
Metabolite/process |Concentration |Notes |Reference | |

|Phospholipid |691±94 nmol/mg ghost protein | |(Owen, Bruckdorfer et al. 1982) |

| |700 μg/mg ghost protein | | |

|Cholesterol |587±82 nmol/mg ghost protein | |(Owen, Bruckdorfer et al. 1982) |

| |0.54 mol Cholesterol / mol phospholipid | | |

|Glucose |5 mmol/(l cell water) | | |

|Fructose |45.9 nmol/g Hb | |(Hamada, Nishimura et al. 1998) |

| |22(10-6 mol/(l cell water) | | |

|Sorbitol |20.4 nmol/g Hb | |(Hamada, Nishimura et al. 1998) |

| |11.2 nmol/g Hb | |(Ciuchi, Odetti et al. 1996) |

| |5.5 (10-6 mol/(l cell water) | | |

|GL6P | | | |

|GO6P |4.9(10-6 mol/(l cell water) | |(Kirkman and Gaetani 1986) |

|G1,6DP |0.104 mmol/(l cell water) | |(Thorburn and Kuchel 1987) |

|NADP+ |1.4(10-6 mol/(l cell water) | |(Omachi, Scott et al. 1969) |

|NADPH |27.9±4.9 nmol/μl packed RBC | | |

| |[4.4(10-5 mol/(l cell water)]] | | |

| |6.58(10-5 M | |Cf. cit. Ni thesis |

| |6.43(10-5 mol/(l cell water) | |(Omachi, Scott et al. 1969) |

|NADPH:NADP+ |>40:1 | |(Rose 1961; Omachi, Scott et al. |

| | | |1969; Galiano, Mareni et al. 1978) |

|NADPt |19.6±2.9 nmol/μl RBC |NADP not tightly bound to|(Wagner and Scott 1994) |

| |[2.8(10-5 mol/(l cell water)] |proteins | |

|NAD |(5.7±1)(10-5 M | | |

|NAD+ |(4.0-9.0)(10-5 mol/(l cell water) | |(Jacobasch, Minakami et al. 1974) |

|NADH | | | |

|Riboflavin |Traces | |(Hustad, McKinley et al. 2002) |

|FMN |44 nmol/L | |(Hustad, McKinley et al. 2002) |

|FAD |469 nmol/L | |(Hustad, McKinley et al. 2002) |

|GSSG |6.0(10-5 mol/(l cell water) | |(Beutler 1975; Gracy and Tilley 1975)|

| |(12.3±4.5)×10-9 mol/g Hb | |(Srivastava and Beutler 1968) |

| |6.0(10-6 mol/(l cell water) | | |

| |(3.6±1.4) ×10-9 mol/ml erythrocytes | | |

| |5.1(10-6 mol/(l cell water) | | |

| |2-5 μmol/l |This is for whole blood. |(Rossi, Squitti et al. 2002) |

| | |Careful study. | |

|GSH |(3.2±1.5)(10-3 mol/(l cell water) | |(Beutler 1975) |

| |(3.2±0.5)(10-3 mol/(l cell water) |DTNB |(Thorburn and Kuchel 1985) |

|H2O2 |2(10-10 M |estimated |(Giulivi, Hochstein et al. 1994) |

|RU5P | | | |

|R5P | | | |

|X5P | | | |

|S7P | | | |

|S1,7DP |2.7(10-8 mol/g Hb |TCA extracts, |(Vanderheiden 1965) |

| |(13 μM) |high-voltage paper | |

| | |electrophoresis | |

|O1,8DP |1.0(10-8 mol/g Hb |TCA extracts, |(Vanderheiden 1965) |

| |(4.9 μM) |high-voltage paper | |

| | |electrophoresis | |

|E4P |5.0(10-6 M |Rabbit erythrocytes |(Magnani, Stocchi et al. 1984) |

|G6P |3.9(10-5 mol/(l cell water) | |(Beutler 1984) |

| |4.0(10-5 mol/(l cell water) | |(Yoshikawa and Minakami 1968; Beutler|

| | | |1975) |

| |(1.5±0.3)(10-5 mol/(l cells) | |(Thorburn and Kuchel 1987) |

| |4.29 (10-5 mol/(l cell water) | |(Magnani, Stocchi et al. 1984) |

|F6P |(1.6±0.3)(10-5 M | | |

| |1.30(10-5 mol/(l cell water) | |(Beutler 1984) |

|F3P |15 μM (normal) | |(Petersen, Steinmann et al. 1992) |

| |45-200 μM (in essential fructosuria patients) | | |

|FDP |(7.6±4)(10-6 M | | |

| |2.70(10-6 mol/(l cell water) | |(Beutler 1984) |

|DHAP |(1.4±8)(10-5 M | | |

| |1.70(10-5 mol/(l cell water) | |(Jacobasch, Minakami et al. 1974) |

|GA3P |(6.7±1)(10-6 M | | |

| |5.7(10-6 mol/(l cell water) | |(Jacobasch, Minakami et al. 1974) |

|1,3DPG |4(10-7 M | | |

|Total 1,3DPG |7.00(10-7 mol/(l cell water) | |(Momsen and Vestergaard-Bogind 1978) |

|3PG |4.5(10-5 M | | |

| |6.9(10-5 mol/(l cell water) | |(Jacobasch, Minakami et al. 1974) |

|2PG |(1.4±0.5)(10-5 M | | |

| |1.0(10-5 mol/(l cell water) | |(Jacobasch, Minakami et al. 1974) |

|PEP |(1.7±0.2)(10-5 mol/(l cell water) | |(Beutler 1984) |

|PYR |(7.7±5)(10-5 M | | |

| |8.5(10-5 mol/(l cell water) | |(Jacobasch, Minakami et al. 1974) |

|LAC |(1.1±0.5)(10-3 M | | |

| |1.40(10-3 mol/(l cell water) | |(Jacobasch, Minakami et al. 1974) |

|2,3DPG |(4.5±0.5)(10-3 M | | |

| |(6.0±0.9)(10-3 mol/(l cell water)§ | |(Beutler 1975) |

| |4.32±0.19 μmol/(l cells) |31P NMR |(Sarpel, Barr et al. 1982) |

|Mg.2,3DPG |1.2 mmol/(l cell water) | |(Gerber, Berger et al. 1975) |

|Free 2,3DPG |3.19 mmol/(l cell water) |Check if it is really |(Gerber, Berger et al. 1975) |

| | |free | |

|Total 2,3DPG |6.7 mmol/(l cell water) | |(Mulquiney and Kuchel 1999) |

|Total flavin |1 μM | |(Harris, Kellermyer et al. 1972) |

|Uric acid |1.3(10−4 Μ | |(Pennel, Bishop et al. 1964) |

|Ascorbic acid |3.5(10-5 M | |(Pennel, Bishop et al. 1964) |

|K+ |(1.35±0.1)(10-1 M | | |

|Na+ |(1.0±0.6)(10-2 M | | |

|ADO |(1.2±0.3)(10-6 M | | |

|AMP |(8±0.9)(10-5 M | | |

| |(7-40)(10-5 M |direct measurements in |(Van den Berghe, Bronfman et al. |

| | |whole cells |1977) |

| |(1-9) (10-4 M |estimate through |(Bunger and Soboll 1986) |

| | |creatinine kinase and | |

| | |adenylate kinase | |

| | |equilibria | |

| |3.0(10-5 mol/(l cell water) | |(Beutler 1984) |

|ADP |(2.7±1.2)(10-4 M | | |

| |0.31 mmol/L cell water | |(Beutler 1975) |

|Total ADP |0.31 mmol/L cell water | |(Beutler 1984) |

|ATP |(1.54±0.25)(10-3 M | | |

| |2.05±0.14 mmol/(l cell water) § | |(Beutler 1975) |

| |1.61±0.07 μmol/(ml erythrocyte) |31P NMR |(Sarpel, Barr et al. 1982) |

|Total ATP |2.10 mmol/l cell water | |(Beutler 1984) |

|Free ATP |0.2 mmol/(l cell water) | |(Gerber, Berger et al. 1975) |

|MgATP |1.44 mmol/(l cell water) | |(Gerber, Berger et al. 1975) |

|Total adenosine nucleotides |2.44(10-3 mol/(l cell water) | |(Beutler 1984) |

| | | | |

|UDP |2.9(10-8 mol/g Hb |TCA extracts, |(Vanderheiden 1965) |

| |(14 μM) |high-voltage paper | |

| | |electrophoresis | |

|UDPGlc |Adults: |HPLC |(Palmieri, Berry et al. 1991) |

| |(7.8±0.8)(10-8 mol/g Hb | | |

| |Children: | | |

| |(10.2±1.7)(10-8 mol/g Hb | | |

| |(6.6±1.4)(10-8 mol/g Hb |31P NMR of TCA extracts |(Wehrli, Palmieri et al. 1992) |

|UDPGal |Adults: |HPLC |(Palmieri, Berry et al. 1991) |

| |(2.9±0.4)(10-8 mol/g Hb | | |

| |Children: | | |

| |(4.5±1.2)(10-8 mol/g Hb | | |

| |(2.1±0.6)(10-8 mol/g Hb |31P NMR of TCA extracts |(Wehrli, Palmieri et al. 1992) |

|UDPGlc+UDPGal |(8.08±1.36)(10-8 mol/g Hb |31P NMR of intact fully |(Wehrli, Palmieri et al. 1993) |

| | |oxygenated eryhrocytes | |

|GTP |50 μM | |(Scholar, Brown et al. 1973) |

|PRPP |(5±1)(10-6 M | | |

|IMP |1(10-5 M | | |

| | ................

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