SOPBREWING GUIDEHow to prepare Espresso Producing great espresso is not easy. It requires patience, effort, understanding and skill. The keys to getting good espresso from a quality espresso machine include: using high quality, fresh coffee; correctly grinding the coffee with a high grade burr grinder; correctly packing the accurate amount of coffee into the basket; and extracting the coffee at the correct temperature. Keeping the equipment clean is a crucial part of insuring consistency in process and product.Step OneWarm CupTake a moment to warm your espresso cup. Coffee is always sensitive to abrupt changes in temperature. Espresso is especially sensitive because it’s such a small, concentrated beverage. Sometimes espresso machines have a hot water spout on the machine.Step TwoPrepare PortafilterYou’ll need to remove the portafilter. It is important to wipe the portafilter in order to both clean and dry the basket.Step ThreeGrind and DoseThe coffee should be ground with a quality burr (rather than blade) grinder. Blade grinders chop the coffee rather than grinding it, resulting in uneven particle size and unpredictable particle size. This results in uneven extraction, which causes coffee that has increased bitterness and which is not true to the true flavor profile of the coffee. In addition, the lack of consistency in particle size results in inconsistent and unpredictable results from shot to shot. The coffee should be ground fine directly into the portafilter basket as evenly as possible. Be sure to turn the grinder off before the portafilter basket is completely full in order to ensure no coffee is left in the grinder. Freshly ground coffee will give you the best results.Step FourSettle the CoffeeYou’ll need to tap the portafilter once or twice on the counter or on the grinder forks to settle the coffee. There should be a small amount of coffee above the top edge of the basket after you settle it.Step FiveLevel the CoffeeYou’re ready to level the coffee. Keeping your finger straight, gently glide it across the surface of the coffee of the portafilter from side to side to create an even surface. Try not to put any pressure on the coffee.Step SixTamp the CoffeeYou will want to be sure that your tamper is the right size for your home espresso machine. You may want to practice on a bathroom scale to discover what 30-40 pounds of pressure feels like. Grasp the tamper in your hand and press down on the coffee in the portafilter with 30-40 pounds of pressure. Be sure to keep it flat and even to allow the coffee to extract evenly through the portafilter.Step SevenPurge GroupheadYou will need to purge the grouphead before you replace the portafilter. (Wait 3 seconds for water to come out. If it’s hissing and bubbling out of the screen, it is too hot. Wait a little bit longer for it to calm down.)Step EightInsert PortafilterYou can now insert the portafilter in the grouphead. Start the grouphead and the timer at the same time. You will need to have cups handy to quickly put them under the spouts.Step NineWatch the EspressoWatch the espresso as it extracts. It should drip and steadily increase in speed, but not gush out. The whole extraction – start to finish – should take about 23-28 seconds. The ‘end’ of extraction is when there is 1.5 oz of espresso. The espresso should come out in 2 streams looking like a mouse tail.Step TenTaste and AdjustTake the time to taste the espresso and then adjust your grind for the next shot. It’s almost never right the first time, so have patience. Is it too fast? (20 seconds) You will need to adjust the grind finer for your next shot. Is it too slow? (30 seconds) You will need to adjust the grind coarser for your next shot.How to Brew a Delicious Cup of Coffee with a Single Cup Cone FilterUsing a pour over is an easy and convenient way to brew excellent coffee at home. The keys to getting good results are: using high quality, fresh beans; grinding the coffee correctly; using clean equipment; pouring correctly; using the right amount and temperature of water.You’ll need a cone, coffee, a filter, a grinder, a cup for waste, and a mug for your coffee.Step OneGrind CoffeeIt is important that the coffee be ground medium-fine with a quality burr (rather than blade) grinder. By grinding the coffee this way, you are allowing for a slower and more even extraction resulting in a fuller bodied and more nuanced cup. Blade grinders chop the coffee rather than grinding it, resulting in uneven and unpredictable particle size. The result is uneven extraction, leading to coffee with increased bitterness which is less true to the flavor profile of the coffee. In addition, the lack of uniformity in particle size results in inconsistent results from cup to cup.Step TwoPlace and Rinse FilterPlace the cone on your waste cup. Fold the filter at its seams (for strength) and place it inside the cone. run hot water through the filter to rinse out any residual paper flavor and preheat the cone itself. Allow the water to drain out completely before moving the cone to your coffee mug.Step ThreeAdd CoffeeWe recommend 23 grams of fresh ground coffee (0.8oz or about three rounded tablespoons) to make 8 oz of brewed coffee.Step FourInitial PourYou should bring the water just to a boil (electric kettles are great at this). For 8 oz. of brewed coffee you will want to use 12 oz. hot water total for the two pours. First, pour just enough into the cone so that it saturates the grounds and very little is dripping into your cup. The key is to saturate all the grounds evenly by moving the stream around as you pour.Step FiveBrewing PourAfter about 15 seconds it is time to pour the rest of the water. Pour at an even rate in a spiral or back-and-forth pattern in order to break down the bloom and saturate all grounds evenly. The color of the surface should be even with as few dark or blond spots as possible.Step SixPull Your CupOnce you have 8 oz. of brewed coffee in your cup, quickly move the cone to the waste cup and allow it to drain completely.Step SevenDrink the CoffeeIntroductionHow to prepare the perfect Clever BrewThe Clever Coffee Dripper has advanced the concept of Full Immersion Coffee Brewing by creating an easy way to brew without bitterness, acidity or loose grounds. The difference is it's new shut-off valve system. Instead of pushing the grounds to the bottom of the brew carafe, the grounds settle naturally.You’ll need a Clever Dripper, coffee, a grinder, a spoon, a timer and a bamboo coffee stirrerStep OnePlace Paper FilterStep one for brewing with a paper filter is to rinse the filter well with hot water. This greatly reduces the paper taste, especially when using unbleached filters. Step TwoAdd Coffee to PotWeighing your coffee is a the best way to keep the strength of your cup consistent. For this 8 oz cup we are using 15grams of coffee. Generally, the darker roasted the beans the lighter they are going to be, so dose accordingly. The stopper design of the Clever Dripper lets us use a courser grind than traditional pour over. Here we are using a grind size just slightly courser than for regular cone drip.Step ThreeAdd WaterStart by adding just a little water at first and give your coffee time to bloom. After about thirty seconds we gave our coffee a stir to ensure even saturation. This step is optional, some people prefer to slowly pour a small stream of water in a circular motion to get all the grounds spinning and mixing purely by the force of the pour.Next, add the rest of the water. We are brewing a 8oz cup of coffee (the Clever works great up to 14oz). There is some water left behind after brewing, both in the filter and grounds, so start with about two ounces more then the cup size you want to drink.Step FourStart TimerCovering the Clever while brewing is an important step. It retains much more heat this way, which is important to prevent a sour incomplete extraction. Then you've got to wait. Three and a half to four min is the ideal time to let your Clever brew sit before you start the extraction.Once the time is up simply put your Clever on your mug and watch your coffee drain. So simple! It takes about another minute for the Clever to drain compleately.Step FiveRemove Clever DripperRemove the filter and toss it in the compost. Then rinse out your Clever with hot water. Use a soft sponge if oils are building up, but don't scrub, you'll scratch the plastic. Don't use soap, as it can leave a film on your brewer. Cleansers are available specifically for removing coffee oils. Do a quick rinse one a week with cleanser to keep Clever dripper nice and clean.Step SixDrink it!Now enjoy your cup! The Clever Dripper yields a cup that is rich in body like a french press, yet crisp and clean like a pour over because it's free of solids. It's a very simple way to make great coffee. Have fun trying out different coffees, most of them really shine with this method.IntroductionHow to prepare the perfect Press PotUsing a Press Pot (aka French Press) is the easiest and best way to get truly excellent coffee at home. The keys to getting good results are: using high quality, fresh beans; grinding the coffee correctly; using clean equipment and filtered water; timing the process.You’ll need a Press Pot, coffee, a grinder, a spoon, a timer and cups (and thermal carafe if preparing more than fits in the cups).Step OneGrind CoffeeIt is important that the coffee be ground coarse and that it be ground with a quality burr (rather than blade) grinder. By grinding the coffee coarse, you’re allowing for a slower and more even extraction, which results in a fuller bodied and more nuanced cup. Blade grinders chop the coffee rather than grinding it, resulting in uneven and unpredictable particle size. This leads to an uneven extraction, creating increased bitterness. In addition, the lack of consistency in particle size results in inconsistent and unpredictable results from pot to pot.Step TwoAdd Coffee to PotYou’ll need one tablespoon (7 grams) of coffee for every 4 oz of water. in other words, if you have a 34 oz (8 cup) Press Pot, you’ll want to use 8 tablespoons of coffee. Feel free to adjust this amount based on your own personal tastes. Make sure the pot is clean and dry.Step ThreeAdd WaterYou should bring the water just to a boil (electric kettles are great at this). Pour it aggressively into the pot so that it saturates the grounds. The key is to saturate all the grounds evenly. You should move the stream around as you pour to facilitate this. Do not fill the pot entirely.With many fresh coffees you will see significant expansion of the coffee in a sort of foam at the top of the liquid once you add water. This is known as bloom and is the result of the off-gassing of CO2 from the coffee. Adding too much water can result in a very messy countertop.Step FourStart TimerYou’re going to want to have a timer that counts down from 4 minutes and has an alarm at 4 minutes. It’s very important that you use a timer to guarantee high quality coffee.Step FiveStir PotAfter 1 minute, you should stir the grounds in the pot. If you need to add water to top off the pot, make sure it is right below boiling. Stirring the pot guarantees even and optimal extraction of all the coffee. In addition, it breaks down the bloom and allows you to combine the correct amount of water and coffee without spilling all over the place.Step SixPut Press-Top on PotMake sure you line up the spout and the corresponding opening in the lid.Step SevenPress the PotAt exactly 4 minutes, you should push the press (slowly) into the pot to force all grounds to the bottom. You might have to press and then release and repeat to do this. Do not crush it with all your might – use some finesse.Step EightPour the CoffeeYou need to do this as soon as you’ve pressed the pot. If you’re making more coffee than you can fit into a cup and want to hold some for later, pour the coffee into a thermal carafe. Do not simply leave the coffee in the Press Pot — it will get nasty quickly. If you want to avoid any stray grounds and sediment, you can pour the coffee through a mesh basket filter. ................

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