Middle School Tournament



Starred toss-ups require calculation and are allotted 10 seconds.

FIRST PERIOD: Ten Toss-ups worth FIVE POINTS each.

*1. Identify the next number in this sequence: 1, ½, ¼, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32.

One sixty-fourth

2. Which nerve connects the human’s inner ear with the brain?


3. In which state will you find the carved monolith Stone Mountain?


4. This Hebrew word literally means “peace.” Name this word that also is used to mean both “hello” and “good-bye.”


5. This continent lies just south of the equator and is commonly referred to as “Down Under.” What is it?


6. What is the name of the former Anglican priest who is the founder of Methodism?

John Wesley

7. In which novel will you find the character Long John Silver?

Treasure Island

8. What is the name of the US basketball team that tours the world playing only exhibition matches?

Harlem Globetrotters

9. What is the fifth major planet from the sun?


10. What branch of medicine specializes in treating infants and children?



Middle School Tournament



SECOND PERIOD: Ten Toss-ups worth TEN POINTS each and Ten Two-part Bonuses worth up to TWENTY POINTS each.

*1. In an isosceles triangle one base angle has measure of 40 degrees. Find the measure of the vertex angle.

100 (degrees)

Bonus: Answer each of the following about Alan, Bob, and Carol.

A) In how many ways can a teacher choose two of those three to attend a meeting?

B) If the three are racing, how many possibilities are there for first, second, and third place winners?

A) 3 B) 6

2. What is the point in the orbit of a satellite at which it is closest to its parent body?


Bonus: Answer these questions about astronomy.

A) What is the largest moon of Saturn?

B) Which constellation is named after the mother of Andromeda?

A) Titan B) Cassiopeia

3. Name the president whose wife is the subject of the 1978 hit musical Evita.

Juan Peron

Bonus: How well do you know your scientists?

A) Who designed and built the steamboat Clermont?

B) Which physicist made the first dynamite?

A) Robert Fulton B) Alfred Nobel

4. Consider the sentence: He went to the mountain to meditate. What part of speech is the infinitive to meditate?


Bonus: I’ll give you a line of poetry. You tell me what literary device Emily Dickinson used.

A) “Because I could not stop for Death / He kindly stopped for me -”

B) “My life had stood - a Loaded Gun - / In Corners -”

A) Personification B) Metaphor


5. Who, with only 180 followers, conquered Peru in 1531?

Francisco Pizzaro

Bonus: Identify these Alabama cities by their nicknames.

A) “Rocket City, USA”

B) “Pittsburgh of the South”

A) Huntsville B) Birmingham

6. It was the last state in the union to ratify the Articles of Confederation. Name this state whose capital is Annapolis.


Bonus: Identify each state from its nickname.

A) Equality State

B) Beehive State

A) Wyoming B) Utah

7. Consider the sentence: Mr. Daly, my neighbor, is a probation officer. What case is the word neighbor?


Bonus: I’ll name a character. You tell me in which American drama the character appears.

A) Emily Gibbs

B) Amanda Wingfield

A) Our Town B) The Glass Menagerie

8. Name the destructive English rock band that made the rock operas Tommy and Quadrophenia and had Keith Moon on drums.

The Who

Bonus: Identify these Italian artists.

A) He painted Primavera and Birth of Venus.

B) He created Adoration of the Magi and Last Supper

A) Bottecelli B) Leonard daVinci

9. Insects, spiders, centipedes and crustaceans have jointed legs and segmented bodies. To what phylum do these animals belong?



Bonus: How well do you know your body?

A) Which human organ weighs about two kilograms?

B) What chemicals are produced by the endocrine glands to control body functions?

A) Liver B) Hormones

10. The name’s the same. What is the word for a female hare and a female deer?


Bonus: I’ll give you a state. You give me its zip code abbreviation.

A) Montana

B) Maine



Middle School Tournament



THIRD PERIOD: One Twenty-Question Worksheet with each correct answer worth FIVE POINTS each.

Hand out two copies of the worksheet to each team. Remind each team that they may turn in only one copy of the worksheet and that each copy should have the school name printed neatly on the back of the sheet. Each team will have TWO MINUTES to complete their worksheet. The timer will warn each team when one minute remains and every fifteen seconds thereafter.


1. Aesop

2. Afghanistan

3. Albatross

4. Abdomen

5. Arthur

6. Aaron

7. Anchovy

8. Amphibia

9. Alligator

10. Anchor

11. Amethyst

12. Avocado

13. Aztec

14. Axiom

15. Azalea

16. Athens

17. Antimony

18. Appendix

19. Aquarius

20. Appalachian


Middle School Tournament



PERIOD FOUR: Ten Toss-up Questions worth FIFTEEN POINTS each.

*1. Lisa purchases a backpack for school. The original price is $20.00, but the backpack is on sale for 15% off the original price with an additional 20% off. What is the cost of the backpack before taxes?


2. Cattle, sheep, and horses are in this category of living things that eat only plants. What is the category?


3. What name is given to the study of airflow over moving objects?


4. In medical prescriptions, what does B.I.D. mean in English?

Twice a day

5. A close friend to George Washington, he came as a volunteer in 1777. Name this Frenchman who fought for the US at Brandywine and Valley Forge and persuaded the French government to send reinforcements to George Washington.

Marquis of Lafayette

6. Spell the Spanish word for four.

C -U -A-T-R-O

7. Which athletic event commemorates Pheidippides, who ran 26 miles to Athens with news of a Greek victory over the Persians?


8. The constellation the Big Dipper is part of what larger constellation?

Ursa Major or (Great Bear)

9. What is the surname of the Hungarian inventor whose multicolored, rotatable cube became a world cult?



10. Three endings can form past tense and past participle of regular verbs. Two are d and ed. What is the third?



Emergency toss-ups:

1. Find the seventh term in the sequence 1,1,2,3,5.


2. The date was December 20, 1860. This was the first state to secede from the Union at the start of the Civil War. What state was it?

South Carolina

Emergency bonus:

Identify these mythological characters.

A) One of the Titans, he was condemned to hold the heavens on his shoulders.

B) A monster, half bull and half man, it was kept in a maze and fed human bodies.

A) Atlas B) Minotaur


________________________1. Greek fabulist whose fables include “The Fox and the Grapes”

________________________2. Inland country of Central Asia, location of the Khyber Pass

________________________3. Largest of all water birds, made famous by Coleridge

________________________4. In man, the region of the body between the thorax and the pelvis

________________________5. 21st President of the United States

________________________6. The elder brother of Moses in the Old Testament

________________________7. Small bony fish of the herring family found on some pizzas

________________________8. Class of cold-blooded vertebrates intermediate between reptiles and fishes

________________________9. Reptile found only in the United States or China

________________________10. Instrument by which ships hold fast to the bottom of the sea

________________________11. A variety of quartz distinguished by its beautiful purple color.

________________________12. Fleshy fruit that is the primary ingredient in guacamole

________________________13. Powerful and cultured people who dominated Mexico and were conquered

by Cortez

________________________14. A mathematical statement taken to be true without proof

________________________15. Spring blooming ornamental shrub featured at Bellingrath Gardens in Mobile

________________________16. Name of the city located in AL, GA, TN, OH, and Greece

________________________17. Chiefly metallic element whose symbol is Sb

________________________18. Undeveloped organ located at the end of the large intestine

________________________19. 11th sign of the Zodiac

________________________20. Eastern most mountain system of North America


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