Applying the Sociological Perspectives“Lab Group Activity”NAME:_______________________NAME:_______________________NAME:_______________________NAME:_______________________Directions: Using the three sociological perspectives, identify which Sociological Theoretical Perspective would be used to describe what is happening in various scenarios and support your choice with evidence.SCENARIO 1“Jack and Diane are discussing mass media influences on Socialization. Diane argues that television channel owners exercise power by setting the political agenda for the community. Jack argues network television programs encourage social integration by exposing the entire society to shared beliefs, values, and norms.”*Which sociological perspective is most consistent with Diane’s argument?* Give your rationale why? *Which sociological perspective is most consistent with Jack’s beliefs?* Give your rationale why? SCENARIO 2“Kanye & Kim are discussing the impact on people’s statuses (position in society) and roles (behaviors) from a Social Structure standpoint while prepping for their upcoming television interview. Kanye believes statuses such as gender and race empower people to suppress others. Kim on the other hand believes roles are carried out by individuals on the basis of the symbols and meanings they share.”*Which sociological perspective is most consistent with Kanye’s point?* Give your rationale why? *Which sociological perspective is most consistent with Kim’s point?* Give your rationale why? SCENARIO 3“While discussing Social Inequality in an interview with CNN, presidential candidate Hillary Trump stated self-esteem is higher among the upper class than the lower class.”*Which sociological perspective is most consistent with Hillary Trump’s statement?* Give your rationale why? SCENARIO 4“The following are three examples of the theoretical perspectives on Family. A child abused by her parents learns to dislike herself.Husbands use their economic power to controls the ways money is spent.Children are taught that sexual activity should be reserved for married couples.*Which of the above represents the view from the Functionalist perspective? ____Why?*Which of the above represents the view from the Conflict perspective? _____Why?*Which of the above represents the view from the Symbolic Interactionist perspective? ___Why?SCENARIO 1“Jack and Diane are discussing mass media influences on Socialization. Diane argues that television channel owners exercise power by setting the political agenda for the community. Jack argues network television programs encourage social integration by exposing the entire society to shared beliefs, values, and norms.”*Which sociological perspective is most consistent with Diane’s argument?Conflict Perspective* Give your rationale why? The television owner have the power that members of the community does not have to set the political agenda which is considered a scarce resource.*Which sociological perspective is most consistent with Jack’s beliefs?Functionalist Perspective* Give your rationale why? Television (Mass Media) has the Latent Function of exposing/teaching society’s beliefs, values, and normsSCENARIO 2“Kanye & Kim are discussing the impact on people’s statuses (position in society) and roles (behaviors) from a Social Structure standpoint while prepping for their upcoming television interview. Kanye believes statuses such as gender and race empower people to suppress others. Kim on the other hand believes roles are carried out by individuals on the basis of the symbols and meanings they share.”*Which sociological perspective is most consistent with Kanye’s point?Conflict Perspective* Give your rationale why? Inequality of those who have power (the “Haves”) via their race and/or gender take advantage (constraint) those who do not have (the “Have Nots”)*Which sociological perspective is most consistent with Kim’s point?Symbolic Interactionist Perspective* Give your rationale why? People behave (roles) the way they do in the parts (status) they play in their lives while in society based on mutually understood symbols SCENARIO 3“While discussing Social Inequality in an interview with CNN, presidential candidate Hillary Trump stated self-esteem is higher among the upper class than the lower class.”*Which sociological perspective is most consistent with Hillary Trump’s statement?Symbolic Interactionist Perspective* Give your rationale why? Based on how individuals understood the symbol of social class it effected their self-esteemSCENARIO 4“The following are three examples of the theoretical perspectives on Family. A child abused by her parents learns to dislike herself.Husbands use their economic power to controls the ways money is spent.Children are taught that sexual activity should be reserved for married couples.*Which of the above represents the view from the Functionalist perspective? __3__Why? A function of the family is to teach their children about sex and reproduction*Which of the above represents the view from the Conflict perspective? __2___Why? Husbands have unequal power over their wives (Inequality and Scare Resource=Money)*Which of the above represents the view from the Symbolic Interactionist perspective? _1_Why? The child is abused (symbol) and develops an understanding of the abuse that leads the child to have a low self-concept (interaction) ................

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