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World History

Chapter 8 Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West

A. Write the letter of the best answer.

______1. The ex-slave that led a slave revolt on the island of Hispaniola and, by 1801, controlled the whole island was named

a. Boukman. b. Henri Christophe. c. Bernardo O’Higgins. d. Toussaint L’Ouverture.

______2. In the Latin American colonial society, the peninsulares were people

a. born in Spain. b. of mixed European and Indian ancestry. c. of mixed European and African ancestry. d. of Spanish ancestry born in Latin America.

______3. Which of the following Latin American leaders was known as the Libertador?

a. Simón Bolívar b. José de San Martín c. Toussaint L’Ouverture d. Padre José María Morelos

______4. In 1810, Padre Miguel Hidalgo led an army of 60,000 Native Americans and mestizos toward the capital of a. Peru. c. Mexico. b. Chile. d. Venezuela.

______5. Which president, elected by the people, declared himself emperor?

a. Charles X c. Louis- Napoleon b. Louis-Philippe d. Alphonse de Lamartine

______6. The Edict of Emancipation was issued by

a. Czar Nicholas I. c. Emperor Napoleon III. b. Czar Alexander II. d. Prime Minister Metternich.

______7. The group known as the “Red Shirts” were a. Greek revolutionaries. b. Prussian military troops. c. Italian nationalist soldiers. d. Latin American freedom fighters.

______ 8. By 1871, the two most powerful nations, both militarily and economically, were a. Italy and Russia. c. Russia and Britain. b. Italy and Germany. d. Britain and Germany.

______ 9. All of the following are elements of romanticism EXCEPT a. a portrayal of life as it is.

b. an emphasis on inner feelings. c. a love of the beauties of untamed nature. d. a glorification of heroes and heroic actions.

______ 10. Which of the following is properly matched with his or her intellectual or artistic movement ?

a. Victor Hugo—realism b. Mary Shelley—romanticism c. Louis Daguerre—romanticism d. Ludwig van Beethoven—realism

B. If the statement is true, write “true” on the line. If it is false, change the underlined word or words to make it true.

Example: The author of the novels Les Misérables and The Hunchback was Victor Hugo. True

Example: Santo Domingo was the name of the French third of the island of Hispaniola. Saint-Domingue

11. In Latin American colonial society, the most oppressed group was the Creoles. ___________

12. To accomplish his military goal, José de San Martín gave command of his troops to Simón Bolívar.


13. To escape an invasion by Napoleon’s armies, the Portuguese royal family fled Lisbon and set up a royal court in Argentina._______________________________________________________

14. In the first half of the 1800s, Liberals supported giving more power to elected parliaments.


15. Otto von Bismark originated a harsh political style, allowing no room for idealism, that came to be called realpolitik. _____________________________________________________

16. The famous Gothic horror novel Frankenstein was written by the English writer Percy Shelley.


Part 2: Map Skills

Use the maps to answer the questions that follow.


17. How many colonies existed in Latin America in 1830? __________

18. How many independent countries existed in Latin America in 1830? __________

Part 3: BCRs Critical Thinking Answer the following questions on the back of this paper or on a separate sheet. (20 points each) Each essay must contain 50 words or more.

1. Name one individual or group that you considered important in this chapter. Explain your selection.

2. In your own words, summarize the historical story that you remember best from your studies of this chapter.









World History Answer Key Chapter 8


Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West


1. d

2. a

3. a

4. c

5. c

6. b

7. c

8. d

9. a

10. b


11. Indians or Native Americans

12. true

13. Brazil

14. true

15. true

16. Mary Shelley

Part 2: Map Skills

17. 8

18. 11


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