
Unit 1 Homework: Hydrologic CycleThis assignment takes you from a global perspective of the hydrologic cycle to one that is regional and connected to your everyday experiences. The goal is to become more knowledgeable about a storehouse for fresh water in the region where you live, and how the human activity can affect the quality of the water in the reservoirs.Getting started:You will need to do a web search to find some information in order to answer the questions below:?What is the name of the watershed in the county where you live??Where is the nearest location of a storehouse for fresh water near the city where you live?How does human activity around the storehouse impact the quality of the water that is stored in this location? To answer this question you will need to consider a variety of factors. For example, is the storehouse located in the middle of a populated city or near a forest that has been extensively logged? Is there mining nearby? Are there any industrial factories in the area?How does the quality of the drinking water in your area compare to other parts of the country?Assignment:Prepare a short narrative that includes key points addressed in questions 1–3. The length of the paper should be approximately 2 pages and double-spaced. For full credit you need to include a reference and the URL where the information was collected.A minimum of four websites is required, including the following: The United States Environmental Protection Agency: for getting started when you reach this website:Under location, type in the zip code where you live, not the zip code where the university is located.Click on the heading “My Water.” This will bring you to a page with a variety of headings related to water, including information about the watershed where you get your drinking water. ................

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