Compressible Flow – Speed of Sound and the Mach Cone

Compressible Flow ? Speed of Sound and the Mach Cone

(rocket sled traveling at 3300 mph)

Compressible Flow ? Speed of Sound and the Mach Cone

Speed of Sound speed of sound = speed at which an infinitesimally weak pressure wave propagates

V = 0


p, T, r, c

p+Dp , T+DT, r+Dr, c-DV


Apply COM and the LME in the horizontal direction:

c2 !





For an isentropic process,

c2 !




For an ideal gas,

!c = kRT

Compressible Flow ? Speed of Sound and the Mach Cone

The Mach Cone The Mach Cone

Now consider an object moving at subsonic velocity, V ................

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