some examples.

2. _________________________________________

What are they made up of?

What are they used for?

List some examples.

3. _________________________________________

What are they made up of?

What are they used for?

List some examples.

4. _________________________________________

What are they made up of?

What are they used for?

List some examples.

3. Why is water so important to living things? (give at least 4 reasons)





4. The names of enzymes end with –ase. What is the function of an enzyme?

5. Why is ATP so important to cells?

6. What is the difference between aerobic respiration and fermentation? Which one produces more molecules of ATP?

7. Write out the equation for photosynthesis.

a. What are the reactants?

b. What are the products?

c. What else must be present for photosynthesis to occur?

8. Write out the equation for cellular respiration.

a. What are the reactants

b. What are the products?

c. What else must be present for cellular respiration to occur?












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