TANZANIA AND USA – student version

Development in these two countries is at different levels – known as disparities. There are 5 main areas of life (standard of living which is related to development definitions) that are particularly different in these countries. They are:

*All figures are from World Bank Internet site!


|Health |Tanzania’s life expectancy is ___ years and decreasing|USA’s life expectancy is ___ years and increasing due |

|Life expectancy |due to Aids. |to better technology |

|Infant mortality | | |

|Maternal mortality | |Its infant mortality rate is ___ per 1000 and is even |

|Number of doctors and distance to hospitals |Its infant mortality rate is one of the highest in the|lower for high income USA families (5/1000) |

|Technology & availability of health care |world with ____ per 1000 dying before they are 1 year | |

|Drug availability |old. |There are ____ people per doctor and health insurance |

|Disease / immunisation | |covers many people. |

| |There are ______ people per doctor and little hospital| |

|These are all indicators that are used to evaluate |funding. |___% of GNP invested in health sector – but GNP high |

|the level of development in people’s health, which | |and they spend $3,000 per capita. |

|is directly affected by the access they have to |__% of GNP invested in health sector – but GNP low for| |

|health care resources. |33 million people ($7 per capita) | |

| | |For most people in the US, they have access to basic |

| | |medical services. |

| |This results in many people having health problems and| |

| |are unable to receive medication attention. | |

|Education | | |

|Literacy |Tanzania’s literacy rate is ___% and is different |USA’s literacy rate is ____% and the same for Male and|

|Level of education |between Males and Females. |Female. |

|Affordability |M = 80% F = 60% | |

|Resources in schools | | |

|Teacher shortages or lack of classrooms |% of Tanzanian’s with a tertiary qualification = ____%|% of students who enroll at a tertiary institute is |

|Girls disadvantaged |(mostly urban) |____% |

| | | |

|These are all indicators that are used to evaluate |Secondary schools costs |Secondary schools costs a similar amount in the US, but|

|the level of development in people’s education, |US$____. Average income is low ($220 per capita) and |the income they earn is high ($________ per capita). |

|which is directly affected by the access they have |therefore education is too expensive for many families|This means education is accessible to all those that |

|to educational resources. |(only ___% attend). |want it. |

| | | |

| |It is harder to get an education in Tanzania – many | |

| |unable to. |All people in the USA have access to education and have|

| | |the opportunities available to them. |

|Employment & Income |____% of Tanzania’s pop is rural and 82% work in the |____% of USA’s pop is rural and only _____% of work |

|Primary, Secondary and Tertiary |primary sector – the lowest paying employment sector. |force is involved in Agriculture (more in forestry, |

|GNP | |mining etc, other primary sector jobs) 45% in industry |

|Imports / exports | |–secondary jobs |

|Reliance on one crop | | |

|Economic growth |Total value of exports was |Total value of exports was |

|Inflation |$691 million (in 1992) |$649, 233 million (in 1992) |

|Debt | | |

| |The agriculture sector is also prone to the following |The industry and information sector – important in the |

| |price fluctuations – |US, is not prone to these factors – making income more |

|These are all indicators that are used to evaluate |Little price increase over time |secure and having a better SOL. |

|the type of jobs and income generated by both an |No income if crops fail | |

|individual and a country. These influence directly |Depend on other countries to set price | |

|a person’s SOL. | | |

|Infrastructure & Amenities | | |

| |In Tanzania |In USA |

|Electricity | | |

|Phone |____% of population have access to safe drinking water|_____% of pop has access to safe drinking water |

|safe drinking water |(50% have to walk more than 1km for it) | |

|Sanitation | |_____% have access to adequate sanitation |

|Technology available (e.g. washing machines) |____% have access to adequate sanitation | |

| | |____% have access to electricity |

|These are all indicators that are used to evaluate |___% have access to electricity | |

|the level of development in every day life – it is | |There are 1.3 people per telephone. |

|about access to important resources and services. |There are 400 people per telephone | |

| | | |

| |Daily life is harder, with the need to collect water, |Daily life is easier, with easy access to water and |

| |collect firewood for power (____% of energy |power in the home, and having access to sanitary |

| |consumption in rural areas) and many lacking the |conditions and communication systems. |

| |access to safe sanitary conditions. | |

|Food availability |Calorie intake in Tanzania |Calorie intake in the US |

|Malnutrition | | |

|Calorie intake |50% of people consume less than ______ calories per |50% of people consume more than ______ calories per |

|Subsistence farming |day. |day. |

| | | |

|Having access to a healthy supply of food affects |Over 30% of Tanzania is living on subsistence farming.|0% of people in the US live on subsistence farming. |

|not only health, but ability to work and get an | | |

|education | | |

| | | |

|Refer to the poverty cycle | | |

| | | |



Development in these two countries is at different levels – known as disparities. There are 5 main areas of life (standard of living which is related to development definitions) that are particularly different in these countries. They are:

*All figures are from World Bank Internet site!


|Health |Tanzania’s life expectancy is 47 years and decreasing |USA’s life expectancy is 75 years and increasing due to|

|Life expectancy |due to Aids. |better technology |

|Infant mortality | | |

|Maternal mortality | |Its infant mortality rate is 7 per 1000 and is even |

|Number of doctors and distance to hospitals |Its infant mortality rate is one of the highest in the|lower for high income USA families (5/1000) |

|Technology & availability of health care |world with 111 per 1000 dying before they are 1 year | |

|Drug availability |old. |There are 350 people per doctor and health insurance |

|Disease / immunisation | |covers many people. |

| |There are 4000 people per doctor and little hospital | |

|These are all indicators that are used to evaluate |funding. |13% of GNP invested in health sector – but GNP high and|

|the level of development in people’s health, which | |they spend $3,000 per capita. |

|is directly affected by the access they have to |5% of GNP invested in health sector – but GNP low for | |

|health care resources. |33 million people ($7 per capita) | |

| | |For most people in the US, they have access to basic |

| | |medical services. |

| |This results in many people having health problems and| |

| |are unable to receive medication attention. | |

|Education | | |

|Literacy |Tanzania’s literacy rate is 69% and is different |USA’s literacy rate is 99.5% and the same for Male and|

|Level of education |between Males and Females. |Female. |

|Affordability |M = 80% F = 60% | |

|Resources in schools | | |

|Teacher shortages or lack of classrooms |% of Tanzanian’s with a tertiary qualification = 3% |% of students who enroll at a tertiary institute is 73%|

|Girls disadvantaged |(mostly urban) | |

| | |Secondary schools costs a similar amount in the US, but|

|These are all indicators that are used to evaluate |Secondary schools costs |the income they earn is high ($33,000 per capita). This|

|the level of development in people’s education, |US$50. Average income is low ($220 per capita) and |means education is accessible to all those that want |

|which is directly affected by the access they have |therefore education is too expensive for many families|it. |

|to educational resources. |(only 8% attend). | |

| | |All people in the USA have access to education and have|

| |It is harder to get an education in Tanzania – many |the opportunities available to them. |

| |unable to. | |

|Employment & Income |80% of Tanzania’s pop is rural and 82% work in the |20% of USA’s pop is rural and only 2.8% of work force |

|Primary, Secondary and Tertiary |primary sector – the lowest paying employment sector. |is involved in Agriculture (more in forestry, mining |

|GNP | |etc, other primary sector jobs) 45% in industry |

|Imports / exports | |–secondary jobs |

|Reliance on one crop |Total value of exports was | |

|Economic growth |$691 million (in 1992) |Total value of exports was |

|Inflation | |$649, 233 million (in 1992) |

|Debt |The agriculture sector is also prone to the following | |

| |price fluctuations – | |

|These are all indicators that are used to evaluate |Little price increase over time |The industry and information sector – important in the |

|the type of jobs and income generated by both an |No income if crops fail |US, is not prone to these factors – making income more |

|individual and a country. These influence directly |Depend on other countries to set price. |secure and having a better SOL. |

|a person’s SOL. | | |

|Infrastructure & Amenities | | |

| |In Tanzania |In USA |

|Electricity | | |

|Phone |50% of population have access to safe drinking water |100% of pop has access to safe drinking water |

|safe drinking water |(50% have to walk more than 1km for it) | |

|Sanitation | |100% have access to adequate sanitation |

|Technology available (e.g. washing machines) |64% have access to adequate sanitation | |

| | |98% have access to electricity |

|These are all indicators that are used to evaluate |8% have access to electricity | |

|the level of development in every day life – it is | |There are 1.3 people per telephone. |

|about access to important resources and services. |There are 400 people per telephone | |

| | | |

| |Daily life is harder, with the need to collect water, |Daily life is easier, with easy access to water and |

| |collect firewood for power (70% of energy consumption |power in the home, and having access to sanitary |

| |in rural areas) and many lacking the access to safe |conditions and communication systems. |

| |sanitary conditions. | |

|Food availability |Calorie intake in Tanzania |Calorie intake in the US |

|Malnutrition | | |

|Calorie intake |50% of people consume less than 2200 calories per day.|50% of people consume more than 3500 calories per day. |

|Subsistence farming | | |

| |Over 30% of Tanzania is living on subsistence farming.|0% of people in the US live on subsistence farming. |

|Having access to a healthy supply of food affects | | |

|not only health, but ability to work and get an | | |

|education | | |

| | | |

|Refer to the poverty cycle | | |

| | | |



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