
InstructionsOn the full proposal application formGeneralThis application form consists of 6 sections. Below you will find further clarification and notes on how to complete the different sections. When writing your full proposal, please be specific, and provide only information that applies to the proposal and its objectives. Please take into account that it will not only be assessed by expert reviewers but also by a selection committee (which includes a broad range of members with academic as well as with non-academic backgrounds relevant to the theme of the call). Please adhere to the following rules when filling out this application form:All sections of the proposal application form should be written in English;Use the Calibri font at font size 9,5 and do not change the margins (2,5 cm, all directions) and spacing; You may use subheadings but may not change the section numbering provided;You may not use footnotes;Remove the Instructions pages before converting the application form to PDF and submitting it to ISAAC; Do not use any security locks or bookmarks in the PDF file.For Sections 2 and 3, specific page limits apply:Section 2 (all subsections combined) may be no longer than 16 pagesSection 3 (all subsections combined) may be no longer than 16 pagesPlease refer to the call for proposals for specific conditions.Instructions per sectionSection 1. OutlineTitleProvide the title of your project and, if available, an abbreviated title or acronym. Please note that this title must be identical to the title you enter in ISAAC.Scientific summaryProvide a scientific summary of your research project in max. 250 words. Please note that this summary must be identical to the one you provide in ISAAC.Incorporate the following aspects: - Which problem(s) will be solved?- Which societal challenge does the proposed research aim to solve? - What is the desired societal (including economic) impact of the project? Public summaryProvide a public summary of your research project in English as well as in Dutch of max. 100 words each. These summaries will be published on the NWO website if your proposal is funded. Project durationProvide the intended start and end date of your project. Projects must start within six months of being awarded funding. The maximum project duration is six years.Section 2. Project overviewMaximum of 16 pages in total.In Section 2, you are asked to provide a general overview of your project along the lines of the assessment criteria, in this way creating an Impact Plan. An Impact Plan consists of a clear problem analysis and a route (or pathway) to impact. For more information, see the figure below and also note that NWO organises Impact Plan workshops that familiarise you with this approach and help you with formulating your proposal, see the NWO website for more information. In Section 2, you also describe your project’s work package structure. Section 2 is followed by Section 3 where you are requested to provide a more detailed description for each work package, which again follows the structure of an Impact Plan (in this case at the work package level).2.1. PROBLEM, CONTRIBUTION TO THE THEME OF THE CALL, AND SOCIETAL IMPACT 2.1.1. Problem statementDescribe the societal challenge(s) / problem(s) your project will address. Which of its causes is related to a lack of knowledge? State the problem such that it relates clearly to the proposed research activities. Defining the problem together with your partners and stakeholders is the first step in the engagement with them.2.1.2. Relevance and urgency with respect to the themes of the callDescribe the relevance and urgency of the problem(s) you will address in light of the themes of the call (as described in Chapter 2 of the Call for proposals). How will your project contribute to the topic(s) or challenge(s) indicated in the call?2.1.3. Societal impactDescribe the desired societal impact: what are the desired cultural, economic, industrial, ecological and/or social changes? Which economic opportunities will be created by your project, and in what way? Your desired impact needs to be more than just a general statement of a mission or goal – it needs to be a detailed picture of the desired changes, that relates convincingly to your research focus.2.1.4. AssumptionsWhich assumptions are being made in the formulation of the problem, the problem analysis and your desired societal impact? Specify at least three.CONSORTIUMThe success of your project depends on productive interactions with relevant parties to achieve the desired societal impact. Productive interactions start with the identification of partners that should be part of the consortium as well as external stakeholders; the composition of the consortium and engaged stakeholders should be reflected on continuously. You are asked to describe specific activities with regards to productive interactions in Section Composition of consortium; involvement of stakeholdersDescribe which consortium partners and stakeholders are needed to address the societal (and scientific) problem(s) your project will address and how these parties are represented in your consortium. A stakeholder analysis can be useful in order to identify which partners and other stakeholders are key and need to be engaged in the formulation and execution of the project.Which partners and stakeholders play a crucial part in potentially achieving the desired societal impact? How have these stakeholders been involved in the formulation of the proposal and how will they be involved in research execution?2.2.2. Inter- en multidisciplinary aspects of your consortiumElaborate on any inter- and multidisciplinary aspects of your consortium, and their relevance for your project.2.2.3. Consortium overviewUse the tables in this section to provide an overview of all consortium partners and any other parties involved. There can only be one person listed as main applicant. Individuals may only represent one party in the consortium (e.g. a person cannot be a (co)applicant and also the designated representative of a co-funder or collaborating partner). If needed, you may add additional rows to the tables.Do not use Section 2.2.3 to give a detailed description of your consortium partners’ expertise or roles; use keywords and short phrases only. You are asked to provide a more detailed description in Section Description of consortium partners and other partiesYou are asked to provide a brief CV/description for each consortium partner and any other party listed in the table in Section 2.2.3. For scientific partners (including (co)applicants), you may use this to briefly describe their position, expertise, and track record (scientific, and/or with respect to knowledge utilisation and application of results). For non-scientific partners, describe briefly the partner organisation involved, its expertise and track record, as well as that of its representative(s).2.3. EXPECTED IMPACT AND ROUTE TO IMPACT2.3.1. Outcomes What changes in behaviour, partnerships and activities (outcomes) of consortium partners and stakeholders outlined in section 2.2 are required for the desired societal impact (as described in Section 2.1.3) to be achieved? Try to be specific (who, what, when, where).2.3.2. OutputWhat direct and immediate insights resulting from project activities (output) do those consortium partners and stakeholders need, to be able to change their behavior, partnerships and activities?2.3.3. AssumptionsWhich assumptions are being made in the formulation of your output and outcomes, and the relation between output, outcomes and impact? Specify at least three.2.3.4. Route to Impact- Use the objects provided or create your own to make a flow chart of your Impact Plan (1 A4), in this way drawing up the route (or pathway) to impact for your project. Please note the lay-out and format of the diagram is indicative; variations, additions and changes are allowed, as long as the main steps (output, outcomes, impact) remain included.- Use the table provided to list indicators for each of the planned outputs and outcomes and to list all concrete impact.- For each output and outcome listed in your Route to Impact, indicate any associated work package(s).- Explanation of indicators: Indicators are concrete measurable results of your project and illustrate how success will be recognised at each step in the impact pathway. Indicators enable verifying whether the research project is ‘on track’ and at what points it can improve, which helps to steer and manage your research project. Indicators are formulated for each Output and Outcome, but not for Impact, as this may occur beyond the duration of your project. Indicators may include: publications, data-sets, models, and patenting requests, policy briefs, other communication products and services, pilots/proof of concept, workshops/trainings, etc. 2.4. WORK PLAN2.4.1. Project designDescribe and motivate the design of your overall project and its division into specific work packages. In the table provided in this section, please list all work packages and give each of them a concise descriptive title. Only describe the work packages at a general level in this section, you will specify the details of individual work packages in section 3.1. You may add additional rows to the table if needed. There is no limit to the number of work packages. 2.4.2. Project governanceWith regards to the governance of your project, the main applicant is required to install a user committee, in which all applicants, co-funders, collaborating partners and relevant stakeholders are represented. The user committee is tasked to monitor substantive progress in the project, particularly with respect to your Impact Pathway (as drawn up in section 2.3.5).In this section, we ask you to describe the overall project governance; how will work packages interact, who is responsible for managing the overall project, what communication structures will be set up to exchange information between partners and to organize the project activities? How will the user committee be involved in project governance? How will project progress be monitored and feedback loops be facilitated throughout the execution of your research? Specify the timing, purpose and type of activities for monitoring & evaluation and how these could lead to adjustments in your Impact Pathway (section 2.3.5). 2.4.3. Overall planning Please include a schematic overview (Gantt chart) of the timeline of your project, including the separate timelines and planning of all work packages. Use 1 A4 maximum.2.5. BudgetPlease refer to Chapter 6 of the Call for proposals for the available budget modules and any applicable restrictions with regards to the funding that may be requested. All information provided in this section should match the your Excel budget form that is submitted together with this application form in ISAAC.2.5.1. Overview personnel requestedEnter the number of staff positions (universities) and researchers (universities of applied sciences) requested for each research institute (RI) involved in the execution of your research. Delete or add columns as required for the number of research institutes involved. If you do not require one or more of the types of personnel listed, please leave the corresponding rows empty.2.5.2. Overview material costsUse the table to provide a general overview of your project’s material costs and provide a total (in €). - In the column Short description, provide a very concise specification of the budget items needed for each of the cost categories. Any rows with a cost category not part of your budget should be left empty.- In the column Amount(€), provide the total amount budgeted for that category. These totals should match the information on your Excel budget form.- Justification for exceeding the maximum amount of material costs and/or internationalisation costsThe standard limit for material costs for your project is calculated based on the amount of scientific personnel requested. Please refer to the call for proposals for details. If you exceed this limit, you are required to justify here why the standard limit is not sufficient for realising your research.Internationalisation costs have a standard limit of €25.000. Please refer to the call for proposals for details. If you exceed this limit, you will be required to justify here why the standard limit is not sufficient for realising your research.If you do not deviate from the standard limit for material costs and internationalisation costs, you must enter ‘not applicable’ here.- Justification for requesting funding through Money follows Cooperation (if applicable)It is possible to request funding for researchers at foreign knowledge institutions. If you do so, you must justify here how the researcher at the foreign knowledge institution will contribute specific expertise to your research project that is not available in the Netherlands at the level necessary for the project. This justification is not required in case NWO has concluded a bilateral agreement concerning Money follows Cooperation with the national research council of the country where the foreign knowledge institution is located. On this NWO webpage you can read which research funders NWO has concluded such an agreement with.2.5.3. Overview co-fundingProvide an overview of the co-funding commitment of all consortium partners. You may add additional rows to the table if needed. Only list financial commitments that are supported by (unconditional) letters of commitment from the parties involved, and upload these letters as a separate file in ISAAC when submitting your application.Kvk no, SBI no, ANBI Status: list any of these identifiers if applicable to the co-funding organisation concerned.If a co-funder contributes both in cash and in-kind, enter these contributions in separate rows.Specification co-funding: is only applicable to in kind contributions. For these contributions, please specify the nature of the in-kind co-funding. If it concerns labour of personnel, list the personnel involved together with the no. of hours x hourly tariff. Please note the conditions concerning co-funding as specified in Paragraph 3.5 of the Call for proposals. 2.6. Role of Human CapitalDescribe how your project will involve Human Capital, as described in Section 2.4 of the Call for proposals. Please describe any connections between the proposed consortium partners and learning communities, and how these have been and will be utilised and profited from in the process of co-creation, knowledge acquisition and utilization that characterizes your project and research proposal.2.7. Intellectual Property position and strategyDescribe the main approach of Intellectual Property (IP) arrangements to be made before starting the project. Also indicate any IP arrangements (such as contracts or patents) already in place. IP arrangements must be settled before the start of the project in a project agreement (see the Model Project Agreement on the website, also described in section 3.5.4 of the call for proposals).2.8. Risk management and contingency planningIdentify possible societal, scientific and financial risks that could stand in the way of the project’s success. Explicate how falsification of assumptions made in the problem analysis (as described in section 2.1) could pose (a) risk(s). Provide a brief description of an alternative plan in case such unforeseen events occur. Section 3. Description of work packagesMaximum of 16 pages in total.3.1. Work packagesPlease provide a description for each work package that you have listed in the table under 2.4.1. Use a separate table for every work package (you can copy and paste the table template to make more tables). For each work package, provide the requested information relevant to the work package. This will result in an Impact Plan at the work package level, and will also indicate how the work package is integrated (and will synergize) with the (aims of the) overall project. Involved consortium partners: Please list any co-applicants, co-funders, cooperation partners and other parties that will be involved in the work package. Only list their name and affiliation; specific roles and activities should be described in the section ‘Contents of the work package’.Problem statement and desired societal impact: Please describe which concrete (part of the) problem(s) as defined in Section 2.1.1 the work package will address. Explain how the work package will contribute to the aims of the project, and your desired societal impact (as described in Section 2.1.3).Route to desired impact: Describe the expected outcomes and output of the work package, and the ways in which the work package will contribute to your Route to Impact in Section 2.3.4. Which productive interactions with targeted stakeholders will be undertaken to facilitate the desired impact? Indicate how and when during the execution of the work package these interactions will take place. Please describe the activities that will be undertaken to achieve the outputs of this work package, as well as to enhance the potential for these outputs leading to outcomes. All activities described should align with outputs and outcomes as described in your Route to Impact (Section 2.3.4). Composition of the consortium: Briefly describe the expertise and track record of all staff and organisations involved in the work package, and their relevance for this work package.Research plan: Describe the research activities and the work plan for the work package, including work package governance, the division of roles and tasks among all parties involved and their expected contribution. Who will do what when?Work package monitoring and evaluation: Describe how research activities will be monitored and how feedback loops will be facilitated throughout the execution of the work package. Specify the timing, purpose and type of activities for monitoring & evaluation. You may refer here to the information provided in section 2.4.2 (‘Project governance’) but you are requested to zoom in on the monitoring and evaluation processes and activities specific to this work package.Work package budget: List and motivate specific expenses (personnel, materials) for this work package. For each cost item, use one row in the table provided to give a brief description (and if applicable, the amount) under ‘Description cost’ and provide the associated amount in euro under ‘Amount (€)’. Make sure the amounts indicated correspond to the information provided in your budget form. You may add additional rows to the table if necessary. Provide a total for all work package expenses. Motivate and explain the required costs in the text below the table.3.2. Coherence and synergyDescribe how the different work packages will come together and produce the desired impact the overall project aims for. Describe how the researchers and partners from the various scientific disciplines needed for achieving the desired impact cooperate and interact.Section 4. Data management and ethical aspects4.1. Data managementPlease answer the questions posed in this section. The evaluation of this part of the proposal will not influence the assessment of your application. However, reviewers and/or the selection committee may provide feedback on your data management strategies that could help you when developing your data management plan should your application be awarded funding.4.2. Ethical aspectsPlease check the applicable boxes in the table provided. Please note that proof of any ethical approval required needs to be received by NWO before your project can start.Section 5. Annexes5.1. ReferencesMax. of 2 page A4. Please provide a condensed list of the most relevant literature, patents, publications and any other relevant output here and include sufficient biographical details in your references to enable readers to identify and find them without difficulty. References can for instance concern literature references (that e.g. support your research plan) or output of consortium partners (including (co)applicants). Please use numerical in-text citations (i.e. “Previous research has shown12,13”) and put the full reference in this reference list; do not use footnotes for this. You may choose to format your reference list as you wish, as long as the individual items can be easily traced to their source and you do not deviate from the prescribed font type / size (Calibri at 9,5 pts font size) and/or the standard margins. Section 6. Statements and signaturePlease confirm all applicable statements by checking the boxes provided and complete the application by listing your name, place, and date. A signature is not required; you will need to again formally confirm the correctness and completeness of your application when submitting it in ISAAC. Climate-robust production systems and water managementFull proposal application form OutlineTitle<text here>Scientific summary<Max.250 words> Public Summary<Title in English>< Public summary in English, max. 100 words.><Title in Dutch>< Public summary in Dutch, max. 100 words.>Project durationIntended start date: <dd-mm-yyyy>Intended end date: <dd-mm-yyyy>Project overviewMaximum of 16 pagesProblem, contribution to the theme of the call, and societal impactProblem statement<text here>Relevance and urgency with respect to the themes of the call <text here>Societal impact<text here>Assumptions<Specify at least three, text here>ConsortiumComposition of consortium; involvement of stakeholders<text here>Inter- en multidisciplinary aspects of your consortium<text here>Consortium overviewMain applicantTitle(s), initials, surnameOrganisationPositionCo-applicant(s) Title(s), initials, surnameOrganisationPositionCo-funder(s)Title(s), initials, surname representativeOrganisation and countryIntended roleCollaborating partner(s)Title(s), initials, surname (representative)Organisation and country Intended roleOther parties, to be hired for the execution of the researchTitle(s), initials, name representativeOrganisation and country Intended roleDescription of consortium partners<text here>Expected impact and route to impact Outcomes<text here>Output<text here>Assumptions<Specify at least three, text here>Route to Impact< modify and complete the figure & table below>271227-164395OUTPUT (intermediate) OUTCOME IMPACTOUTPUT (intermediate) OUTCOME IMPACT3699217226303Intermediate Outcome Intermediate Outcome 437906118062Output 1 Output 1 36391855145735TIMETIME0503301013652500146685035204401638304821555940435461899019069055033010268668536518853736975686943050800068694301861820686943034378901354455254000161988559245512172951751330149034522263101601470268605024345903247390135445540786052447925360934011709402963545724535298259547205904508506109335902970489966022015455926455224726549618903749675585089031648407478395101663557486559505954308475705485518541024491954678680326199538201123472521Intermediate Outcome Intermediate Outcome 7097834287606Impact 1Impact 15069645736551Outcome Outcome 579608637931Output 2 Output 2 2636227109088116694158703410035628451581620028919755981141849303032768046381736814724581409914OutputsIndicatorsOutcomesIndicatorsWork planProject design <text here>#WP Title1234Project governance<text here>Overall planning<Gantt chart here>Budget Overview of personnel requestedPositionRI*RI*RI*RI* TotalNumber of PhDsNumber of PDEngsNumber of postdocs Number of non-scientific staff (NSS)Number of other scientific staff (OSS)Research leaveResearchers at university of applied sciences * RI = Research Institute (e.g. university or university of applied science)Overview material costsCategoryShort descriptionAmount (€)Project related goods/servicesTravel and accommodation costsImplementation costsInvestmentsKnowledge utilisation InternationalisationMoney follows CooperationProject managementTotalJustification for exceeding the maximum amount of material costs and/or internationalisation costs (if applicable)<text here> Justification for requesting funding through Money follows Cooperation (if applicable)<text here>Overview co-funding Name + Country co-funding partnerKvK no. + SBI no. + ANBI status Type of co-fundingAmount (€)Specification co-funding? Private ? Public? Cash ? In-kind ? Private ? Public? Cash ? In-kind ? Private ? Public? Cash? In-kind ? Private ? Public? Cash? In-kind Role of Human Capital <text here>Intellectual Property position and strategy<text here>Risk management and contingency planning<text here>Description of work packagesMaximum 16 pagesWork packagesAdministrative detailsWork package numberWork package titleWork package leaderInvolved consortium partnersStart date End dateContents of the work packageProblem statement and desired societal impact <text here>Route to desired impact<text here>Composition of the consortium<text here>Research plan <text here>Work package monitoring and evaluation<text here>Description cost Amount (€)Total Work package budget<text here>Coherence and synergy<text here>Data management and ethical aspectsData management Will data be collected or generated that are suitable for reuse?Answer:> Yes: Then answer questions 2-4 below> No: Then explain why the research will not result in reusable data or in data that cannot be stored or data that for other reasons are not relevant for reuse.Where will the data be stored during the research?Answer:After the project has been completed, how will the data be stored for the long-term and made available for the use by third parties? To whom will the data be accessible?Answer:Which facilities (ICT, (secure) archive, refrigerators or legal expertise) do you expect will be needed for the storage of data during the research and after the research? Are these available?*Answer:*ICT facilities for data storage are considered to be resources such as data storage capacity, bandwidth for data transport and calculating power for data processing.Ethical aspectsNot applicableNot yet applied forApplied forReceivedApproval from a recognised (medical) ethics review committee????Approval from an animal experiments committee????Permission for research with the population screening Act????If applicable, proof of approval will need to be sent to NWO before the start of your project.AnnexesReferencesMax. of 2 page A4. Statements and signature?By submitting this application form, I declare that the main applicant and any other applicants are appointed at their host institute for the duration of the application process and for the project that is applied for.?By submitting this application form, I declare that I and all individuals involved in this proposal satisfy the nationally and internationally accepted standards for scientific conduct as stated in the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Scientific Practice 2014 (Association of Universities in the Netherlands)?By submitting this application form, I declare that I have discussed the final version of this proposal with all individuals mentioned in this proposal as (intended) consortium partners. All such individuals mentioned are aware of and agree with their role and intended contribution to the project, should this be awarded funding. ?By submitting this application form, I declare that all consortium partners mentioned in this proposal, especially the co-funders, have taken notice of the rules for this call for proposals on Intellectual Property and publication (see section 3.5 of the call for proposals), including the conclusion of a project agreement between all consortium partners before the start of the project.?By submitting this application form , I declare that I follow the NWO policy on data management. ? I have submitted non-referees in ISAAC.? I have completed this application form truthfully.Name main applicant:Place:Date:Please submit this application form to NWO in PDF format, via the ISAAC system. Do not use any security locks or bookmarks in the PDF file. For any technical questions regarding submission, please contact the ISAAC helpdesk (isaac.helpdesk@nwo.nl or +31 20-3467179). ................

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