Chapter 12

chapter 12

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. [pic]

[pic] Study the map to answer the following question: What country has the highest overall elevation?

|a. |Afghanistan |c. |Saudi Arabia |

|b. |Iran |d. |Turkey |

____ 2. [pic]

[pic] Study the map to answer the following question: What are the climates of Afghanistan?

|a. |steppe and savanna |c. |highland and steppe |

|b. |marine west coast |d. |humid subtropical |


____ 3. [pic] Most Jews living in Israel today were born in ____.

|a. |Africa |c. |Europe and America |

|b. |Asia |d. |Israel |

____ 4. [pic] Approximately 18 percent of Jews currently living in Israel came there from ____.

|a. |Africa |c. |Europe |

|b. |Asia |d. |America |

____ 5. [pic] What percentage of Jews currently living in Israel were born in Asia?

|a. |16 percent |c. |27 percent |

|b. |40 percent |d. |18 percent |


____ 6. [pic] What part of the date palm tree can be used for fuel?

|a. |trunk |c. |fruit |

|b. |bud |d. |stalks |

____ 7. [pic] Date palm trees grow in ____.

|a. |oases |c. |frozen climates |

|b. |moderate climates |d. |rainforests |

____ 8. [pic] The seeds of a date palm tree can be used for what purpose?

|a. |rope |c. |bowls |

|b. |wine |d. |cooking oil |

____ 9. [pic] The cabbage-like vegetable that is a product from the date palm tree can be found in the ____.

|a. |fibers |c. |stalks |

|b. |bud |d. |trunk |


____ 10. [pic] Which country has the largest percentage of Shiites?

|a. |Iraq |c. |Afghanistan |

|b. |Iran |d. |Other |

____ 11. [pic] Which country has the largest number of Sunnis?

|a. |Iran |c. |Afghanistan |

|b. |Iraq |d. |Other |

____ 12. [pic] In which country are the Islamic groups composed of only Shiites and Sunnis?

|a. |Iran |c. |Iraq |

|b. |Afghanistan |d. |Other |


____ 13. [pic] The country with the largest oil reserves is ____.

|a. |Saudi Arabia |c. |United States |

|b. |Iraq |d. |Kuwait |

____ 14. [pic] Approximately how much oil does Iraq have in reserve?

|a. |115 billion barrels |c. |48 billion barrels |

|b. |30 billion barrels |d. |50 billion barrels |

____ 15. [pic] Which country shown on the graph has the least oil in reserve?

|a. |Mexico |c. |United States |

|b. |Libya |d. |China |

____ 16. [pic] Which of the following statements is true?

|a. |The United States has more oil in reserve than Libya. |

|b. |Saudi Arabia has more oil in reserve than any other country in the world. |

|c. |China has more oil in reserve than Saudi Arabia. |

|d. |The United States has more oil in reserve than Iraq. |


____ 17. [pic] The Elburz Mountains are in the northern portion of ____.

|a. |United Arab Emirates |c. |Syria |

|b. |Yemen |d. |Iran |

____ 18. [pic] The body of water south of Yemen is the ____.

|a. |Persian Gulf |c. |Gulf of Aden |

|b. |Red Sea |d. |Gulf of Oman |

____ 19. [pic] The Zagros Mountains are in ____.

|a. |Oman |c. |Iran |

|b. |Anatolia |d. |Afghanistan |


____ 20. [pic] Istanbul is a major trading center because of its ____.

|a. |size |c. |ethnic makeup |

|b. |location |d. |wealth |

____ 21. [pic] Turkey’s people consider themselves to be ____.

|a. |European and Asian |c. |Slavic and American |

|b. |Slavic and Asian |d. |American and Asian |


____ 22. [pic] What country is north of Syria?

|a. |Saudi Arabia |c. |Kuwait |

|b. |Turkey |d. |Afghanistan |

____ 23. [pic] The landlocked country shown in the northeastern portion of the map is ____.

|a. |Afghanistan |c. |Jordan |

|b. |Kuwait |d. |Syria |

____ 24. [pic] What is the name of the city in Saudi Arabia that is visited by millions of Muslims each year?

|a. |Baghdad |c. |Ankara |

|b. |Jerusalem |d. |Makkah |

____ 25. [pic] The capital of Iraq is ____.

|a. |Jerusalem |c. |Makkah |

|b. |Baghdad |d. |Jerusalem |

____ 26. [pic] What is the name of the city on the western bank of the Jordan River?

|a. |Jerusalem |c. |Makkah |

|b. |Baghdad |d. |Kuwait |

|“We offer peace and unity to all the neighboring states and their peoples, and invite them to cooperate with the independent |

|Jewish nation for the common good of all.” |

|from Declaration of Israel’s Independence, issued at Tel Aviv on May 14, 1948 |

____ 27. [pic] According to the excerpt, what is Israel offering to its neighbors?

|a. |prosperity |c. |peace and unity |

|b. |free trade |d. |united government |

____ 28. [pic] When was this declaration issued?

|a. |1948 |c. |1990 |

|b. |2004 |d. |1966 |

|“I . . . would like to strengthen the peace, good neighborly relations, and normalization with Egypt and Jordan, and to |

|strive towards real peace with the Arab countries, primarily Syria and Lebanon. The Government under my leadership will be |

|committed to do all that is possible in order to restore security and stability. But we are not misleading ourselves or the |

|public as to the difficult days that still lie ahead. We will all need to muster the stamina and mobilize the steadfast |

|national will which characterizes our people.” |

|Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Inaugural Speech |

____ 29. [pic] One of Sharon’s goals was to ____.

|a. |open trade routes throughout Southwest Asia |

|b. |focus on lowering the national debt |

|c. |build the military |

|d. |strengthen the peace with Israel’s neighbors |

____ 30. [pic] How did Sharon feel about the work ahead of him?

|a. |It would be easy to accomplish. |

|b. |It would be difficult. |

|c. |Everyone would cooperate with his wishes. |

|d. |He could count on the help of his neighbors. |

|“Closing the gap between the developed and developing world both in economic and political terms will be the greatest |

|guarantee of world peace. To attain this long-term goal [we must have] a better understanding of and dialogue between |

|different civilizations. We must rid ourselves of prejudices. . . . For Moslem countries to be better understood in the West |

|a more objective approach towards Islam should be adopted. It should be clearly seen that those who commit violence in the |

|name of Islam do not represent this faith in any way.” |

|Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey |

____ 31. [pic] According to Erdogan, closing the economic and political gap between developed and developing nations will be the greatest guarantee of ____.

|a. |better schools |c. |world trade |

|b. |better government |d. |world peace |

____ 32. [pic] To whom is Erdogan most likely speaking?

|a. |fellow Muslims |c. |Israelis |

|b. |people from the West |d. |other Europeans |

____ 33. [pic]

[pic] Study the map to answer the following question: Most of the people in West Africa live

|a. |in the Sahel. |c. |along the Gulf of Guinea. |

|b. |in the landlocked countries. |d. |in Mauritania. |

____ 34. [pic]

[pic] Study the map to answer the following question: The Sénégal River creates part of the border between Senegal and which other country?

|a. |Gambia |c. |Guinea |

|b. |Guinea-Bissau |d. |Mauritania |


____ 35. [pic] According to the population pyramid, which of the following is the largest age group?

|a. |men ages 14 and younger |c. |women ages 45–59 |

|b. |men ages 30–44 |d. |men ages 75 and older |

____ 36. [pic] What is the smallest overall age group in Ghana?

|a. |women ages 60–74 |c. |women ages 75 and older |

|b. |men ages 60–74 |d. |men ages 75 and older |

____ 37. [pic] According to the population pyramid, _____.

|a. |there are more women than men in Ghana |

|b. |there are fewer men ages 60–74 than women ages 60–74 |

|c. |there are more people ages 14 and younger than any other age group |

|d. |all of the above are true |

____ 38. [pic] Which of the following generalizations is accurate?

|a. |Men in Ghana live longer than women. |c. |Most Ghanaians are 30 to 44 years old. |

|b. |Women in Ghana live longer than men. |d. |Most Ghanaians are over 75 years old. |


____ 39. [pic] North Africa is covered by the Sahara, the world’s largest desert. From the map, what can you infer that the word “Sahel” means?

|a. |rainy |c. |small |

|b. |border |d. |north |

____ 40. [pic] Which of the following countries is NOT located in the Sahel?

|a. |Burkina Faso |c. |Niger |

|b. |Chad |d. |Liberia |

____ 41. [pic] Which of the following countries is located completely within the Sahel?

|a. |Mauritania |c. |Burkina Faso |

|b. |Mali |d. |Nigeria |

____ 42. [pic] What body of water borders the West African countries shown on this map?

|a. |Atlantic Ocean |c. |Lake Chad |

|b. |Mediterranean Sea |d. |Pacific Ocean |

____ 43. [pic] In which direction would you go to travel from Nigeria to Mauritania?

|a. |north |c. |northwest |

|b. |northeast |d. |southwest |

____ 44. [pic] About how wide is the Sahel from north to south?

|a. |about 300 miles |c. |about 600 miles |

|b. |about 500 miles |d. |about 800 miles |


____ 45. [pic] Which ethnic group lives the farthest north in Nigeria?

|a. |Ekoi |c. |Hausa |

|b. |Ijaw |d. |Kanduri |

____ 46. [pic] Which of the following ethnic groups does NOT live west of the Niger River?

|a. |Yoruba |c. |Ibibio |

|b. |Edo |d. |Ijaw |

____ 47. [pic] Which of the following ethnic groups lives along the southern coast of Nigeria?

|a. |Hausa |c. |Ekoi |

|b. |Fulani |d. |Ijaw |

____ 48. [pic] All of the following ethnic groups probably use the Benue River for trade and transportation EXCEPT the _____.

|a. |Hausa |c. |Ibo |

|b. |Nupe |d. |Tiv |


____ 49. [pic] Which of the following was NOT a great African empire?

|a. |Moroccan |c. |Mali |

|b. |Ghana |d. |Songhai |

____ 50. [pic] According to the time line, what was the first of the great African empires?

|a. |Songhai |c. |Ghana |

|b. |Zimbabwe |d. |Mali |

____ 51. [pic] What was the last of the African empires to decline?

|a. |Ghana |c. |French |

|b. |Mali |d. |Songhai |

____ 52. [pic] When did traders with guns invade West Africa from Morocco?

|a. |1203 |c. |1591 |

|b. |1471 |d. |1960 |

____ 53. [pic] Who colonized this region of Africa?

|a. |United Kingdom |c. |Germany |

|b. |Morocco |d. |France |


____ 54. [pic] What line of latitude marks the northern boundary of this region?

|a. |Equator |c. |Tropic of Cancer |

|b. |Prime Meridian |d. |Tropic of Capricorn |

____ 55. [pic] Which country is almost completely surrounded by Senegal?

|a. |Guinea-Bissau |c. |Guinea |

|b. |Gambia |d. |Sierra Leone |

____ 56. [pic] What is the capital of Côte d’Ivoire?

|a. |Yamoussoukro |c. |Accra |

|b. |Abidjan |d. |A and B |

____ 57. [pic] What body of water borders Nigeria and Chad?

|a. |Lake Chad |c. |Atlantic Ocean |

|b. |Gulf of Guinea |d. |Mediterranean Sea |

____ 58. [pic] A giant dam on the Volta River in this country has created Lake Volta, one of the world’s largest artificial lakes.

|a. |Chad |c. |Mali |

|b. |Ghana |d. |Burkina Faso |

____ 59. [pic] This country’s capital city was named after James Monroe, a United States president.

|a. |Sierra Leone |c. |Togo |

|b. |Niger |d. |Liberia |


____ 60. [pic] What does the letter “G” signify on this map?

|a. |Mauritania |c. |Niger |

|b. |Nigeria |d. |Mali |

____ 61. [pic] The letter “J” shows the location of _____.

|a. |the Canary Islands |c. |the Tropic of Cancer |

|b. |the Cape Verde Islands |d. |the island of Madagascar |

____ 62. [pic] Which letter shows the location of Ghana?

|a. |C |c. |H |

|b. |F |d. |I |

____ 63. [pic] What does the letter “E” signify?

|a. |Niger River |c. | Sénégal River |

|b. |Benue River |d. |Gambia River |

____ 64. [pic] The letter “D” is pointing to _____.

|a. |Ibadan |c. |Lagos |

|b. |Abuja |d. |Port Harcourt |


____ 65. [pic] Based on the bar graph, which country produces the most cacao?

|a. |Côte d’Ivoire |c. |Indonesia |

|b. |Ghana |d. |Nigeria |

____ 66. [pic] How much cacao does Ghana produce in a year?

|a. |380 tons |c. |380 pounds |

|b. |380,000 metric tons |d. |380,000 pounds |

____ 67. [pic] Which of the following countries is NOT a leading cacao-producing country from West Africa?

|a. |Nigeria |c. |Ghana |

|b. |Cameroon |d. |Côte d’Ivoire |

|“Sometimes for hours we passed among thousands upon thousands of gray-white columns of uniform height (about 100–150 feet); |

|at the top of these the boughs branched out and interlaced among each other, forming a canopy or ceiling, which dimmed the |

|light even of the equatorial sun to such an extent that no undergrowth could thrive in the gloom. . . . From their far-away |

|summits hung great bush-ropes . . . coiled round, and intertwined among each other, until one could fancy one was looking on |

|some mighty battle between armies of gigantic serpents.” |

|Mary Kingsley’s Travels in West Africa, 1893 |

____ 68. [pic] What is Mary Kingsley describing in this quote?

|a. |vast savannas |c. |tropical rain forests |

|b. |a huge waterfall |d. |the Sahara |

____ 69. [pic] What do you think Mary Kingsley means when she mentions “bush-ropes . . . coiled round”?

|a. |vines |c. |small shrubs |

|b. |giant snakes |d. |ropes |

____ 70. [pic] According to Mary Kingsley, what was a result of the thick canopy?

|a. |It held up the columns of uniforms. |

|b. |It blocked the sun from reaching undergrowth. |

|c. |It covered the armies of gigantic serpents. |

|d. |It allowed plants to thrive on the forest floor. |

|Lake Volta ranks among the largest human-made lakes in the world. This artificial lake was created in the 1960s by damming |

|the Volta River south of Ajena, Ghana. The new lake flooded more than 700 villages, forcing more than 70,000 people to find |

|new places to live. Today Lake Volta supplies irrigation for farming and is well stocked with fish. A hydroelectric plant |

|generates electricity to the aluminum industry in the port of Tema and throughout Ghana. |

____ 71. [pic] In which country is Lake Volta located?

|a. |Upper Volta |c. |Ghana |

|b. |Burkina Faso |d. |Nigeria |

____ 72. [pic] What happened as a result of damming the Volta River?

|a. |The aluminum industry declined. |c. |Solar power became common. |

|b. |More than 700 villages were flooded. |d. |All the fish in the Niger River died. |

____ 73. [pic] Benefits from Lake Volta include all of the following EXCEPT _____.

|a. |irrigation for farming |c. |hydroelectricity |

|b. |fish stock |d. |pollution from aluminum industries |

|One of the richest and most powerful kings of Mali was Mansa Musa, who ruled from 1312 to 1337. He made a religious |

|pilgrimage to Makkah in 1324–1325. It took more than 14 months to cover the 3,000 miles. Some 12,000 servants traveled with |

|the king. Each carried a 4-pound gold bar. Mansa Musa gave many of these bars to poor people he met along the way. In fact, |

|he put so much gold into circulation in such a short time, that he caused its value to fall. |

____ 74. [pic] For how long did Mansa Musa rule Mali?

|a. |12 years |c. |25 years |

|b. |15 years |d. |37 years |

____ 75. [pic] How long did Mansa Musa’s journey to Makkah take?

|a. |a year |c. |5 years |

|b. |more than 14 months |d. |10 years |

____ 76. [pic] Which of the following statements about Mansa Musa’s journey to Makkah is FALSE?

|a. |Some 12,000 servants traveled with the king. |

|b. |Each servant carried a 4-pound gold bar. |

|c. |Mansa Musa gave many of these bars to poor people. |

|d. |The price of gold rose after Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage. |

|“The king sits in audience . . . in a domed pavilion around which stand ten horses covered with gold-embroidered materials. |

|Behind the king stand ten [servants] holding shields and swords decorated with gold, and on his right are the sons of |

|[lesser] kings of his country wearing splendid garments and their hair mixed with gold.” |

|Al-Bakri, Muslim traveler to Ghana, A.D. 1000s |

____ 77. [pic] Which African empire is described in this quote?

|a. |Songhai |c. |Ghana |

|b. |Mali |d. |Kush |

____ 78. [pic] What can you infer about the king described in this quote?

|a. |He relied on camels for transportation. |c. |His empire relied on wooden weapons. |

|b. |He was very wealthy. |d. |He had many sons. |

____ 79. [pic] What substance was in great supply in the empire described in this quote?

|a. |silver |c. |embroidery |

|b. |iron ore |d. |gold |

____ 80. [pic]

|[pic] |Study the map to answer the following question: What is the elevation of most of Sudan? |

|[pic] | |

|a. |0-1,000 feet |c. |2,000-5,000 feet |

|b. |1,000-2,000 feet |d. |5,000-10,000 feet |

____ 81. [pic]

[pic] Study the map to answer the following question: Two of the smallest and most crowded countries in Africa are

|a. |Eritrea and Ethiopia. |c. |Rwanda and Burundi. |

|b. |Uganda and Kenya. |d. |Sudan and Somalia. |


____ 82. [pic] Along what major line of latitude are the landforms shown on this elevation profile located?

|a. |the Equator |c. |the Tropic of Capricorn |

|b. |the Tropic of Cancer |d. |the Prime Meridian |

____ 83. [pic] Which body of water borders Africa on the east?

|a. |Atlantic Ocean |c. |Lake Victoria |

|b. |Indian Ocean |d. |Pacific Ocean |

____ 84. [pic] What is the tallest point shown on this elevation profile?

|a. |Great Rift Valley |c. |Libreville |

|b. |Mt. Kilimanjaro |d. |Mt. Kenya |

____ 85. [pic] At what elevation does Lake Victoria lie?

|a. |sea level |c. |2,000 meters |

|b. |below sea level |d. |2,000 feet |

____ 86. [pic] At what elevation is the Great Rift Valley?

|a. |sea level |c. |about 6,000 feet |

|b. |about 4,000 feet |d. |about 13,000 feet |

____ 87. [pic] Through which landform can you infer that the Congo River runs?

|a. |Great Rift Valley |c. |the Congo Basin |

|b. |the Sahara |d. |the Congo Mountains |


____ 88. [pic] Which country in this region is farthest east?

|a. |Gabon |c. |Somalia |

|b. |Tanzania |d. |Djibouti |

____ 89. [pic] Which country in this region is farthest north?

|a. |Eritrea |c. |Democratic Republic of the Congo |

|b. |Sudan |d. |Congo |

____ 90. [pic] Which of the following countries does NOT border the Democratic Republic of the Congo?

|a. |Central African Republic |c. |Burundi |

|b. |Rwanda |d. |Cameroon |

____ 91. [pic] Which of the following is an island nation of this region?

|a. |Gabon |c. |Canary Islands |

|b. |Cameroon |d. |São Tomé and Príncipe |


____ 92. [pic] Which country on the graph will have the largest population by the year 2025?

|a. |Ethiopia |

|b. |Kenya |

|c. |Tanzania |

|d. |All three countries will have equal populations by the year 2025. |

____ 93. [pic] Kenya’s projected population by the year 2050 is _____.

|a. |slightly over 100 million |c. |slightly over 40 million |

|b. |slightly over 70 million |d. |slightly over 25 million |

____ 94. [pic] Based on the graph, which of the following statements is NOT true?

|a. |In 2000, the populations of Kenya and Tanzania were about the same. |

|b. |In 2050, the populations of Kenya and Tanzania will be about the same. |

|c. |In 2050, the population of Tanzania will be greater than the population of Kenya. |

|d. |In 2000, the population of Ethiopia was about twice as great as the population of Kenya. |

____ 95. [pic] Which country will experience the slowest population growth rate from 2000 to 2050?

|a. |Ethiopia |c. |Kenya |

|b. |Tanzania |d. |All will be slow. |

____ 96. [pic] What is Ethiopia’s projected population for the year 2050?

|a. |about 60 million |c. |about 100 million |

|b. |about 90 million |d. |about 120 million |


____ 97. [pic] In which country do children ages 0-14 make up 48 percent of the population?

|a. |Gabon |c. |Congo |

|b. |São Tomé and Príncipe |d. |Cameroon |

____ 98. [pic] Which country has the largest percentage of people aged 65 and over?

|a. |Equatorial Guinea |c. |Gabon |

|b. |Central African Republic |d. |Congo |

____ 99. [pic] What percentage of Cameroon’s population is younger than 15 years old?

|a. |about 5 percent |c. |about 43 percent |

|b. |about 33 percent |d. |about 53 percent |


____ 100. [pic] Which country is signified by the letter “F”?

|a. |Ethiopia |c. |Sudan |

|b. |Egypt |d. |Chad |

____ 101. [pic] Which letter shows the location of Cameroon?

|a. |E |c. |C |

|b. |B |d. |G |

____ 102. [pic] Which country is Kenya?

|a. |A |c. |D |

|b. |B |d. |E |

____ 103. [pic] What does the letter “D” signify on the map?

|a. |Central African Republic |c. |Democratic Republic of the Congo |

|b. |Congo |d. |Burundi |

____ 104. [pic] Which letter shows the location of Gabon?

|a. |H |c. |G |

|b. |C |d. |E |


____ 105. [pic] What is the capital of Kenya?

|a. |Meru |c. |Mombasa |

|b. |Nakuru |d. |Nairobi |

____ 106. [pic] Which body of water is found in northern Kenya?

|a. |Lake Victoria |c. |Indian Ocean |

|b. |Lake Turkana |d. |Lake Tana |

____ 107. [pic] Which of the following is a port city?

|a. |Mombasa |c. |Eldoret |

|b. |Machakos |d. |Nakuru |

____ 108. [pic] What is the approximate grid address of Mt. Kenya?

|a. |0°E, 37°N |c. |0°, 40°W |

|b. |3°E, 0°N |d. |0°, 37°E |

____ 109. [pic] What physical feature runs through much of western Kenya?

|a. |Lake Victoria |c. |Mt. Kenya |

|b. |Great Rift Valley |d. |Galana River |

Figure 20-7

|Country |Population |Land Used as Cropland |Crops Grown |Livestock Raised |

|Democratic Republic of |56,000,000 |3.5% |coffee, sugarcane, palm |none |

|the Congo | | |oil, rubber, tea | |

|Ethiopia |70,700,000 |10.6% |cereals, coffee, |cattle, sheep, goats |

| | | |oilseed, sugarcane | |

|Kenya |31,600,000 |7.9% |tea, coffee, corn, |cattle, pigs |

| | | |wheat, sugarcane | |

|Tanzania |35,400,000 |5.3% |coffee, sisal, tea, |cattle, sheep, goats |

| | | |cotton, cashews | |

____ 110. [pic] Which country has the largest amount of cropland?

|a. |Democratic Republic of the Congo |c. |Kenya |

|b. |Ethiopia |d. |Tanzania |

____ 111. [pic] Which of the following crops is NOT grown in these African countries?

|a. |wheat |c. |oilseed |

|b. |corn |d. |vanilla |

____ 112. [pic] Which crop is grown in all countries shown on the chart?

|a. |sugarcane |c. |tea |

|b. |coffee |d. |palm oil |

____ 113. [pic] Which country on the chart has the most people?

|a. |Tanzania |c. |Ethiopia |

|b. |Kenya |d. |Democratic Republic of the Congo |

____ 114. [pic] Which country has land unsuitable for grazing animals?

|a. |Kenya |c. |Ethiopia |

|b. |Democratic Republic of the Congo |d. |Tanzania |

|“With seven children, Kawab Bulyar Lago sold his animals and saddled himself with debt to send his son Paul to . . . school |

|outside Marsabit, Kenya. Now awaiting the results of the national exams that will determine his fate, Paul hopes to attend |

|university and become either a doctor, a civil engineer, a teacher, or even a tour guide. ‘I’d prefer to be a doctor,’ he |

|tells me one morning, ‘but anything would be all right.’ . . . In the old days Paul would have inherited his father’s herd. |

|Today he inherits his hopes and dreams.” |

|National Geographic |

____ 115. [pic] Why did Kawab Bulyar Lago sell his animals?

|a. |to send Paul to a university |c. |to become rich |

|b. |to send Paul to school |d. |to buy a car |

____ 116. [pic] Which of the following is NOT one of Paul’s career goals?

|a. |to be a tour guide |c. |to be a doctor |

|b. |to be a teacher |d. |to be a mechanical engineer |

____ 117. [pic] If Kawab Bulyar Lago had NOT sold his animals, what would Paul have done?

|a. |become a farmer |c. |become a herder |

|b. |become a doctor |d. |become a tour guide |

|Helen Mutono runs a small business selling baskets made by Ugandan women. She set up a Web site at a cybercafe in the Ugandan|

|capital, Kampala, to sell baskets to customers around the world. Cybercafes provide Internet access for people who lack their|

|own computers. By selling baskets online, Helen Mutono and other women have been able to buy needed clothes and send their |

|children to school. |

____ 118. [pic] To whom does Helen Mutono sell baskets?

|a. |to local people |c. |to customers in Kampala |

|b. |to a worldwide market |d. |to tourists only |

____ 119. [pic] Why is a cybercafe useful in Uganda?

|a. |Few Ugandans own computers. |c. |It provides a trade barrier. |

|b. |It helps with crop harvests. |d. |Ugandans need more restaurants. |

____ 120. [pic] Based on the paragraph, how has online selling helped Helen Mutono and other women?

|a. |It has made them very wealthy. |

|b. |It provides them with supplies they need to make baskets. |

|c. |It has given them local buyers for their baskets. |

|d. |It has allowed them to send their children to school. |

|In Sudan about 2 million people are on the verge of starvation, according to UN estimates. Most of Sudan’s people depend on |

|subsistence farming, which makes them vulnerable to the country’s occasional droughts. In addition, more than a decade of |

|civil war between the Muslim Arab government and non-Muslims in the south has torn Sudan apart. This was has also created the|

|world’s largest refugee population. |

____ 121. [pic] How many of Sudan’s people are on the verge of starving?

|a. |2,000 |c. |200,000 |

|b. |20,000 |d. |2,000,000 |

____ 122. [pic] Why are droughts such a problem in Sudan?

|a. |because most of the people are herders |c. |because most people are farmers |

|b. |because it disrupts the civil war |d. |because most people are Muslims |

____ 123. [pic] What is the official religion of Sudan?

|a. |Islam |c. |Hinduism |

|b. |Christianity |d. |Protestantism |

|Three inactive volcanoes form Kilimanjaro.Kibo, the highest and central cone, rises above 19,300 feet. Thousands of climbers |

|each year try to scale Kibo, and many succeed, as no special mountain-climbing equipment is needed. Kibo alone has a |

|permanent ice cap, but all three cones are blanketed with snow in season. German missionaries to Tanzania in 1848 at first |

|were not believed when they reported sighting these snow-capped peaks. |

____ 124. [pic] In which country is Kilimanjaro located?

|a. |Tanzania |c. |Kenya |

|b. |Zanzibar |d. |Uganda |

____ 125. [pic] How was Kilimanjaro formed?

|a. |by glaciers |c. |by erosion |

|b. |by tectonic plates pushing together |d. |by volcanoes |

|“Guests being to arrive . . . for a wedding week of camel racing, dancing, and feasting on goat meat, wheat porridge, and |

|sweet tea. Bekitta, the bride, stays in seclusion, veiled behind an elaborate mask called a burga, which she has |

|painstakingly decorated. . . . When the day cools at sunset, the men sing: ‘The sun is setting, so we sing before the dark!’ |

|They punctuate their song with shouts of tribal pride: ‘Rashaida! Rashaida!’ The Rashaida people of Eritrea have their own |

|traditional wedding customs.” |

|Adapted from National Geographic |

____ 126. [pic] Which ethnic group of Africa is discussed in the quote?

|a. |Eritreans |c. |Rashaida |

|b. |Burgas |d. |Ethiopians |

____ 127. [pic] How long does a traditional wedding celebration last in this culture?

|a. |from sunup to sundown |c. |three hours |

|b. |for a week |d. |24 hours |

____ 128. [pic] What does the bride do during the celebration before her wedding?

|a. |She leads the dancers. |c. |She serves goat meat to guests. |

|b. |She races camels. |d. |She stays veiled and alone. |

____ 129. [pic]

[pic] Study the map to answer the following question: Most of Zimbabwe has wet and dry seasons because it has a

|a. |desert climate. |c. |tropical savanna climate. |

|b. |tropical rain forest climate. |d. |tundra climate. |

____ 130. [pic]

|[pic] |Study the map to answer the following question: Most of Southern Africa’s elevation is how many feet above sea|

|[pic] |level?. |

|a. |0 ft. - 1,000 ft. |c. |2,000 ft. - 5,000 ft. |

|b. |1,000 ft. - 2,000 ft. |d. |5,000 ft. - 10,000 ft. |


____ 131. [pic] In which southern African country do the people have the fewest calories per day?

|a. |Malawi |c. |Zambia |

|b. |Mozambique |d. |Zimbabwe |

____ 132. [pic] About how many calories are consumed per day by a person in Lesotho?

|a. |1,750 |c. |2,250 |

|b. |2,000 |d. |2,500 |

____ 133. [pic] Which of the following countries has an average daily caloric consumption about the same as that of Angola?

|a. |South Africa |c. |Namibia |

|b. |Madagascar |d. |Malawi |

____ 134. [pic] In which of the following countries is the average daily caloric consumption about 2,250 calories?

|a. |Comoros |c. |Swaziland |

|b. |Botswana |d. |Zimbabwe |

____ 135. [pic] Average daily caloric consumption is greater _____.

|a. |in Zambia than in Mauritius |c. |in Namibia than in Malawi |

|b. |in Mozambique than in Madagascar |d. |in Comoros than in Lesotho |


____ 136. [pic] Based on the map, which of the following countries do you think has a “copper belt”?

|a. |Zambia |c. |Angola |

|b. |Malawi |d. |Mozambique |

____ 137. [pic] All of the following countries have timber resources EXCEPT _____.

|a. |Angola |c. |Madagascar |

|b. |Botswana |d. |Zambia |

____ 138. [pic] What important resource does the exclave Cabinda have?

|a. |Gold |c. |Uranium |

|b. |Tin |d. |Petroleum |

____ 139. [pic] Based on the map, which country produces the most diamonds?

|a. |Angola |c. |South Africa |

|b. |Namibia |d. |Botswana |

____ 140. [pic] Which of the following is NOT a resource found in Mozambique?

|a. |Gold |c. |Fishing |

|b. |Manganese |d. |Coal |


____ 141. [pic] Where does South Africa rank worldwide in gold production?

|a. |It is the world’s largest producer of gold. |

|b. |It is the world’s second-largest producer of gold. |

|c. |It is the world’s third-largest producer of gold. |

|d. |It is the world’s fourth-largest producer of gold. |

____ 142. [pic] For how many minerals does South Africa rank number one in world production?

|a. |three |c. |six |

|b. |four |d. |nine |

____ 143. [pic] Where is South Africa’s ranking worldwide in production of industrial diamonds?

|a. |first |c. |third |

|b. |second |d. |fourth |

____ 144. [pic] Which country is highlighted in the background on this graph?

|a. |Namibia |c. |South Africa |

|b. |Malawi |d. |Congo |


____ 145. [pic] Which country on the graph has the least amount of land used to grow crops?

|a. |Botswana |c. |Zambia |

|b. |Malawi |d. |Zimbabwe |

____ 146. [pic] What percentage of Malawi’s land is used to grow crops?

|a. |1 percent |c. |10 percent |

|b. |7 percent |d. |18 percent |

____ 147. [pic] What percentage of Zambia’s land is NOT used for farming?

|a. |7 percent |c. |40 percent |

|b. |20 percent |d. |93 percent |


____ 148. [pic] Which stage in the diagram shows the “slash” part of slash-and-burn farming?

|a. |stage 2 |c. |stage 4 |

|b. |stage 3 |d. |stage 6 |

____ 149. [pic] What is pictured in stage 3 of the diagram?

|a. |cutting down trees |c. |burning the cut trees |

|b. |a forest fire |d. |harvesting crops |

____ 150. [pic] Which of the following best describes what is occurring in stage 6 of the diagram?

|a. |Rain is watering the fertile fields. |

|b. |A tornado is wiping out the year’s crops. |

|c. |A new forest is growing in the field. |

|d. |Rain is eroding the fertile soil. |

____ 151. [pic] What natural disaster may be caused by slash-and-burn farming?

|a. |a flood |c. |a tsunami |

|b. |an earthquake |d. |a hurricane |


____ 152. [pic] What country is signified by the letter “E”?

|a. |Namibia |c. |Zambia |

|b. |Angola |d. |Zimbabwe |

____ 153. [pic] What letter shows the location of the Kalahari Desert?

|a. |A |c. |D |

|b. |B |d. |G |

____ 154. [pic] What is the letter “J” pointing to?

|a. |Zambezi River |c. |Okavango River |

|b. |Lake Malawi |d. |Orange River |

____ 155. [pic] On which country is the letter “H” located?

|a. |Comoros |c. |Madagascar |

|b. |Mozambique |d. |Mauritius |

____ 156. [pic] What is the letter “I” pointing to?

|a. |Pretoria |c. |Cape Town |

|b. |Bloemfontein |d. |Johannesburg |

____ 157. [pic] What country is signified by the letter “B”?

|a. |Zimbabwe |c. |Mozambique |

|b. |Zambia |d. |Malawi |


____ 158. [pic] What is the population density of South Africa?

|a. |1 to 19 people per square mile |c. |50 to 90 people per square mile |

|b. |20 to 49 people per square mile |d. |More than 91 people per square mile |

____ 159. [pic] Which country has the fewest people per square mile?

|a. |Lesotho |c. |South Africa |

|b. |Malawi |d. |Namibia |

____ 160. [pic] From the population density map, what can you infer about the landscape of Botswana and Namibia?

|a. |Much of the landscape is densely populated farmland. |

|b. |Much of the landscape is desert. |

|c. |Heavily populated river valleys run through these countries. |

|d. |Many large urban areas exist in these countries. |

|“The [riverside market] in Lukulu, Zambia, bustled with swarms of people picking through baskets of fish and used clothes |

|lying in enormous piles or draped on racks or else flapping like pennants on long lines. Julius Nkwita was selling small |

|piles of dried fish, about 60 cents for a handful. But sometimes he swapped his fish for cups of flour or an item of |

|clothing. . . . His wife and four of his children were in his home village, . . . while he stayed in his seasonal fishing |

|camp—just a reed hut—with his son, fishing intensively.” |

|National Geographic |

____ 161. [pic] What is the location of the market discussed in this quote?

|a. |Zimbabwe |c. |Zambia |

|b. |South Africa |d. |Botswana |

____ 162. [pic] What is Julius Nkwita selling at this market?

|a. |dried fish |c. |flour |

|b. |clothing |d. |reed baskets |

____ 163. [pic] Based on the quote, which of the following statements is true?

|a. |Julius Nkwita and his son live permanently at the fishing camp. |

|b. |Julius Nkwita’s entire family sells clothing at the riverside market. |

|c. |Few people buy and sell items at the riverside market. |

|d. |Julius Nkwita and his son live temporarily at the riverside to make money from fishing. |

____ 164. [pic] How are goods bought and sold at this river market?

|a. |only with money |c. |with money and by bartering |

|b. |with cowrie shells |d. |only by bartering |

|“Traditional farmers used slash-and-burn methods [in Madagascar], and a growing population led to the clearing of more land. |

|In the worst cases nearly a hundred tons of topsoil an acre were being lost each year. And while that flow has yet to be |

|fully [stopped,] some progress has been made. Still, . . . unless these farming methods change, virtually all the island’s |

|forests will be gone within 25 years.” |

|National Geographic |

____ 165. [pic] According to the quote, how do traditional farmers prepare the land for farming in Madagascar?

|a. |They apply fertilizers to their fields. |

|b. |They build terraces on the mountainsides. |

|c. |They cut down forests and burn the timber. |

|d. |They apply tons of new topsoil to their fields each year. |

____ 166. [pic] What is in danger of being lost within 25 years?

|a. |traditional farmers |c. |a growing population |

|b. |Madagascar’s land |d. |Madagascar’s forests |

____ 167. [pic] According to the quote, why was so much land in Madagascar being cleared?

|a. |The population was growing. |

|b. |Large, commercial farming companies moved to the country. |

|c. |Hotels for tourists needed the space. |

|d. |New airports needed the available land. |

|Under apartheid, South Africans were strictly segregated by race. For example, laws forced black South Africans to live in |

|separate areas and attend different schools than European South Africans. People of non-European background could not vote. |

|They had virtually no political rights. For more than 40 years, people inside and outside of South Africa protested against |

|apartheid. In 1991 the South African government finally agreed to abolish apartheid. Then, in April 1994, South Africa had |

|its first-ever election in which people of all ethnic groups could vote. |

____ 168. [pic] The policy of segregating the races in South Africa was known as _____.

|a. |discrimination |c. |harambee |

|b. |apartheid |d. |colonialism |

____ 169. [pic] Before 1991, why did black South African children go to different schools than white South Africans?

|a. |It was the law. |

|b. |The schools for black South Africans were better. |

|c. |The schools for black South Africans were closer. |

|d. |Parents of black South Africans wanted their children to go to different schools. |

____ 170. [pic] When was the first free election held in South Africa?

|a. |1948 |c. |1994 |

|b. |1991 |d. |2003 |

|A southern African king, Lobengula, wrote a letter to Queen Victoria about how he had been cheated: “Some time ago a party of|

|men came to my country. They asked me for a place to dig for gold, and said they would give me certain things for the right |

|to do so. I told them to bring what they could give and I would show them what I would give. A document was written and |

|presented to me for signature. I asked what it contained, and was told that in it were my words and the words of those men. I|

|put my hand to it. About three months afterwards I heard from other sources that I had given by the document the right to all|

|the minerals of my country.” |

|The Imperialism Reader |

____ 171. [pic] According to Lobengula, what did the men ask for?

|a. |gold |c. |all of the country’s minerals |

|b. |a place to dig for gold |d. |ownership of land |

____ 172. [pic] What did Lobengula think he was agreeing to when he “signed” the document?

|a. |to exchange enslaved workers for gold |c. |to a possible exchange of gifts for gold |

|b. |to give away mineral rights |d. |to give away land for gifts |

____ 173. [pic] What did the document that Lobengula “signed” say in English?

|a. |that Lobengula now owed his loyalty to Queen Victoria |

|b. |the Lobengula’s gold was to be given away in equal parts |

|c. |that Lobengula’s people would help dig in the mines |

|d. |that all of the minerals in Lobengula’s country now belonged to Great Britain |

|“During my lifetime I have dedicated my life to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, |

|and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons |

|live together in harmony with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for, and to see realized. But my lord,|

|if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.” |

|Nelson Mandela |

____ 174. [pic] What ideal does Nelson Mandela discuss?

|a. |white domination |c. |a democratic and free society |

|b. |black domination |d. |the struggle of the African people |

____ 175. [pic] Nelson Mandela gave this speech during his trial in South Africa in 1964. Following the trial, he was sentenced to life in prison. Which of the following phrases from his speech has Mandela seen come true?

|a. |democratic society |c. |live together in harmony |

|b. |black domination |d. |equal opportunities |


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