
Sociology Chapter 1 Mrs. Daloia

Name: _________________________________________________________________________

Who Are You?

Collage Assignment

What is Sociology?

• Sociology is the scientific study of social structure.

• It is the study of people, their life, and their relationships.

Who are you? What characteristics or items are important to you?

• Lots of things influence “you” – the music you listen to, the clothes you wear; they are all part of your social life.

• You are consistently influenced by your social surroundings!!

Based on the introduction from class, create a collage of who you are:

• Include 10 items/characteristics that are part of your identity

This is about what makes you, you! Not a list of what you like!

• Include key words or a phrase and visuals (such as photos or magazine pictures) for each item to illustrate your identity.

• Describe the factors that impact your decision making and influence who you are.

• Two options: (1) Use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a reflection of you and your 10 items [1 per slide, please!] or (2) create your poster using PREZI. If you choose Google Slides, make sure the font is easy to read and the colors are not outlandish.


(daloiac@pt-) Not my webapps account, please!

Student grade is out of 25 points.

See rubric on back for details.

Please put your name at the top of the rubric and hand the rubric in once you finish.

Due Date _____________________________________________________


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